Ever since I departed the JW`s, I have pooh - pooh`d the idea of Satan, devils, demons, witches and warlocks and laughed at JW paranoia re Smurfs and demonised objects etc etc.
Just recently, I have had some thoughts as to why JW`s are so obsessive about this subject, suppose that:
What if the JW religion were itself of Satanic origin? Consider the facts:
Is it not the case that Jesus Christ actually plays second fiddle to
Paul in JW teachings? If the religion was Satanic, the downplaying of Jesus would be fundamental to its survival.(According to the novel "The Mission", Paul is portrayed as the Earthly materialisation of "Brax", who`s one aim is to destroy faith in Jesus.)
For centuries the Cross has been depicted by Christians as a sacred talisman to ward off evil. Would it not be logical for a Satanic religion to propose that the Cross be seen as an evil object, so that its "healing" presence be removed from its followers? Isn`t it so that JW`s feel very uncomfortable in the presence of this symbol?
Why are JW`s so prone to "demonic" experiences, is it because they are spending too much time in the wrong company? Why are JW children so nervous of the night, is it because their young senses are picking up danger signals from their environment? Why do so many people feel that there is "something sinister" about WTBTS publications, particularly the old Rutherford works? What is it that causes the glazed expression to appear on the faces of witnesses when they encounter rebuttal of their beliefs?
There is no doubt that the societies origins were heavily mired in Masonic beliefs and pyramidology. I have a friend who fled a Masonic initiation half-way through the final ceremony, so terrified was he of the Satanic forces that he felt were present.
It makes you wonder, doesn`t it?