Princess, it's very easy to look at things unemotionally from an outsiders point of view isnt it? When you fall for someone you do dumb things, like trust them for instance! It can affect anyone at any age.
i have been seeing a jw
by chineseprincess 23 Replies latest social relationships
well here is an update on my situtation with the Jehovah's Witness. Some time last week he had told me that he loves me. I don't believe him when he says it, due the fact that he only known me for 3 months. I also told him that he didn't love me because when a person loves another they will do anything for the other. he then asked me what i wanted him to do, i replied "leave the witness." he then tells he has truck payments, insurance to pay for and no place to live at.(because he might get kicked out by his parents if he leaves the witness). i then questioned him " your willing to turn your back on god then?" "maybe" he answers. i have decided to take a week from everyone and just be by myself. yesterday i told him it's either me or god and that he has to decide by the end of my week away. so i'm not sure what is going to happen. but i'll leave an update when it does.
This dumb dub is having sex outside marriage and is calling himself a JW?? Then he goes back to the elders and tells them he's been a bad boy? This makes me sick.
Been there, done that. I know what you're feeling, I know that he really does care for you, but unfortunately--he is a dub and your relationship w/ him is doomed. Why do I sound so pessimistic? I went through the same exact thing, thought it was love, had sex, almost converted for the fool. But I realized something, maybe a little too late--in my mind, we were together, in his mind it was all about Jehovah. He'd never leave the congreg. and I would rather pick fleas off a monkey's ass than join. So..............bye, bye baby.
It hurt, it drove me crazy, made me almost loose my job, and my sanity.
Hi,I'm in a very similar situation as you...I'm 17 and going out with a 20 year old Jehovahs Witness.I've sent my story ''My B/F told me he's J/W after month's of dating'' a few mins ago on here (I only joined today & thought I might be able to find some good advice from this site).Mail me back if ya want,hope to hear from u.Funky_Diva_53_2000.