My Crisis:
There was alot of things that annoyed me about the religion, but I guess my turning point was a while ago when an elder hurled my dad into the "backroom" (I was about 18 at the time) and presented him with a book that I had left at his house, (I was freinds with his daughter) it was about evolution. He told my dad this is exactly one of the reasons why he considered me to be bad association for his daughter. My dad was pretty good about it, he thought the elder was a bit over the top to do that, though he did encourage me to take the book back to the library.
I remember thinking "When I have time, i'm going to really look into this organisation - properly" So when I got older and got my life sorted out I did - I did research in books and on the library, as soon as I saw proof for the JW contradictions I left officially.
I have never read "Crisis of concience", though I plan to.