Lurker....wants expert assistance (question)

by refiners fire 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Sorry if this point was mentioned but I think it should be highlighted.

    Change your will and send a copy to the congregation and to the Watchtower Society at the charitable giving address they provide. I would send it registered mail so you have proof they received it. If you have an executor, be sure they have an updated copy and put an updated copy in with your important papers (a safety deposit box is a good idea).

    Do it now or sooner.

    If you have a lawyer, work with him or her as well.

    The procedures regarding wills are the same no matter who is on the receiving end.

    (P.S., if you have designated someone your health care power of attorney or someone to act for you in medical situations, that would bear re-evaluating too.)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Joyce, being disfellowshipped, may no longer be considered one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but you can be assurred her MONEY is of precisely the correct denomination as far as The Corporation is concerned.

    Change the will. If the WTS has a copy of the original will with the bequest, expect a post-mortem battle by their lawyers to grab what they can.

    - Nathan Natas
    UADNA (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • avengers
    "The Society uses all the money donated in the most economical way"

    Spending money on lawyers, court cases, legal fees and such, would that be included in "the most economical way"?

  • JT

    one of the last things i did before leaving wt was to handle a bro estate. he had left over $120,000 to the wt in various forms.
    the wt got $85,000 the day he died, the rest had to be used for taxes etc. well he had not filed taxes properly so i had to work with both the state and federal tax ofices and it was like hell

    call this person, wrong one, call that person wrong one

    voice mail hell and the list went on and
    i took off work to go down to the tax offic to speak with folks

    i worked with H and r block to handle some estate stuff

    well the deal was i used to be at bethel knew the guys who worked in the treasures office at bethel and they knew me

    and those guys were calling me like2 or 3 times a month


    AND I EXPLAINED TO THEM DUMB ASS again i aint cutting no final check till i make sure that all of his bills are paid, cause if any bills show up will you send the money back to cover the cost

    and the answer was NO so then i will send you the cash when i am sure that all things are settled

    and he and like old hospital bills that were coming out of the wood work , etc.

    so it was over a year before all IRS and local taxes and bills were paid off
    but i saw a side of these guys i could have never imagined.


    i know of an older couple the husband signed his house over to the wt and upon his death it would go to the wt, of course he didn't fill out the paper work correctly and the deal was his wife was still alive who was also a sister of many many years, well the wt called up the sister and told her to get the hell out.

    and it took the intervention of the CO and the body of elders to get the wt off the old lady's back. so the deal is they will still get the house as soon as she dies

    what is so sad is that after all these years of faithful service

    she could not explain it and be accepted by the org that her husband made a mistake in the paper work

    it took some of their corportate men ELDERS AND CO to speake before they would believe the little old lady

    so when it comes to the legal dept and cash
    you ass is grass

  • belbab


    The WT will have no qualms about taking your money.

    They consider disfellowshipping as, not punishment, but discipline.

    They say they do not punish any one for reporting child abusers to the police. No, they discipline and make every effort to draw them back into the fold, or so they say.

    Also if you don't change your will, they will deem it, that you still had a soft spot in your heart for Jah, and you [b]really, really, deep down in your heart wanted them to have it.


  • larc

    My mother was disfellowshipped when she died, and they gladly took her money.

  • Hmmm

    They won't take your testimony in a judicial case, but they'll take your money without batting an eye.

    PS Take $13 of that estate and buy Crisis of Conscience. It'll be the best money you ever spent.

  • Liquidizer

    I once had my will made for the Society's local branch and before I DA'd myself, I requested them to send their copy back to me (I had the original). I told them I wanted to make some changes in it but actually I destroyed both the original and the copy by tearing them into a garbage container. Well, I lost only the costs of planning the will at the notary's office (150 us $ or so) but it was worth of it. Now the JW's won't get a penny the day I die.


    This is the end of the world
    As we know it
    And I feel fine


  • AGuest

    Dearest Joyce... may you have peace!

