Respect Your Elders!

by comforter 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    : Do you really take me for a fool.

    As a matter-of-fact, yes. But it's a weakness of mine. I only like to deal with facts.


  • Fredhall


    Since when you know everything about GB? Or since when you know about everything?

  • hillary_step

    GB member prays for wisdom - a lesson in perseverence in prayer.

  • ThatSucks

    Hey cum-farter:

    Since you say the Leo Greenless incident may NOT have happened, please prove that it did NOT. THEN Explain why the society will not comment on the matter.

  • D8TA


    And damn, don't the elderly taste delicious?

    Mmmm...good eatin!

    D8TA v2.0

  • comforter

    ???Since you say the Leo Greenless incident may NOT have happened, please prove that it did NOT. THEN Explain why the society will not comment on the matter.???

    Are you kidding? You expect me to prove Greenlees did not molest a child and then get shifted around? You cannot prove a negative. That is like asking me to prove that I did not eat a hamburger last night. How does one go about proving that he did not eat a bite of food 16 hours ago?

  • AlanF

    We notice that the troll has dropped its fake accent.

    :: Then call the Society and ask specifically about it. Then report back here. But I already know what you'll find, if you have enough guts -- which you don't -- to do it: They would tell you "no comment" or the equivalent. They will not deny it because they know that if they do, then if the truth comes out unequivocally in the future -- and it will! -- then they will have been caught in yet another lie.

    : You know good and well what the response would be if I called the Society and asked about Brother Greenlees.

    I already told you what it would be, dork. Read the above words again.

    : But I do not feel compelled to call the Society at all,

    Like I said, you're a coward. You don't want to take any chances on confirming that what a "vile apostate" says is the truth.

    : considering that you are the one launching accusations against Greenlees. The burden of proof is therefore on you. Can you produce any credible evidence that Greenless was moved and set up as a pioneer because of molesting a child?

    Several on this board have testified that Greenlees ended his days as a special pioneer in a New Orleans congregation around 1989. Do you dispute that? Further, the man was not moved around because of raping a ten year old boy, but in spite of raping him. When the boy's parents brought charges against Greenlees in 1984, the Governing Corpse tried him and found him repentant. Therefore they told him to resign and move away. Why Greenlees chose New Orleans, I don't know. The disgusting thing is that the GB failed to report this rape to secular authorities. But knowing how they work, Greenlees probably threatened to expose a number of skeletons and so they let him off the hook as best as they could.

    As for sources to back this up, who would you believe? As with most braindead JWs, likely you'd only believe it if you read it in The Watchtower -- which is not likely to happen. But I've had enough Watchtower people confirm the events for me that I'm confident that they occurred as I describe.

    Bottom line: you remain a coward because you can't bear the thought of being disappointed that those you worship let a rapist and child molester off the hook for selfish reasons.

    ::: Talk about twisting one's comments.

    :: It's not my problem that you're too stupid to understand what you've done.

    : I did not "do" anything.

    By your own arguments you've inadvertantly condemned those you worship.

    : You simply chose to reword what I wrote. But that is typical behavior for anti-jw polemicists.

    I didn't rewrite anything. I merely pointed out the implications that you're too stupid to see.

    :: You think there'll be an explosion in hell this year then, Booby? Are you making yet another prediction

    : No predictions, fraudbacker, since Jesus said no one knows the day and hour.

    No more predictions come next October, then?

    :: The buck stops with the Pope and the GB alright. But the Pope is not put on the same pedestal as the GB is by the men who are under them.

    : The governing body is not considered infallible;

    Nonsense. They pay lip service to the unarguable fact that they're not, but in practice nearly all JWs treat them as if they were, because in practice anyone who disagrees with them publicly is charged with idiotic things like "creating divisions" and "undermining confidence in Jehovah's arrangement". If they actually admitted to being fallible in practice there would be no disfellowshipping for criticism.

    : the pope is.

    Only according to the old 1870s encyclical. In practice, everyone knows he isn't, and they act accordingly. So we have the exact opposite of the JW world. In the JW world, the GB claims not to be infallible buts acts as if it is; in the Catholic world the old claim is that the Pope is infallible in matters of doctrine and morals, but modern Catholics don't go along with it. Catholics are therefore smarter.

    : The governing body is not the final authority in doctrinal matters.

    No? Then who is? And don't tell me that God or Christ is.

    : The magisterium is the final authority in the catholic church.

    But you just said the Church teaches that the Pope is infallible. He must then be the final authority, according to you.

    : How you can make the statements you did with a straight face is beyond me.

    Because I'm telling the truth about what happens in practice.

    :: In practice, the Church has enough sense not to think that the Pope was put in his place directly by God.

    : Maybe you need to talk about a subject you are familiar with since you know next to nothing about catholic church governance.

    I know enough to see that no matter what the official teaching is, in practice they act the way I've said. Theory means nothing when practice is different.

