Letter For Judicial Hearing 6-6-02

by silentlambs 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hmmm


    You're new to this forum, so you don't know that I often use 50 words when 10 will do--even lawyers think I talk too much. In the process, I appear to be coming on more strongly than I intend. I should have probably said "there's nothing wrong with questions, but don't expect to have every one answered" and left it at that.

    Here is what I do believe: that it will be difficult, and cmon, given the circumstances, it'd be hard for any of us in this situation, to report everything that is going on with it with complete objectivity. I also noticed some gaps in the paper trail, so to speak, and so just wanted to investigate a little more.

    I also believe, and its not a phenomenon exclusive to xJw forums, that whenever someone builds a case such as Mr. Bowens has, that extremist nutbars will line up behind them without any real factual knowledge and make the wildest assertions in the name of supporting such a person. You are clearly not that type of person, I'm referring to someone who would say something like 'all elders are pedophiles'.

    Two good points. Bill has never claimed to be 100% objective (how many activists are?), and I just kinda ignore the 'all elders are pedophiles' crowd.

    PS I take it Simon is the owner of the forum? Really, I just joined this week and don't know about all the politics of other people posing with different aliases. I would welcome such verification but I guess I'd hope that my email etc would remain private, right? One thing I can tell you is that while I may be outspoken and frequently have to rethink my positions, I will always post on this board with this name and this name only and would never mislead the board in any other manner.
    It's a neverending game. JWs come here pretending to be ex-JWs, and ex-JWs go to the JW boards pretending to be JWs with honest questions. It makes everyone very suspicious.

    Pathofthorns is right about cutting you slack. Troll is a very dirty word around here lately, and I didn't intend to imply that you were one. I was just trying to make a point. In calling for reasonable questions, I guess I gave the appearance of unreasonableness, myself.

    Thank you for your measured response, and a belated "welcome" to the board.

    (Not gunna be the one to quote scriptures about "an answer, when mild...")

  • patio34

    The Professor said:

    Cases like this one are priceless. Knowledge is power, and the more people realize they have rights, the less likely they will allow themselves to be bullied by elders who think they have complete control and rule.

    This is so true and this whole issue may cause them much damage as people realize they don't HAVE to follow a bunch of men who claim to have authority over them! As a fellow soon-to-be XJW said: "If they're really from God, I'd better see a halo or some kind of miracle, just as in the Bible. Cause otherwise, they're just men claiming a bunch of bull____."

    SilentLambs, in one of the letters you just posted, it said that they "elders'" intentions are:

    Be assured that our meeting with you is, just an extension of our shepherding work. We desire to render spiritual aid in Christian love.
    Now THAT'S the funniest thing so far! Do they really believe that anyone buys that? I'm glad to see that your attorney refuted that blatant lie.

    You can't believe anything that comes out of their mouths!


  • LDH


    I'm sorry to say, I think you are right. It was predetermined MONTHS ago what 'discipline' Bill deserved.


  • obiwan

    And now the big guns are a blazin.


    6--6--02 WOW Lisa and I went to the show and went out to eat and then she got a free hot fudge sunday for her birthday-- and then I got a hug and a smooch on the cheek from one of the Afro bus drivers on 6--6--02 in front of at least 15 material witnesses and then I found out he was a married man--was this why there was a JW judicial committee meeting BILL??? WILL I BE GETTING A LETTER IN THE MAIL TOO letting me know of my standing with the ORG--maybe I should frame it and put it on te wall !!!!

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