Q for Everybody, So let me get this str

by Legendary U.2.K. 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    Nobody sane here believes in fairy tales. If you have some facts, then go ahead and present them. A book which talks about naked ladies and talking snakes, fiery dragons, chariots whirling up to heaven, Wonder Bread falling out of heaven, demon-infested pigs jumping off cliffs and talking donkeys ain't gonna cut it though.

    We're talking some REAL evidence, not fairy tales. Do you have any?


  • dustrabbit

    Speaking of fairy tales:
    1. I'm still trying to turn water into wine...just isn't working. must. try. to. focus. use. the. force. justin. use. the. force. uhhhhnnn!
    2. What about the Secret Passage of Mark? If that is not a spurious passage, then Jesus was really living a different kind of "fairy" tale. Not anything wrong with that, per se, but it does put a wrinkle in all those goddammed, anti-gay conservative Christians out there.
    Just a thought for me to ponder as I wistfully wish I had a Taco Bell Taco Sald to munch on.
    the dustrabbit

    To do list:
    1.Still waiting to goose the Organization.

  • Kenneson

    Along with those 144,000, the book of Revelation speaks of the
    Lamb standing upon Mount Zion. Is that a literal lamb and a
    literal Mount Zion?

  • Sirona

    In answer to the original question: NO I do not want to be in the "new world". Why? Because its slavery.


  • Francois

    A Thousand years with Jehovah's Witnesses? I'd rather be dead.


  • dustrabbit

    Oh heel, If I could have a thousand years running around w/out the JWs, it would be worth it.
    the dustrabbit

    To do list:
    1.Still waiting to goose the Organization.

  • Bodhisattva

    Legendary u -

    At last someone has revealed the truth! No, nothing in the Bible is symbolic; everything is literally true. Which means that the new heavens and new earth can only come when those now existing are burned away by fire. Which means we're all screwed.

    Seriously, the question "is Genesis true?" would have made little sense to Jesus of Nazareth. His saying 'just as in the days of Noah' no more makes the Noah account accurate than my saying 'like the boy who cried "wolf!"' means that the fable referenced actually took place. We don't usually think of a fable as a lie - even though it is not factually true - we think of it as a story with a point to make.

    In the ancient world such stories were highly valued because they taught important lessons. They were the "mythos," while true stories - which told what really happened, but gave little insight into why - were "logos." Today, apart from children's stories, we rarely grasp that mythos can be important without being "true."

    Far from being bereft of symbolism, the Bible is almost entirely symbolism. There is a deeper meaning to each of the stories, and the perceived validity of that meaning has nothing to do with whether the events of the story actually took place. Similar events surely did, but without the clear meaning imposed by the integration of gods and their dealings, the meaning was not as clear.

    Today we look for meaning not by examing the minds of the gods, but those of men. We find better answers on whole. We know that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, while some of our forefathers could not imagine that lightning can strike without sending a message.

    The story of a brave old man trying to rescue his livestock from rising floodwaters is worthy of Hemingway. Making such into a story about a Creator who breaks his own physical laws with global flooding and water canopies adds nothing to the value of the mythos.

  • aprostate

    You're right. I want to live in paradise. I want there to be a Santa Claus also.


  • zenpunk

    Nobody really knows - so why waste time worrying about it.

  • SYN

    Don't you just love those tro certain people who come to this board, make a single highly-inflammatory flame-bait thread, and then vanish, never to be heard from again until their next flame-bait thread?

    If you're not up for rational discussion, we won't bother with you, U2K. I have yet to see you answering questions posed to you properly. We're not murderers or evil people, just normal people who enjoy a little thing called "TRUTH"!

    And, saying that the Bible is NOT symbolic and should be taken literally is a MIGHTY hard pill to swallow. Even for most Christians.

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