My Theory about wild X-JWs

by zenpunk 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I think some people go wild I guess although I've yet to meet any. Most people I have met, spoken to or had any contact with a pretty nice people.

    I was hoping to go a bit wild but Angharad said I wasn't allowed

    The WTS loves to paint us all as immoral, evil, depraved, [add whatever other insults you can think of] but I think the truth is a bit more boring. We're all just people, some good, some bad, some happy, some sad but all with the common experience that affects our lives in some way.


    i have a BETTY BOOP t-shirt that sayz I AM AS BAD AS I WANT TO BE !!! END OF QUOTE Besides pickin my nose and wipe on my sleeve I also burp and pass gas.. I did have an older brother who taught me all these things !!!! QUEENIE

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