    :: Bethel leaders have this albatross of "passing the mantle" to deal with. Today, Ted Jaracz, aka "The Boss", wears that mantle and so the weenies below him who know what a scumbag he is refuse to act. Perhaps the adverse publicity now haunting the Society will light a fire under them.

    : No one passes the mantle better than the catholic church.

    So? You really ought to quit making pointless comments.

    : If Jaracz does "take up the mantle" you can rest assure that his authority will be nowhere near the pope's.

    Nonsense. No one in Bethel bucks Jaracz, now that Lloyd Barry is dead. Therefore, again in practice, he is THE leader.

    : We technically have no leaders.

    Technical bullshit. Why do you think Jaracz is referred to as "The Boss" in Bethel? Why does no one challenge him? Answer: he is in practice The Leader.

    : Jaracz and other governing body members are just slaves of God.

    Unfaithful and evil ones, to be sure.

    : You have no knowledge of what the word governing body means.

    I have a good deal of knowledge about this. It is you, with your foolish, willing blindness, who maintains a false picture of how things were handled in the 1st century.

    : You are way out of your element here. Exactly what low-level Christians attended the first century governing body meetings in Jerusalem?

    You know the Bible. Read the relevant passages.

    : And your suggestion about a jw being df is simplistic, to say the least.

    But true.

    :: I think there's something to be said for stability, as opposed to the Keystone Kops methods of governing used by the JW leadership. Every few decades they try something new -- always with divine direction, of course.

    : Now you are defending the catholic church over against jw. My how you have slipped, fraudbacker. You praise a church for continuing to do the wrong thing for hundreds of years? Give us a break.

    You're so dumb it's pathetic. I'm being facetious. Do you know what that is?

    :: No reasonable person picks on them because of their age. These men are criticized because of their bad, unchristian, self-serving and amazingly stupid decisions. The fact that they are ancient and therefore have ossified brains explains why their decisions are so bad. I mean, one would be hard put to figure out a worse set of decisions than they've made over the last year and a half with respect to dealing with the adverse publicity about molestation.

    : I haven't heard many in this place criticize the ossified brains of the governing body.

    That's because you have your fingers in your ears.

    : They choose to pick on gastric problems and problems with the chewing of steak. What do those things have to do with ossified brains and bad decisions?

    It's called sarcasm, you moron.

    :: Younger men tend to be somewhat less arrogant than the old geezers who have been bowed down to for decades and have become overconfident that they are not to be questioned.

    : You must have never read the Bible and you know next to nothing about human nature. LOL. Young guys can be as arrogant as the next man. Plus they are inexperienced. Most guys become humbler as they get older because they realize what fools we mortals be.

    We're not talking about the world in general, you twit. We're talking about how things work in Bethel -- in that fantasyland where a lot of other things are upside down and ass-backwards. As younger men are put on pedestals and advance in age and authority, they get more arrogant because no one ever disagrees with them. They start thinking that no one ought to disagree with them. It's same evolution as is found in any absolute dictatorship. Those unable to cope are weeded out. Those who are left tend to be weak and cowardly, unable to think for themselves and having horribly seared consciences. By the time they get to be in Jaracz's position, they're massively arrogant sons-of-bitches who think they're God incarnate.

    ::: Younger folks may not suffer from ossification but they often suffer from another syndrome. Manure filled diapers that they are not able to change.

    :: Why would they do that? They have sisters in Bethel who do that for the GB.

    : The governing body may have literal manure in their pants because of age but young ones often have figurative manure because they are immature. They have not seen the world and know hardly anything about life and serving God. Wisdom mainly resides in those of advanced years.

    Correction: Wisdom ought to reside in those of advanced years. The JW Governing Body and those close to it in power are a classic case of how the rules don't always work the way one supposes they should. These men know almost nothing of the world outside Bethel. Most have no children. Some are not even married. How can such insulated, inexperienced men possibly make good decisions regarding realities of life? They can't, and that's the problem that is plaguing the JW organization today.


  • Dawn
    Jesus said that the Pharisees taught what was proper but did not act in harmony with what they told others to do.

    I do not believe the GB teaches what is proper - there are many instances where their doctrines contradict the bible.

    So I am not sure sure that Jesus would have picked on some old Pharisee about his gastric disorder. He would have at least shown respect for the Pharisee's age.
    Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sad'ducees coming for baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
    Mat 15:7 You hypocrites!

    Yep - he didn't make fun of their age. But he did call them hypocrites and snakes. So I suppose you would not be offended if I refer to them as crawling vermin???

  • ThatSucks

    : Are you kidding?


    : You expect me to prove Greenlees did not molest a child and then get shifted around?

    Sure, why not? You were the first to imply that it was not true. Prove your assertion.

    : You cannot prove a negative. That is like asking me to prove that I did not eat a hamburger last night. How does one go about proving that he did not eat a bite of food 16 hours ago?

    How about letting folks listen to your belly growl, then x-ray your intestines? That would definately prove that you did NOT eat a bite of food 16 hours ago.

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