Is There Something Sinister At The KH?

by Englishman 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Ever since I departed the JW`s, I have pooh - pooh`d the idea of Satan, devils, demons, witches and warlocks and laughed at JW paranoia re Smurfs and demonised objects etc etc.

    Just recently, I have had some thoughts as to why JW`s are so obsessive about this subject, suppose that:

    What if the JW religion were itself of Satanic origin? Consider the facts:

    Is it not the case that Jesus Christ actually plays second fiddle to
    Paul in JW teachings? If the religion was Satanic, the downplaying of Jesus would be fundamental to its survival.(According to the novel "The Mission", Paul is portrayed as the Earthly materialisation of "Brax", who`s one aim is to destroy faith in Jesus.)

    For centuries the Cross has been depicted by Christians as a sacred talisman to ward off evil. Would it not be logical for a Satanic religion to propose that the Cross be seen as an evil object, so that its "healing" presence be removed from its followers? Isn`t it so that JW`s feel very uncomfortable in the presence of this symbol?

    Why are JW`s so prone to "demonic" experiences, is it because they are spending too much time in the wrong company? Why are JW children so nervous of the night, is it because their young senses are picking up danger signals from their environment? Why do so many people feel that there is "something sinister" about WTBTS publications, particularly the old Rutherford works? What is it that causes the glazed expression to appear on the faces of witnesses when they encounter rebuttal of their beliefs?

    There is no doubt that the societies origins were heavily mired in Masonic beliefs and pyramidology. I have a friend who fled a Masonic initiation half-way through the final ceremony, so terrified was he of the Satanic forces that he felt were present.

    It makes you wonder, doesn`t it?


  • joelbear

    Fascinating post. As a witness I regularly had demonic dreams. Theses dreams ended about 3 years after I left. So, was I freed from the demons, or did the demons just leave me alone after they got me.

    I have long speculated that Paul was anti-Christ. He was after all a very orthodox Jew. Just like Pat Buchanan joining and then destroying the Reform party, so his conservative pal could win the presidency.


  • Welshman

    The points that you raise are valid,and don't forget those cheeky subliminal images which appear in certain publications .The idea of a counterfeit copy of Christianity as satanic inspired has been in Christianity for centuries (wheat and the weeds).
    However,old nick dropped a real clanger in choosing JW's,couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery without changing the drinks back and forth in a flip flop fashion
    But you are right with the demonic stories they are petrified about them and as for the glazed expression,that has always been de rigeur.

    Regards Welshman

    Edited by - Welshman on 27 February 2001 10:7:38

    Edited by - Welshman on 27 February 2001 10:8:48

  • joelbear


    I am very interested in reading the book you mentioned. I couldn't find it at Amazon or Barnes. Do you have an author name?



  • Welshman

    The argument of JW's used to be that the demons would leave you alone when you became a JW,so it would be difficult for them to criticise you if after leaving the JW's the demons stopped harassing you.
    However,a few did seem to show signs of mental illness and I wonder if the WT routine had anything to do with this ie: the continual guilt trip.

    Regards Welshman

  • ianao

    Hello joelbear (pleased to meet you):

    Fascinating post. As a witness I regularly had demonic dreams. Theses dreams ended about 3 years after I left. So, was I freed from the demons, or did the demons just leave me alone after they got me.

    My personal take, is that the "demons" left you alone, because you stopped worrying about them constantly. So in a way, 3 years after you left, your own "demons" DID leave you alone, not because they "got" you, but because YOU "forgot" them.

    Just my opinion...

  • TR


    I've read some about how the WTS is connected to Free Masonry and the Illuminati. Very interesting subject.

    For centuries the Cross has been depicted by Christians as a sacred talisman to ward off evil. Would it not be logical for a Satanic religion to propose that the Cross be seen as an evil object, so that its "healing" presence be removed from its followers? Isn`t it so that JW`s feel very uncomfortable in the presence of this symbol?

    It very well could be.

    The subject of demons is slightly fascinating to me. I think because I never once had any kind of even a hint of demonic activity in my life before, during or after the WTS. I was somewhat jealous of those who told of witnessing demonic activity. I believe it's all in ones mind. I only say that because I have zero experience with demons. Once upon a time, I even prayed for demons to make themselves manifest in some way to me. Never happened, at least not in conventional ways that I know of. And no, I don't think the demons are making me go against the WTS!


  • ianao
    I've read some about how the WTS is connected to Free Masonry and the Illuminati. Very interesting subject.

    TR, check your e-mail. Please read and respond.

  • TR


    Do you want me to respond here, or by email?


  • ianao

    e-mail, please.

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