what is your favorite movie?

by airwlk149 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    Yeah, Pulp Fiction was excellent. My favorite, based on how much I enjoy it every time I see it, is Bird Cage. Followed by Dirty Rotton Scandrals.


  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Spartacus, Alien, Sleeper, Godfather II, Full Metal Jacket, Lawrence of Arabia, Lord of the Rings.

    Oh yes and anything with Denise Richards in it !

  • Mimilly

    It feels impossible to narrow it down to 'one'. Lessee:
    A Beautiful Mind
    Princess Bride
    Natural Born Killers
    Enemy of the State
    Disney cartoon movies.
    Gone With the Wind
    Star Trek
    Star Wars
    and anything with Bruce Willis in it ;)

  • AjaxMan

    Too many to list. It depends on the genre, but I'll list two for each.

    Comedy: Friday and Office Space (this one reminds me so much about work).

    Action: Heat and The Killer (an old John Woo Hong Kong flick).

    Drama: Forrest Gump and Casino.

    Dramedy (mix of drama and comedy): As Good As It Gets and Good Morning Vietnam.

    Sci-Fi: The Matrix and T2.

    Suspense: Frantic (A Harrison Ford movie) and The Silence of the Lambs.

    The main reasons I love all these movies are the locales where they were filmed, the storyline/plot and character development that these films have.

  • FreeFallin

    Silence of the Lambs

    Strong people doing what has to be done.

  • SpiceItUp

    Lets seee....

    Princess Bride - It has everything in it "My name is Inigo Montoya..."
    Lost Highway - I love movies that make you think
    Cube - Another thinker thriller
    Benny & Joon - Two words Johnny Depp

    Plus a list of many more........

  • hannibal

    Fight club

    The insider

    history x


  • NeonMadman

    All three "Godfather"s


    "Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
    --Bob Dylan
  • Disengaged

    right now it's Meet The Parents

  • MegaDude

    I have too many favorites to list. But I currently like:

    Sexy Beast:
    Hip, cool English gangster film. A retired gangster living in Spain is contacted by his violent, cruel former boss to return for another job. Since he just got through serving nine years in prison, he is terrified of becoming involved, but he's equally terrified of his former employer. The boss (Ben Kingsley) won't take no for an answer. Funny, violent, great visuals, great characters.

    Black Hawk Down:
    A true story about a US military mission in Somalia that was supposed to take 45 minutes. It went horribly awry and turned into a bloody fight for life for the 200 Rangers and Delta Force surrounded by thousands of angry Somalians in downtown Mogadishu. If you didn't like the first 20 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan," skip this one.
    Delta Force rules.

    Blow: The story of how a clueless guy got involved with Pablo Escobar and introduced cocaine to the United States. He made tens of millions of dollars and lost it all. Johnny Depp is great in this film. Interesting that when you finish this film you actually feel empathy for a coke dealer scumbag. Pee Wee Herman plays a grass-dealing gay hairdresser and is hilarious. This film is highly recommended.

    Sex and the City, Seasons 1 - 3. I saw the first season on DVD and got hooked on this HBO series. Consistently great writing and very funny.

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