The corporations and their D&Os (whether GB or non-anointed as current) are controlled by the "members", whose loyalty to the GB has always been assured.
Any rebellion by a corp BOD would be short lived until they would be ousted by the "GB controlled members", and any effects would be constrained by the way that different corps manage overlapping assets and functions
I agree 110%
The likely hood of the men who are on these new corportation splitting is NONE in my view.
all one has to do is look at this list:
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Incorporated 1884)
President Don A. Adams
Vice Presidents Robert W. Wallen, William F. Malenfant
Secretary/Treasurer Richard E. Abrahamson
Directors Danny L. Bland, Philip D. Wilcox, John N. Wischuk
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (Incorporated 1909)
President Max H. Larson
Vice Presidents George M. Couch, Lonnie R. Schilling
Secretary/Treasurer Gerald F. Simonis
Directors Gerald D. Grizzle, David G. Sinclair, Robert M. Pevy
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
President William L. Van De Wall
Vice Presidents Charles I. Woody, Leon Weaver, Jr.
Secretary/Treasurer William H. Nonkes
Directors Harold K. Jackson, Merton V. Campbell, Stanley F. Weigel
Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
President Patrick J. LaFranca
Vice Presidents Peter D. Molchan, Ralph E. Walls
Secretary/Treasurer Joseph D. Mercante
Directors Marvin G. Smalley, Kenneth J. Pulcifer, Eugene D. Rosam, Jr.
Kingdom Support Services, Inc. (Incorporated 2000)
President Harold L. Corkern
Vice Presidents Alan D. Janzen, Robert L. Butler
Secretary/Treasurer Alexander W. Reinmueller
Directors James F. Mantz, Jr., Thomas Kalimeris, Alan G. Browning
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Jersey, Inc. (Incorporated 1955)
President Charles V. Molohan
Vice Presidents James L. Bauer, J. Richard Brown
Secretary/Treasurer Alan K. Flowers
Directors Allen E. Shuster, David L. Walker, Vernon C. Wisegarver
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Florida, Inc. (Incorporated 1986)
President Leonard R. Pearson
Vice Presidents Alejandro G. Rodriguez, Maurice C. Turcot
Secretary/Treasurer Mark L. Questell
Directors Jim Moody, Sr., Anselm J. Packnett, Donald R. Krebs
Valley Farms Corporation (Incorporated 1987)
President Charles J. Rice
Vice Presidents Kent E. Fischer, Robert L. Rains
Secretary/Treasurer Albert L. Harrell
Directors John R. Strandberg, Samuel D. Buck, Louis A. Travis
I dare anyone on this Board to name just one guy on the list above who has not Proven himself to be a dyed in the wool SOCIETY MAN TO THE BONE.
EVEYONE Seems to forget that in order for anyone to make a move he must convince another man on the corp to join with him- these guys are loyal to the org
they would view it as a priviledge to turn in another corp member as being disloyal if they were approached about splitting off to form their own thing
they only serve at the GOOD PLEASURE OF THE GB so while on paper it may appear that they could bolt out of the org and form their own thing in actulaity that is very unlikely
the key thing that the org has done over the years is take away the Personalilty of anyone person in the org
when you call bethel they don't even tell you thier name-
the writers don't sign thier name on the articles they write
so they don't have this massive following of certain bro.
i will say this the closest thing that i saw to a following was that of JR BROWN. in fact that is part of the reason he was pulled off the road
AS BLACK BRO WHO was in the district that JR served in. this guy literally had follower I mean folks would literally go from hall to hall just to see him speak - he was often called by the black bro at bethel "The Society's Louis Farakann"
there were bethelites who would give talks, comments at morning worship, the family wt study and just in thier general conversation and they would TALK JUST LIKE JR slow and methodical.
but for the most part there are too many loyal men sitting in the wings waiting at bethel, and branches around the world, DOs , and so forth who are ready and willing to take the place of any of the men listed above who show any signs of wavering from the org.
this org is no longer a one man show, after the death of freddy franz the org has now moved entirely to a corp way of running
in fact some of the most powerful guys are not even on the list-
guys like Al Harrell who runs the cleaning dept for years= in no way compares to some of the heavies not EVEN listed
THE WT HAS A LONG history of throwing a title at a man and making him feel and think that he is something - knowing full well that he will ALWAYS VOTE IN THE PROPER WAY
how quickly many of you forget the good old days of doing RESOLUTIONS IN THE HALL
almost reminds one of the Russian Parliment..
if anything by spreading out the decision making it makes it harder
anyone who studies the strengths and weaknesses of any org is how it is structured
when you have committees no one wants to be responisble for any bad choices so they are slow and very cautious. yet when it is a one man show like rutheford and knorr and persay
BUT NOW ONE COMMITTTE can question and challenge another and the matter goes on hold for 6 months.
for those of who know the men on that list and i know almost 95% of them personally-
these guys in my view would not do anything to risk getting kicked out of the org-
you folks need to understand that when you reach the level that these boys are YOU ARE LIVING THE GOOD LIFE
why rock the boat over so dumb Doctrine-
these guys perhahps avg 30-40 yrs at bethel
they have abosolutely no concept after entering bethel at 19yrs of age and now they are 50-60-70 yrs of age of what the hell you are talking about when you say : "I have bills to pay"
they are treated like royality everywhere they step thier foot.
they get the best of everything- they have not seen the inside of a
Bob's Big Boy, Shoney's, etc in perhaps 25yrs-
when they go to visit congo or circuit who in the hell do you think says:
so don't hold your breathe waiting for anyone on the list above to break out and do something
- it is for that very reason they are on the list
they have sold thier soul to the organization
the only hope i see is coming from the $$$$$$$$$ end -
lawsuits and bad press,
if the child molestatoin issue was not on tv last week they would not have sent any letter out to the congo like they did.
if it had no been on tv there would not have been one guy on the list above or any other bethel heavy who would have pushed the issues
of let's send something to the congo to let the rank andfile know we are on top of the issue
it was only after realizing that they would have mud on their face did they do anything
and if you read that letter it was a perfect wt cop-out letter
but then what do you expect
so in my view no splitsville here guys