    I am in absolute agreement with everyone here who confirms that the "Society" will most assuredly take your money, although you are disfellowshipped. However, since RF mentioned that you still believe the Society to be "the truth"... in saying that, I think what you truly WANT to do is know GOD's position on this, and it is because of that that you are unsure of what to do. Therefore, if you will permit me, let me approach this from a different "path", the words of my Lord, the Son of God.

    First, though, I want you to know that the "Society" is NOT the "truth", and to PROVE it, I give you what the Son of God himself SAID... at John 14:6:

    "I am... the Truth..."

    If you don't understand what this means, then may I direct you to go to God in prayer and ask for a portion of His holy spirit to HELP you understand it, to TEACH you? For if you ask in faith, you will NOT be deprived of it, holy spirit OR wisdom.

    Luke 11:13
    John 16:13-15
    James 1:5-8

    Now, keeping in mind what IS the truth... or rather WHO is the Truth... may I direct you to what HE said about this very situation? Thank you.

    My Lord, the Son of God, whose name is JAHESHUA (pronounced "Yah-e-Shua, YahShua, or Joshua" and means "JAH saves") MISCHAJAH (pronounced "mee-sha-yah" or "mee-shy-yah" and means "chosen of JAH")... JAH being the TRUE name of God (Psalm 68:4)... gave us a warning. When describing the "scribes" (copiers/writers of law) and "Pharisees" (non-priestly religious leaders of "God's people"), he said:

    "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated
    THEMSELVES in the seat of Moses."

    This means they have made THEMSELVES... your mediator! But my Lord said, "NO ONE comes to the Father... except through me". Yes? Thus, he said at Matthew 23:3 of the religious 'leaders' of God's people:

    "Therefore, all the things they tell you,
    do and observe, but... DO NOT DO according to
    THEIR deeds, for they SAY... but do not perform."

    Now, this is NOT referring to the Law Covenant, which such ones strive to put you BACK under and compel you... and many, many others... to obey (which doing will NOT save you, as one is saved by works of FAITH, and NOT works of law...). This refers to the Law of LOVE... on which the NEW Covenant is based... which the "Society", of course, preaches and teaches... you know, SAYS... but does not DO!

    What DO they do? They:

    "Bind up HEAVY loads and put them upon
    the shoulders of men (and women), but they
    THEMSELVES are not willing to budge them
    with their finger."

    How is that? Well, they want YOUR money... but which of them has anything of their OWN to bequeath to the Society? Which of them own houses, stocks, mutual funds, savings of any kind? How can they, if they are supported entirely BY the Society? Yet, they want YOU... to give yours. And do you know what that IS, dear sister? It is CORBAN... a 'gift' supposedly given to God. And yet, 'corban', was a 'tradition' condemned by my Lord, yes?

    Mark 7:11-13

    And why did he condemn it? Because under the NEW covenant, it was NOT the temple or its priests that were to be supported, but the other members of the Body of Christ! In other words, if you KNOW of a brother or sister in NEED, whether fleshly or spiritual, or related to you or NOT (remember the account of the "Good" Samaritan)... it is to THEM that you are to give, yes? And by doing so, can PROVE your faith by your 'works', yes? Because our Lord healed, helped, fed, resurrected, taught... EVERYONE who came to him or that was made know to him... REGARDLESS of whether they were Israel, whether they were related to him or whether they believed in him. Yes? The army officer's servant, Jairus's daughter, the widow of Nain's son, Lazarus, the multitude... whomever and from wherever they originated, he geve to them and/or helped them.

    James 2:14-17

    Okay, so WHY does the Society want/need/desire your money? To support the 'worldwide preaching work'? Oh, no, dear sister, not at all. They WANT it, NEED it, DESIRE it... so as to continue building their real estate empire! Want proof? I offer you two (2) forms of it:

    First, my Lord's words at Matthew 13:14, which you will have to look up in the footnotes of a NWT Reference Bible, for it has been removed from the general text. Why? Because it SAYS:

    "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES!
    because you DEVOUR WIDOWS' HOUSES... and... for a
    PRETENSE... offer long prayers; on THIS account,
    you will receive judgment MORE ABUNDANTLY!"

