Do your parents still talk to you?

by scootergirl 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • animal

    I dont call my mother.... she calls here when she isnt in the JW's... she comes and goes in it. After she told me she wished abotion was legal (after I ran away a dozen times), I dont think I care for her much.

    I dont know my dad, he was tossed out when I was 4, due to religious stuff (guess which religion). Mom told us all our lives that he was a drunk that didnt want us. I found him when I was 17 and on my own, and got the real story. Poor bastard.

    The staepdad (who adopted us) can rot in hell. He was an abusive elder that I almost cut the head off of with an axe when I was 15.... glad I didnt, I guess, altho I would be out of jail by now.

    Me and my sis get along fine, always have even after I was DF'd. She is cool.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My mother is still a JW and does her duty and shuns me the best she can

    Actually the borg gives her an excuse to be the abusive terrible mother she always was and permission to cut me out of her life - something she has tried to do since before I was born but like the proverbial bad penny I just kept coming home .... well until I finally got smart and stopped going there for my yearly abuse injections. Don't need them any more

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • orangefatcat

    I have not heard anything from my family since I left 2 1/2 yrs ago. I don't really mind, because they always critized me all the time anyway, I never measured up to their standards and I was sick of listening to them preach to me all the time. I am far more happy and content being free of the chains and shackles of the WTBS....and my mother getting on my case. Don't get me wrong I still love them, but they were driving me to the brink of insanity.
    Now I have peace of mind and a wonderful husband.
    Peace to all of you.

  • Beck_Melbourne


    Who needs em?? You have us!!!

    I know it would be nice to have contact with our family members like ordinary families do, ie. Christmas, Easter and other festive get togethers etc etc...but we don't come from ordinary families...we come from dysfunctional mind controlled cult based families...we just have to make the best of what we have.

    In the have us to share your day's events will find some lovely mother type personalities on here who will pass on maternal advice...or sisterly personalities who will laugh and giggle with you and share their may also find the big brother types who will criticise you jokingly but will stand behind you if you need them. We're all here!! What more can you ask for!


  • seedy3

    My family does not really shunn me, My mother is in her 80's and asks that I call her, the only other relitive I have in the B-org is my older sister, although we have never really been close, even when I was a borg member myself she didn't have a lot of contact. When I back in the States last summer we had a family get together, my mother and jdub sister showed up for the BBQ. So I cna't really say I have ever been shunned.


  • Mulan

    I am not df'd or da'd, but my brother has been df'd since 1978. Mom has never shunned him or turned her back on him, so I know she wouldn't with me either. Disfellowshipping doesn't really fit into her "shopping cart", with the religion. But..........she has NEVER eaten with him since he was df'd, even when he was at my home for dinner a week ago. She asked that I bring her dinner to her. Oh well. I think she is afraid someone will tell on her.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • anewlife

    My parents and I haven't been close in years, but we "put on" the appearance for the rest of the congregation as if we were. Well when I was DF'd 2 1/2 years ago this became a nice "excuse" for them to not have to call me. At first this bothered me, but now I believe the decision they've made based on the Borg identifies the kind of true people they really are...unloving. Sad...very sad, but like Beck says, we have family right here and it really, truly helps. Beck and I have become like sisters! So, Scootergirl, you'll never be alone. :)

  • zenpunk

    My relationship with my father has been non-existent (he holds a position of "authority" in the congregation and my relationship with my mother has been strained since I walked away. However, things have actually changed somewhat since the Dateline airing. My father inquired about the show to the elders and was told that they had a big meeting about it at the Farm (Wallkill) and a letter will be distributed to those in the congregation who ask about the show. My mother called me tonight and said that, because of the response my father got regarding the show, she wants to come over Thursday night and watch my copy of the show. One day at a time....

  • plmkrzy

    Geeez. That is so awful to shun your own family.
    Nither me or my brother are shunned by our parents. My brother and mother don't have as close of a relationship as my brother and father but it has nothing to do with the WTS.

    I know several others who are df'd and have been for many years and still have relationships with thier parents.

    The last person to get dp'f from my congergation moved out of state shortly after and her parents moved with her. Not to the same house just the same state and started over with a new cong. Her father was the P.O. of our cong.

    Not all JWS are that stupid and horrible. I'm really glad my mom wasn't like that at all. That would have been devistating to me.
    My Dad has just begun to show an interest to keep in contact with me. He never shuned me but we just stopped talking for years. hehehe. It seemed to be easier that way. But if I needed him for anything, when I would be in trouble or in a bind, he was always there to help me.

    Parents who turn thier backs on their kids because of something between them and a JC staggers my mind.

    I could see it if the person that was df'd became extreemely hateful and disrespectful to the parents, then yeah, I would shun them to at least until they decided to be respectful again. But Not just because they were df'd.

    I know there are a lot of JWs who take it to the extreemes and I'll never understand that. But there are some that don't.

    The whole shunning thing IMO was never suppose to be out right rude behavior. It's rediculas.

    .........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music.....................
  • Xander

    Do they?

    Dunno, is grass pink?

    An old in-the-borg friend called me a couple days ago - I guess to 'confirm' I had drifted off - she told me my mother had been almost begging her to 'stay with Jehovah' and not to 'leave the truth' because it was so awful and hurt so much and just made everyone miserable, blahblahblah.

    Which is funny, because she knows my wife and I are MUCH happier since we've left, so she must be talking about how much it bothers HER not to talk to me.

    Uhh...happiest people...yup, sure thing...[8>]

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

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