Watchtower Society and Science

by FusionTheism 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FusionTheism


    So you're saying there's no shunning or ridicule against people who challenge Global Warming or evolution?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    you're saying there's no shunning or ridicule against people who challenge Global Warming or evolution? - as you know, there's no official policy of shunning of scientists that deny GW or evolution. They are still free to earn money and have careers as scientists.

    In stark contrast, the Watchtower Society, blah blah blah ...

  • Viviane
    So scientists who talk to magazines or are featured in magazines are "poor sources of information?"

    I said nothing of the sort.

    Which scientists are "good" sources of information, and why should I believe you?

    I never said you should.

  • Bonsai

    I can disagree with scientists on any public format and at worse they will call me a lame brain ignoramus. I disagree with the GB and they will send the local elders after me on a witch hunt. If my loyalty isn't up to snuff, I get JC'd, then df'd and then shunned by my brainwashed family. I mean really, you honestly can't see the difference?

    Why don't you focus more on how the GB are so much better than the North Korean regime even though they too employ similar tactics?? I might be able to agree with you on that. They are both top notch at controlling with fear and information black out of outside sources.

    Keep throwing isht on the wall. You never know, maybe something might finally stick.

  • galaxie

    We'll said fusion theism,from now on I'll follow the guidance of the governing body after all they have Jehovah's spirit guiding their humanistic patient Jehovah is to wait until they get something right,after all our very salvation depends on the proper food!...oops is that not just a parable after more noooo light? After all what has science done for us.

    Apologists would do well to reason before making absurd comparisons!!

  • Viviane
    After all what has science done for us.


    Other examples can be given: Scientists being wrong on the eternal universe,

    How is this really much different from The Watchtower Society?.....FusionTheism

    You can`t claim to be "No Worse" than someone or something else,then boast..

    "Thats Why We`re Better!":

    That crosses the Line of Stupid and rests safely in the Area of WatchTarded..

    WatchTarded = Stupid x Infinity..


    .......The Watchtower is...........................We`re No Worse Than The Catholics..


    ...Image result for Angry Judge...........................Image result for Watchtower anthony morris

  • done4good

    Some prominent scientists and big media in the 1970's were pushing imminent disaster from Global Cooling. Now its Global Warming and they all sweep the Global Cooling fiasco under the rug and act like it was just one or two rogue individuals.

    Let me guess...Faux news?? Hannity? Rush??

    In any case, you are missing the point. Understand what science is first. It is a methodology, not a ideology. IF, and I think it is a big IF, scientists said such back in 1970's, it was based on limited information that needed to be tested through a hypothesis. When that hypothesis proved this supposed theory wrong, it went the way of a flat earth. In this case, or in any other, science does not make claim to absolute "truth".

    Science moves on, when new information proves a theory wrong, science adjusts and does not dogmatically bind itself to ideology. Comparing the WT to science is about the most ignorant thing I have read on here in some time. The WT simply moves the goal posts, and claim "they never said that".


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    What done4good said.

    Because Watchtower is an ideology and not a method then its conclusions are predicable based on whatever is its current ideological preference, which changes.

    Because science is a method then its conclusions are predictable based on that method, which does not change.

    More than than an ideology, I think the best predictor for Watchtower tripe is based on a business model. In the end this means Watchtower conclusions are predictable based on whatever best promotes its religion business. From a scientific perspective this gets a little frustrating to fathom until you realize that the religion business is heavily influenced by sociological factors one of which suggests that tension (beliefs that set a religion apart as different, and strictness of those beliefs) promotes growth in a new religious movement, which Watchtower is. (Watchtower is an infant by comparison with other dominate religious institutions). This need for tension to grow a religion business ends up with an institution promoting and enforcing tenets that have no rational basis. So we end up with a religion business growing itself on the heals of fact and logic defying doctrinal positions that are only changed when it suits the business need and regardless of what facts and good reasoning point to.

  • Vidiot

    Well said, Martin, and spot on.

    Virtually all of the WTS's decisions and policies are ideology-based rather than fact-and-evidence-based.

    It should be noted that, historically, regimes who insist on basing their decisions and policies on ideology rather than fact and evidence have - more often than not - a funny habit of eventually ceasing to exist.

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