Recorded telephone conversation with WT

by Insider 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Insider

    Although the actual recording of the Bill Bowen/WT telephone conversation may not in itself be illegal in either the State of Kentucky or New York, the BROADCAST of it on national television across the United States may be subject to other legalites.

    One legality could be the fact that the broadcast of the recorded telephone conversation crossed many state lines, into states where secretly recording telephone conversations in any way is illegal. Or into a state where the broadcast of a secretly recorded telephone conversation it illegal.

    Also, if clips of the conversation were played out of context or in such an order so as to misrepresent the facts of the actual conversation, that may also be subject to legalites.

    This all varies from state to state.

    When a crime crosses a state line/boarder into another state, it can then become a felony.

    Whatever the case, you can be sure the the WT Legal Department and the Dateline attorneys are on top of anything that may be a cause for legal action.

  • WildHorses

    One thing you fail to realise is that Dateline would never air anything that could get them into trouble. I am sure they looked into this before adding it into the segment. They have lawyers who advise them.

  • Gywen

    Hey WT-defender, people are being molested and raped under the WT polcy to not tell the authorities, and the best you can come up with is if the recording was "legal" or not?! Get a life pervert.

  • WildHorses

    Me? a wt defender? LOL

    If you read again what I wrote. You will see I was on the side of dateline not the wt. BTW, I am no pervert.

  • Insider

    Just about every large corporation has lawyers that advise them. This does not mean that not illegal mistakes will no be made.

    Dateline has lawyers that advise them.

    The WT has lawyers that advise them.

    Enron had lawyers that advised them...

  • Insider


    Just about every large corporation has lawyers that advise them. This does NOT mean that NO illegal mistakes will be made.

    Dateline has lawyers that advise them.

    The WT has lawyers that advise them.

    Enron had lawyers that advised them...

  • WildHorses

    Opps Gywen, my bad I thought you were refering to my post,it is after all 3am in NC and I am past sleepy. I thought you were the same person that started this thread. sorry

  • Gywen

    ya, I was referring to Insider. I should have been clearer. sorry.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Insider, that in itself is an interesting issue. Is this a Federal or State offense? Wouldn't this issue keep them in the spot-light? I would like to see them go a few rounds with MSNBC.

    Guest 77

  • Gopher

    Agreeing with Guest77 here. If the WTS chooses to make an issue out of the airing of this conversation, it will focus media attention on the contents of what was said, which is very damning to the organization!! Bring it on, WTS!!


    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.--Will Rogers, 1879-1935

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