    Now, do they KNOW that that verse is there? Of course, they do, dear sister! But, since its words CONDEMN them from doing such, taking from widows'... because in TRUTH... their obligation is to CARE FOR WIDOWS and not have widows CARE FOR THEM... they have relegated it to a place of unimportance.

    James 1:27
    Acts 6:1

    My dear, the ONLY purpose of 'overseers' was NOT 'to be master's over [our] faith', but to ENSURE that the distribution to the WIDOWS was done... 'overseen'... properly! Thus, the 12 (apostles) told the other disciples:

    "... search out for yourselves seven certified
    (by holy spirit) men from among you, full of
    SPIRIT and wisdom, that we may appoint them
    'OVER' this necessary business."

    Acts 6:2, 3

    Second, I direct you to the center of the "Proclaimer's Book". There, you will find at least 25 pages of real estate holding of the WTBTS. And that, dear sister, was in 1992, ten years ago! Can you guess how many more pages would need to be added now?! Most probably 25 more!

    Now, let's look at the possibility that you are not a widow. The same 'rule' of the New Covenant applies: you are to care for those you KNOW are in need. YOU. Personally. Not through some church, organization or institution. How do we know that? Because our Lord did not leave it up to the priests... but did it himself. Personally. As did his apostles and other disciples. THEY took care of such matters themselves. And if we are to 'follow in his footsteps CLOSELY', then WE are obligated NOT to 'shut the door of our tender compassions' on ANYONE, including our ENEMIES... but to see to their needs. Again, I give you the 'good' Samaritan, a man who took care of his enemy, a Jew, when even the 'brothers' of such Jew would not and did not.

    Don't let the 'smooth taste' of this organization mislead you any longer. Your purpose for being disfellowshipped is, to me, as it is to my Lord, irrelevant. For he came to CALL... NOT righteous people... BUT SINNERS! If, therefore, you were righteous, as the leaders of the Society think THEY are... and try to compel you to be... then you could save yourself! But... you cannot! You NEED a saviour, a ransomer... as do all of us. All of us just don't REALLY know that. Sure, some know it in the abstract, but still think that in adhering to the Law Covenant, they will be saved.

    My dear sister, the Law Covenant was IMPALED... with Christ... so that a NEW Covenant, a NEW Law... the law of LOVE... could be instituted. Therefore, in living that law, my Lord... condemned NO ONE (other than the scribes and Pharisees who 'shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men', thereby making it impossible for men to come to HIM)... but FORGAVE and RELEASED all.

    And it is what he told US to do, as well. Therefore, by the power of the spirit granted me from my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, by means of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, I say to YOU:

    Whatever your sin is, it has been forgiven. Go your way in peace!

    John 20:21-23
    Luke 6:37

    I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you, just as I have received it from my Lord, by means of Holy Spirit.

    Again, I bid you peace, and I am,

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, by means of a TRUE anointing with holy spirit, from the person of my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... and a slave of Christ,


  • one


    Change it and, may i suggest that you, appoint someone to place full page AD in major newspapers regarding WT 'special' issues (lambs UN), using the moeny left. Insist on graphics, photos for max impact.

    It can abe done right now by a nonprofit org such as FreeMInds,


    Just set up a banking account where any of us may deposit send 2 cents. For security reasons donors should keep a copy of the money order etc and post it on "a" (this board?) board.

    That way everyone will know where the money is going. The nonprofit Org. just needs to print and sign a letter of intention etc. and post the expesnes, you know wt style.

    Dateline my not be reaching SILENTLAMBS, specially out of USA.

    FORGET ABOUT DATELINE. It will be on nonvolatile media, paper. Of course you can include the good links int he ad.

    Anymore suggestions?

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