hey ya all i am from the fragrant prairies lands of the dakotas also,,,,, the capital of this winter wonderland,,,,, come on now think real hard its not FARGO,,,,,HAHAHAH but ,, any who... just putting in my two cents ,,,, am wondering where emancipated is from in ndak....maybe i know you ,,,,,,, maybe not but i do live there or should i say exist there,,,, i am right now in austin texas visiting my daughter and grand kyds and having a great time..... let me know my email is open.... doont cha know ...... ya the movie fargo was not even made in fargo..... thats what we get for being an unknown state..... hahahaha
Anyone from Minnesota?
by scootergirl 111 Replies latest jw experiences
I think I know my state capitols. Sounds to me like you're from Bismarck. Do people actually live there? Or is it just an exit off Interstate 94? (Just kidding...... A Minnesota cheap shot there)
Yeah the movie "Fargo" by Joel and Ethan Coen was actually filmed in Minnesota. Hey but Fargo is right across the border from Moorehead, Minnesota -- close enough. (Who'd ever want to go to a movie named "Moorehead"? It's just too strange or kinky.)
Hi Kismet!
I now know the name of their grandson. I think it was Alonzo! Wow, that dude had some weird ideas, but he was pretty funny.
No Apologies
Now that this thread has been resurrected I will chime in. I have already met a lot of the Minnesota people here, but I would be interested in chatting with some of these people from the Redwood and Montevideo areas. We probably know some of the same folks. I also lived in Fargo for several years. Anyone from central Minnesota too.
Hey No Apologies,
I used to live down in the Lamberton area, Actually in Wanda, I knew only a few people from the Redwood Falls area, one was a couple of Special Pioneers, I forget their names. They lived in a trailer park there. Wow that was too many years ago, 27 if my memory serves me right.
Hey no apologies, I am from Minneapolis but knew in the past Tim Anderson, he was a MTS graduate who was assigned to Redwood Falls Cong. You know him??? email me if you want: [email protected] Take care, Swiffy
Hey didnt I talk to you in chat the other day????
Also, I know the Doolgars!!!!
No Apologies
sorry that would be way before my time frame.
name does not ring a bell.
thanks anyway!
Thomas Poole
Yes, I lived in Minnesota & St. Paul,
I lived in Shoreview, Eden Prairie, New Brighton, Richfield...
Attended the congregations: Weelock Parkway, Phalen Park, Egerton, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Center, New Brighton, Maplewood, and many others that I do not remember the names.
When I became a Witness in Richmond, VA in 1969, there were about 1.1 million witnesses.
Hey Thomas!!!! I remember you!! I went to Columbia Heights Cong from the year it was formed to 1990. I was quite small when I remember you but how are you?? Where are you now?? I would be very interested in talking to you or emailing you. My name is Jack Borg. I am 33 yrs old now. Let me know if you remember me. My mom is Jean. Thanks Jack
Resurrecting an old thread.
I was born and raised in Minnesota. 1 hour north of minneapolis.