You just witness Billy Grahm raise someone from the dead. No, Harry Houdini tricks, full blown decomposing death.
You think, "This is the guy!" Obviously he has "God's" favor.
(Sidenote question: You think Satan could raise the dead?)
Anyhow you have a religious expereience, sell all your assets and give the proceeds to the poor, and become a follow of Billy.
11 others have a similar sentiment.
Some months later after watching Billy: walk on water, cure blindness, etc, all verified by CNN and 60 minutes, you recline back after some chinese take out and debate with your 11 associates which one of YOU is the greatest?!!!
Man will never, I repeat never be free from himself. He cannot divorce his ego any more than he can divorce his lungs from providing oxygenated blood. Organizations no matter how well intentioned, no matter how much of God's spirit they have will always be MENS CREATIONS. As such, threads such as are simply a commentary of men, not good men, or pious men, or any other kind of men. Just men.
Live your own life. Help others if you can or are so inclined. Consider Jesus' life and model that if it appeals to you. But be your own messiah because no organization, no man is ever coming to rescue you.
Then you die.
"If you acknowledge you are unconscious, you are no longer unconscious" ~ unknown