The Poor JW Children

by larc 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I find it sad to say, but I don't see much chance of them changing either. I thought that conditions were starting to improve when they begrudgingly agreed that going to college is acceptable. However, what I have read here from Lurking, you and a few others makes it clear to me that they really haven't changed all that much.

  • larc


    I will give you that. I was a pretty pliable young lad myself, and could sit still through boring college lectures myself as a result. One thing occured to me in college after my Theocratic Ministry School training was that I could be as good as at least the average college professor with little effort, so that's what I did for the last 15 years of my career, and parts of it earlier on. Don't mean to brag, but I could give almost all my lectures extemporanious style with questions from the students and no notes whatsoever. It was great fun!

  • waiting

    Hey y'all,

    My husband & I used to go to business seminars where most in attendance were jw's - and half the speakers. You could spot a jw speaker vs a vendor speaker within the first minute. Glaring difference - and almost always for the better on the jw side.

    However, sometimes we had motivational business speakers - they were absolutely the best! Even the jw speakers would pay attention to them trying to figure out how to pick up their humor, warmth with the audience.

    My son's in law school and he agrees also - being forced to sit through countless hours of mind-numbing meetings and then mumble something pleasant afterwards is a craft well learned by most of us.

    And for those who think we're all negative jw-bashers - WE HAVE JUST MADE A POSITIVE STATEMENT ABOUT OUR JW EXPERIENCE! Better bookmark it, however.


  • LDH

    Actually, I'd be really interested to see the AGE breakdown of JWs. Hmm, they collect so much other data, I wonder why they couldn't or wouldn't collect this data?

    I would bet anything that in this country the GenXr's won't GIVE the WBTS a chance to determine how they raise their children.

    So while you idea sound like a relly good one, waiting, (about 'seeing' how the next generation will turn out) I'd be willing to bet money on the fact that each age group will have progressively fewer Jdubs. I wonder what's goin on with GenerationY and how few of those are now considered active.

    GenXrs are sarcastic and prone to disbelief--I wonder what that says for GenY.

  • DriveslikeJehu


    I hope you don't expect me to be a homeless person on the street, pioneering. Notgonnadoit. I have to find some way to support myself(not necessarily a 'cushy' life) during these 'last days,' and a college education will allow me a better chance at finding it. And I aux. pioneer when I can.

  • Thirdson


    I was just like you. I too thought that it was better to get an education and a decent job and then Aux pioneer when I could. Sort of token thing, once a year, usually the month that the CO was in town so you could attend the Pioneer meeting with him too. It seemed noble at the time, could claim you had the "pioneer" spirit and not feel too guilty when you get the Service Meeting item on pioneering.

    Of course, for me it was also "hedging" my bets. I went to college in the lean years of the late 70's early 80's. 1975 had passed and more than a few weeks and months had elapsed so I thought we might be here for quite a bit longer. Seems like now with the elasticated "Generation" the fabled "Last Days" might just do that --LAST!

    It won't be long DLJ when you will be living in surburbia planning your kids education while at the same time checking your diversified portfolio. Your kid will be saying better to get an education and a decent job in these "last days" than be living on the streets.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Emiliano

    Hi I'm new here. Just wanted to add a comment to this thread.
    Parents shouldn't tell their child when h/s grows up that they seem to not be getting ahead in life and what's wrong with them.
    I believe that many children raised as jws are seriously atrophied in whatever part of their brain has to do with aspiring and thriving. I think that if "you don't use it you lose it" applies here. When other children are dreaming about what they will be when they grow up something that is changing from day to day, you know, one day a fireman,another a doctor or another a movie director, jw kids are being discouraged from making any long term plans for their life.
    After feeling this way about life through your formative years and all through your public school years by the time real life hits you in the face you are so behind the race. You dont have a clue as to what you would like to be. You are only then starting the self discovery phase of your life something that most children started in their early years. So you start your adult life in a scramble, not having a grasp of direction and disarmed to take on the many challenges that real life will throw at you.
    Life is tough enough. All we can do is give it our best now but we will never make up those priceless years.
    I'm glad I found this site! I think it is filling a great need!!

  • larc

    Thank you Emiliano for your insightful comments. I hadn't thought of that, but I think you are right.

    Also, welcome aboard. There is a lot to read here. Hope you enjoy, and if you want to, tell us a little about yourself. There is a thread of biographys in the Sex Forum of all place, under the subject Hello, Hello. You can read about some of us there and tell your story if you like.

  • DannyBear


    Your thoughts are mine exactly.

    Jw children run into huge road blocks wherever they turn. Can't join in athletics, can't sing in the choir (god forbid I have to sing a christmas hyme), can't even join the chess club (competition ya know is not good for ya), can't go dances, football games, whatever is natural and good for a no, no.

    Is it any wonder when finally free to make some decisions on their own, they leave the cult...only to find themselves face to face with the real world...having no tools to work with.

    Glad you decided to post. Look forward to hearing more from you.


  • siveld

    My experience with the JW's showed that the effect on children varies between congregations. In a larger congregation, with more kids and teens, there are of course more opportunites for normal interaction. They hence develop more life skills, and 'some' ability to deal with the opposite sex.

    Coversely, in a small congregation (such as in a country town), there is little opportunity for these skills to be developed.

    Kids need to be accepted by at least some peers; human beings are social, not solitary, creatures.

    Those of you who are still active in congregations, such as our friend DrivesLikeJehu, should be encouraged to interact with their peers.

    Older witnesses should actively promote social gatherings and outings for their kids. There are plenty of wholesome activities out there, and the society does encourage a balanced lifestyle including recreation!


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