I find this all very interesting. I must admit that I really looked fwd to the CO visits. I would say that most of them were all pretty nice. Of course there were your exceptions.
I remember one who was scheduled to have lunch w/ a pioneer sister and her study (at the study's home), well he told the elders that he did not have lunch at any study's home. That they had to be baptized and in good standing. Well no one would volunteer so an elder ended up taking him and his wife to a restaurant. This CO was not liked at all in both Spanish and English circuits. He was very cold. I heard so many complaints about him from both sides. I was always surprised why this man remained in this position. BTW he serves in the english circuit in Oregon.
What about those who had strict diet restrictions? That used to get my mom. Not only are they getting hospitality bestowed unto them but they will tell you in what way. We used to have them all the time but after that it stopped. Off to the buffet with you.
Or what about the CO's wives who would bring their dogs with them? I guess some needed the companionship. After all the Society kept these men so busy could you blame them?
I also knew of a few who had a child with them, back in the 70's. Talk about spoiled.
I would say that there are those who are 'company' men and if the Society said to jump they would say how high. These are the men the Society sends into circuits when serious problems arise. These men cannot be trusted. I would say Paducah area might be in store for one of these types.
As for talks at the District convention the CO picks certain elders in the circuit to make selections as to who gives these. I used to serve on this committee. In fact the District convention Admin. has more to say on this than a CO, and that is where I saw more favoritism, like the Convention Overseers son-in-law. Never gave a talk at the Circuit Assembly but was there at the District. The CO does hand pick those for circuit assembly talks and I would say that depending on the individual and how much he can be bought. But the ones I dealt with for the most part seemed pretty fair.
But I also know for a fact that there were those who were trying to make a positive change for the better. Unfortunately for them they are caught in a system that does not foster such change. I remember as an elder having private discussions with some of these men and to see their frustration was so disheartning. I can see why now. It is corrupt from the top down. No matter how hard they try or what they do it will not have any measurable success.