The Age of Miracles And Dateline

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Last night, Dateline was entirely devoted to the story
    of two blind men who received the experimental silicon
    chip in one eye each to attempt to restore sight.

    One man gained only a little but the other could now
    see faces - and was shocked at how old he looked! He could see
    his grown up children - and colors - and trees - and shadows.

    It was a story with powerful emotions - of sight restored
    after decades of darkness.

    This is the beginning of the age or miracles when men
    will gain control over all the aspects of life. They
    will learn to regrow organs, restore sight, reverse aging,
    and cure diseases that have plagued humanity since
    history began.

    Real miracles will happen - and not because of 'pie-in-the
    sky' promises of corrupt Watchtower editors. For them,
    a decision needs to be made - do you want to keep on
    deceiving people with unfufilled promises? - or would you
    rather be known for valuing real brotherhood and
    love? Time is running out ...

    Dateline friday will report on anti-aging progress.
    Stay tuned.


  • Amazing

    Thanks Metatron: What you state makes the words of Jesus have some new meaning, 'The Kingdom of God is within You' and other phrases where he talks about God dwelling in us. Maybe, for too long people have looked to either the Church or to some external 'Guy in the Sky' and missed what is already present within us to do.

  • Bang

    "The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, "See here!' or "See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Good points.
    I think evolution is a continueous process that man is still evolving to a higher and higher form and that all these invention of men are all a part of the evolution of man.
    Where will it end, the sky is the limit if you ask me.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • metatron

    I'm hoping for some stem cell miracles for you, Amazing!


  • proplog2


    You persist with your "fools" view of a better world. It is a paradise for the rich. The prospects you describe come at a price that billions now living will never be able to have. At least when humans lived without modern day cures and remedies there were only a couple hundred million people on earth. We have made it possible for billions to watch with hunger gnawing their empty guts as the fortunate few drink the scientific concoctions that will alegedly bring everlasting life.

    How pathetic. A false "religious" hope is better than NO hope at all - which is what you keep announcing.

  • gsx1138

    There are many things that were for the rich that are now available to most. Anyone remember the car? You know that funny mechanical plaything for the rich folks to waste their money on. How about computers? You know the machines that take up an entire room and no person will ever be able to afford them. All of these miracles that Meta is talking about may at first be for the rich but will eventually filter down to the common man. I do think it to be very amusing that most assume that those who don't believe in religion or God have no "hope". I can only assume you refer to "hope" as an opiat (sp) of disbelief.

  • SYN

    PropLog: Wrong. We will all become perfectly happy when the Great Tribulation is over. As the FDS has taught us, we will not want to have sex anymore, we will begin enjoying meetings, and of course, no marriage or other fun activies will occur. Life will become gray and monotonic, and then we will be free from all these pesky human foibles, once we are perfect cogs running onwards until the Sun dies. All independent thought will be stopped by the murder of dissenters 1,000 years after Armageddon, and only the most uniform and brain-free ones will survive.

    Or, so the Dubs will have you believe!

    You needn't worry about all of humanity suffering, anyway. In about a century or so someone will accidently let a single femtobot loose, which will just reproduce itself in an exponential fashion, until the entire Earth is composed of gray sludge, gray sludge that turns carbon into more gray sludge. SO RELAX ALREADY!

    They've been digging in the Euphrates Valley and have uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8,000 years old, and an older caveman culture. Recently, they reached another layer of fused green glass.

  • proplog2


    Poor people don't drive cars. Relatively "poor Americans" drive cars. But most of the billions of people on earth don't even own a refrigerator.

  • metatron

    Define "rich".

    A man from India desperately wants to emigrate to the US
    because, as he says, "I want to live in a country where
    the poor people are fat!". The two men who got the eye treatment
    where anything but rich - one lived modestly in a mobile home.

    I would speculate that stem cell treatments will eventually
    be quite inexpensive - once the biochemical triggers are understood.
    It may only take a simple injection in the right part of the body
    to do the trick. Like computers and countless other wonders,
    volume will drop the price down for the middle class.

    The famines that 'everyone' prophecied to wreck civilization
    in the 70's never happened. Paul Ehrlich (a famous doomsayer)
    ended up looking like a fool. China is now self sufficient
    in food production. Read Julian Simon - he was right!

    Just because SOME misery exists SOMEWHERE on earth
    doesn't mean we shouldn't be jubilant about science's
    continuing conquest of suffering.

    unless the watchtower subculture has so deeply warped
    you that misery is all you can appreciate...


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