I miss the five years I wasted pioneering.
What's the one thing you miss about the WTS?
by Naeblis 60 Replies latest jw friends
I miss my old friends. But I wouldn't re-borg for them.
Haven't been here in awhile...btw..almost out now:)
What I don't miss
1/Getting a lecture as to why I didn't comment at the meeting.
2/When are you going to get baptized?
3/When I did get baptized the PO wife calls my Dad and says I did not go completely under the water. They have it on tape. She says I should get re-baptized..b****hit.
4/When pioneering how come I don't have any Bible Studies yet.
5/One of the other pioneers faking his hours...Get's away with it too
6/Being a MS as the age of 18 and being hauled into a meeting because they are concerned about my apperance..I had started wearing a cool leather bracelet...Had to remove it
7/Taking the field service arrangement and no one shows
8/Being screwed out of "Higher Education"
9/Wasting 25 years in the org and feeling like an idiot when I realize that it is BS
10/Seeing how screwed up alot of the people are...but blindly follow along with every word messing up their kid's lives too
11/The hypocrisy...The PO was a drunk and his kids were for the lack of a better word "evil"
12/The embarrasment of going out door to door
13/The same boring talks and meetings...I always fall asleep.
Lots of other things I don't miss...I do miss
1/Some of the people actually did care and were there when you needed help
2/Mooning the PO's daughter on the way home from the assembly
3/Quick Builds..Got to meet alot of sisters..hehe
4/A sense of community ...You felt like it was your family of sorts..At least for me in the early years
5/Recreation together...Used to crash weddings...lol
6/Sitting at the top of the stadium and checking out the sisters with binoculars...
7/Going to Tim's for a 45 min break on Sat. mornings..
Probably some others here too...I guess there always will be things I will miss but there is too much negative..If I do go to a meeting which is rare I feel tense and angry. Is this normal?NahJust my thoughts
"Always tell the truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said."
-Mark Twain -
I miss taking my 1974 Monti Carlo out in field service. It had no air conditioning. Driving down the durt roads at 90 miles per hour. And listening to "You give love a bad name" or "Armageddonit". And well any of those songs that was popular back in the late 80's or was it the early 90's. Lets just say I was not asked to drive very much after that. he he he. Yea I know I could have been killed, but I'm still here.
I miss the slumber parties I had with my friends. I remember this one movie we was going to watch was vamp movie with Keather Sutherland. That was until lighting struck the house.
I miss making out with my future husband on the staires at the hotel, during the distric convention. Oh yes, can not forget making out with him in the car. Yea I even got caught. And yes she did try to go to the elders about it. But I was done married, and dared her to. I did not care. I got my man. Well I don't really miss that. ha ha ha ha ha Just plesant memories.
I miss on trying to pull the wool over my mom's eyes. Especially after I started dating. Really worked, because I acted dumb when it came to the guys. I also missed checking out the hunks who was doing the same thing. I miss, embarrasing the brothers by wearing a dress with a low cut top. I really miss being able to fit in that dress. I miss being a size 12/14. That I miss the most. Oh well, my babies are worth it, I guess.
One loyalist Dub said,
"On the down side I miss the Circuit Overseer,...but my aim is getting better!"
The one thing I miss about the WTS....
Give me a minute it'll come to me... oh yeah, I remember... nothing.
Nope, nadda, zero, zip, nothing. A waste of 18 years of my life.EK
If I had to miss one thing, which I don't really miss anything about WTS, is the District Assemblies. Since we had to get there early to get a good seat, it always meant we had breakfast at McDonald's. It beat eating the slop that my mom cooked.
Oh yeah, i forgot one other thing. In my teens, I remember meeting at two assemblies this really hot Chica who was originally from Mexico. She lived in another town and since niether one of us were allowed to date or contact the opposite sex, I could only see her at the District Assemblies. Alas, she was then 15 and 16 years old and alreay with a body to die for.
Excuse me, i better go take a cold shower.....just joking
The dustrabbitTo do list:
1.Still waiting to goose the Organization. -
i miss...
counting the days till the circuit assembly/district convention, where i would see all the hot guys...and stare at them while talks were going on or cruise around the hotel and find them.
my grandmother being annoyed by me blowing my nose constantly/dozing off/passing notes at the assemblies. which was usually followed by a quick smack upside the head.
getting baptized at the dc at 15, then never getting my hair back the way it was (i was nappy).
seeing all the cute guys at the assemblies and then stealing away to the restroom (after waiting in the long line, and then airing out the booty-smell from the fat sister before me) to "flick my bean."
all the get togethers. and planning get togethers at the get togethers, then cancelling them because they just "happened to fall on halloween/christmas/thanksgiving" whatever.
having a big elaborate dinner on thanksgiving/going to a relative's house for thanksgiving even though, obviously, we weren't supposed to celebrate it. what a bunch of hypochrites we were!
my brother acting like a damned heathen at the meetings and both of us would get slapped.
trying to hold back the laughter if someone wrote you a funny note during one of the meetings. oh, and then getting slapped.
going against my family's wishes and getting that b-day present anyway from my dad.
my brother repeatedly getting in trouble for looking at nudie mags and porno flicks, getting counseled, and then doing it all over again.
after turning 18, my brother asking me to go out and get nudie mags and porno flicks.
also upon turning 18, running off with my current bf on my b-day to spend a sex-filled weekend in chattanooga (?), coming back to face elders/parents, getting asked about said weekend, getting called a "whore" and an "unrepentant fornicator" and getting df'd. best day in my adolescence.
im pretty sure i can think of more, but i'll add them later.
"it ain't right." -
Here's my comprehensive list of what I miss:
What I miss? Blah.
Nuff said.