LOL,Farkel you shithead!I nearly spit my drink all over the computer.Man,the things you come up with(LOL)...OUTLAW
WT at it again...cross or stake?
by dungbeetle 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In a sermon I heard once I'd left the dubs, the minister stated:
Only the Son of God, by means of his death and resurrection, could have turned an instrument of torture into a symbol of hope.
I think that's how most Christians view the matter.
It's NOT the way I thought of it when I was a JW. In fact, until I heard the above thought from that minister's mouth, I would have kept on thinking about the subject as StinkyPantz does.
What IS it with you and TELEPHONE POLES?!!!!
of the Who-cares-what-kind-of-tree-it-was? classWhen a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift
Im Adventist and the church people in the town I lived built a new church. Before the construction of it they had a meeting to decide if they wanted crosses on it and theyy decided against it. The church I go to now is the same denomination but has crosses bigger than the catholic church my wife attends. While al adventists beleive that jesus died on a cross some dont like they outward display of crosses. Barry
Okay ...we all know this but allow me to get my thoughts down:
The cross (as we see it today)really did originate with the ever popular (especially with the Hebrew women)Tammuz cult.
The Tammuz groupies got started with the Osiris (mother-father-son) cult. (see Egypt the land of the gods)
Jesus (or those men who made up the Jesus myth) suffered some horrendous torture for what he (or they) believed.
The historical evidence certainly favors the cross and I suppose that now with all of the information so readily available the WTS must do a new song and dance to make the dubs believe that they had ALWAYS known this but it just wasn't the "proper time" to feed the sheep this bit of info.
or a HOLE-in-one.
LMAO@beetleYou crack me up!
WTS must do a new song and dance to make the dubs believe that they had ALWAYS known this but it just wasn't the "proper time" to feed the sheep this bit of info.
If and when the time comes that they consider that he probably died on a cross (and IMHO they have already for some time now) they will simply stick to what they have been saying all along. This issue as far as the WTS is concerned IS a BLK & WHT issue.
We will be making a bigger issue out it all by ourselves with out there help.
They never put up any pictures of Jesus hanging on a steak so why would they give a chitt now? They never put steaks on all the KH. What are they gonna do run out and remodle all the KH and assembly Halls and put crosses on them?
naaa. With the JW's it's a DEAD issue.
.........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music................