You're kidding, right?
First the SA's didn't need to use helicopter gunships (which even the US military didn't have until the Vietnam war)because they already used truck loads of black hating soldiers to do drive by shootings on unarmed "colored" civilians.Who conveniently lived in shoddy shanty ghettos which were overcrowded ineven the socalled best situations. They were no more than underpaid uneducated slave labor for their white bosses.
Israeli's didn't just drop into Jerusalem brandishing bomb strapped chldren and saying MOVE or else. I know you will recall that it was the British who occupied Palestine and had been fighting with the locals. When the Brits left,everyone at the UN expected the Jews to lose against the arabs, because the arabs were bent on expelling those newly settled non-believers. Remember that they didn't want those shipments of holocaust survivors from post war Europe?
For the idea of peaceful resettlement of the newcomers was never actually settled because the arab nations surrounding Israel refused to acknowledge the existence of the Jews as a nation with any rights to Jerusalem. And they still don't recognise them.
Move over and let the refugees in? Not if they are a different religion. Israel was supposed to represent a haven for Jews but not only Jews. There are Christians in Jerusalem too. Why is it that there isn't a Christian / Jewish war over this land?
Refugee camps: Should they even have to exist? Until recently Jews and Muslims worked, ate and shopped in the same areas. They used to ride the same buses on the same roads. HHMMM why did this arrangement not work out? You know.
Why didn't the Arab nations offer aid to the refugees? Their brothers right? But No food or sanitation or new settlement came... oh but terrorist training they could offer that couldn't they. Strap a bomb on your kids and send them off to heaven. It makes me sick to see what religious fanatics can convince their neophytes to do.
The Muslims initially fought the Jews because they were sure they would win after a very short war. Amazing what a few sickly concentration camp refugees would be capable of in order to find safe haven for their families.
The West Bank settlements: bad idea.
When the offer was made to Arafat to reinstate pre 1967 borders he said no. 2 mos ago he said maybe. Now he says maybe not..who doesn't want peace?
Listen to Colin Powell. Here is a man of great integrity whom our Pres Bush gets regular counsel from on international affairs.
Basically, you don't want such a nice guy who is not a Rhodes scholar to attain such an influential position in world politics.
I'm not calling you a liberal snob (unless you wanna be one ;-)
It is the likes and dislike s of Pres Bush which gave him support of American voters (those who knew how to mark a ballot). It is men like the whiny AlGore, who BTW had been groomed for the presidency from birth by his dishonest powerhungry daddy, and al's old buddy Pres Clinton the follower of polls to such an extent that his presidency rose and fell with poll tides, who supported wealthy muslims and lax security of visa'd foreign students and workers... you know the rest of the story.
Why are we discussing this? Because we have the freedom to condemn the politics of leaders in the free world if we want to. In Israel we can read opposition in the newspapers or hear it on the news. This doesn't happen in Muslim nations where I would not even be allowed to speak to you. Or to vote. Or to count my children as my own. Or to change my religion..Or to opt for no religion.