Will the Wt Split?

by Satanus 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    Based on the pressure that is building both within the rank and file and in the top management, i was wondering about the possibility of the wt fracturing into 2 groups: fundamentalist and liberal.

    The gb has recently taken a back seat to 3 new corporations. These were added to the multitude of corps they already have. There must be tremendous pressure on the legal dept, for it is in a position to see clearly the problems looming ahead, the results of bad, outdated policies. Nevertheless, the old gauard would like the wt ship to stay steady as she goes. On one end of the seesaw is the old guard which doesn't want to compromise its principles, and the other is the newer, more pragmatic which sees the need for changes to improve wt success. Any thoughts of the possibilities?


  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Darned! always editing! LOL Sorry I forgot my spelling for coughing, oh well.


    Excuse me Saint Satan to invade you with your first response... why? because I have not idea, BUT! I would like to hear what others think of this... it is very interesting. Anyway, nice meeting you... regards,


  • raven101

    Hi SaintSatan!

    Although at this point anything is conceivable, I would be surprised if the org. were to split. It would require a drastic and rapid decrease in members, also the members themselves (the nes leaving would pretty much have to be the ones initiating the liberal branch . . . were the 'old guard' to do it it would be an admission of ignorance. Of course they could always organize a liberal segment on the sly, if things get bad enough I wouldn't be surprised.

    Just for curiosities sake I wonder what the liberal policies might be, well I'll bet their blood policy would be different!

    How would they change disfellowshipping policies?

    Hmmmmm . . . I wonder,


  • Farkel

    Saint Satan,

    : The gb has recently taken a back seat to 3 new corporations.

    This is a VERY significant point. Before, the doctrinal decision-makers were always officers in the WT Corporations. It is important to remember that the WT religion is a conglomerate of Corporations and the officers of the those Corporations make all important decisions.

    The new Corporate leaders are all or mostly all "other sheep." They now have the power to summarily dismiss the GB at their whim and without reason or recourse. Furthermore, they have the legal and Corporate power to decide what goes in WT literature and what doesn't. This makes the GB mere figureheads who serve at the discretion of the Corporate officers.

    Of course, this new arrangement is all the will of the great "Jehovah," since everyone knows that Jehovah has ALWAYS used an earthly Corporation to carry out his Will.


  • RR

    I've been saying this for years. It is inevitable, with all these new corporations. The Witnesses are bound to split and function as the Bible Students under Russell did. Indpendent congregations functioning on their own BUT cooperating with each other. There will always be those who will be faithful to the Society persay, and those who will pick and choose.

    It has already happened in Eurpose, with the four sets of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's going to happen here, just watch, within the next few years, five the max.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! . http://www.food4jws.org/testimonies/rr144.htm

  • one

    the WT seem like secretely owned, controlled, by outside 'investors'...

    Joining the UN was merely a business strategy. AND dont forget that corporations are used by by gov. intelligence institutions. ITT.

    INTENATIONAL Telephone & Telegraph.

    WT worldwide reputation and activities made it prime 'intelligence' target/vehicle...

  • AngryXJW
    The new Corporate leaders are all or mostly all "other sheep." They now have the power to summarily dismiss the GB at their whim and without reason or recourse. Furthermore, they have the legal and Corporate power to decide what goes in WT literature and what doesn't. This makes the GB mere figureheads who serve at the discretion of the Corporate officers.

    Not Quite Right!!!

    The corporations and their D&Os (whether GB or non-anointed as current) are controlled by the "members", whose loyalty to the GB has always been assured.

    Any rebellion by a corp BOD would be short lived until they would be ousted by the "GB controlled members", and any effects would be constrained by the way that different corps manage overlapping assets and functions.

  • Satanus

    Interesting comments, all.


    No problemo.


    A liberal breakaway could go the direction of mainstream christianity.


    For some of us acronym challenged folk, who don't know what D&O could you define it? I'll guess it means directors and officers. BOD means board of directors. So, the stockholding members of the corps who vote once a year are the main controlling factor? With the 3 new corps formed recently, do the members continue to vote in the gb? Do they also vote in the directors of the new corps? Thanks.


  • Thirdson


    The corporations and their D&Os (whether GB or non-anointed as current) are controlled by the "members", whose loyalty to the GB has always been assured.
    Maybe so, but, the corporations control what goes in the magazines and the new CCJW corporation writes the letters so how are the decrepid old men going to manipulate the "members" to their advantage? I think the GB is a powerless figurehead only. "New Light" I am sure will be able to explain how the Earthly organization can be led by non-annointed after all the "genuine" annointed are dead.


  • RR
    A liberal breakaway could go the direction of mainstream christianity

    Very doubtful, if some liberal members will go mainsteam, then why not leave the Society and join a mainstream church?

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! . http://www.food4jws.org/testimonies/rr144.htm

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