Geeez. That is so awful to shun your own family.
Nither me or my brother are shunned by our parents. My brother and mother don't have as close of a relationship as my brother and father but it has nothing to do with the WTS.
I know several others who are df'd and have been for many years and still have relationships with thier parents.
The last person to get dp'f from my congergation moved out of state shortly after and her parents moved with her. Not to the same house just the same state and started over with a new cong. Her father was the P.O. of our cong.
Not all JWS are that stupid and horrible. I'm really glad my mom wasn't like that at all. That would have been devistating to me.
My Dad has just begun to show an interest to keep in contact with me. He never shuned me but we just stopped talking for years. hehehe. It seemed to be easier that way. But if I needed him for anything, when I would be in trouble or in a bind, he was always there to help me.
Parents who turn thier backs on their kids because of something between them and a JC staggers my mind.
I could see it if the person that was df'd became extreemely hateful and disrespectful to the parents, then yeah, I would shun them to at least until they decided to be respectful again. But Not just because they were df'd.
I know there are a lot of JWs who take it to the extreemes and I'll never understand that. But there are some that don't.
The whole shunning thing IMO was never suppose to be out right rude behavior. It's rediculas.
.........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music.....................