by Wendy 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThatSucks

    Hello larc, you said:

    :: I appreciate your comments, and I have had the same advice from others, but no, I won't leave this alone. Here is why. I have a professional reputation and a sense of ethics about what I have done in my life, professionally. I will not allow someone to drag that down, through the mud, so to speak.

    I understand what you are saying larc but I have to ask... WHY? Why does it matter what anyone thinks of you on this board? Since when do you have to justify yourself to ANYONE reading this post? Perhaps you have colleagues who frequent this board, and if so I can understand. But, if you only have this community, then WHO CARES? Anyone who knows you already knows what REALLY happened. There is no need for justifications IMO.

    :: I will not sit by and let anyone say that I am a fraud. I know that for most of you this all becoming very boring, but I will not quit until this is over.

    Fine. Continue to do so. Meanwhile, the 'opposing side' is going to smear your name and call you down on your supposed 'obsession'. You're baiting yourself here larc. 'Fraud' is just a smear. Others here know you for who you are and what you stand for. I personally wouldn't get my panties in a wad over this BS. (That is, if I wore panties.)

    Edited by - ThatSucks on 10 June 2002 23:38:59

  • Imbue

    Larc all licensed nurses in NYS are posted on the NYS Board of Nursing's website. If you know a nurses name and location you can verify if they have an active license.

    An interesting thing about nursing is once a nurse always a nurse even if you aren't practicing. Many let their licenses go and don't renew it if they aren't practicing. If that is the case the nurse will not be listed under the states list of licensed nurses. However it doesn't mean she isn't a nurses because the training stays with you for life. Nurses are taught a method of processing information that always stays with the nurse.

    I believe Wendy when she says she is a nurse. She knows too much for someone that has not had training. There are two kinds of Nurses in NY one is a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN); they have vocational training to administer medication and do procedures. Then a Registered Professional Nurse which requires a college degree and supervises the LPN. Many LPN's have a great deal of clinical experience although their training is different from a Registered Nurse they make a valuable contribution to the medical field. Sometimes LPN's know more than RN's depending on their experience. You can stop all this and just go to the website. Go to online license verifications and be quiet about it then.


    (ammended) This is just FYI...not a defense of anyone persons past or present actions.


    Edited by - imbue on 11 June 2002 0:0:17

  • larc


    That is a nice suggestion, but I am sure you know it is unrealistic. Think about how you have been treated. I don't expect anything less for myself.

    One difference is, that in my case, I will pursue this to the limit of the system, the law, and whatever it takes for these people to leave me alone.

    I will not tolerate injustice in my life.

  • larc

    That Sucks,

    I have no collegues here. I do have many good friends here. My integrity is important to me for those friends, that I have come to love. So, I am in a community, a community that knows me, and hopefully cares for me. That is why it matters. I have invested a lot of time here. I have started many thoughtful posts. I have responded to many people that were hurting. I am not going to let that be dashed away by someone attacking my character.

  • Prisca


    You know that Wendy's qualifications for being a nurse is not the issue here. You have made a very obvious side-step in this issue in order to take the heat off your friend.

    All Wendy has to do is apologise for calling Larc a fraud and taking his qualifications into disrepute. Instead, she remains quiet. Why? I think it's because she has no concept of humility. She's too proud to admit that she was mistaken, or that she made these allegations deliberately in order to hurt Larc.

  • LDH

    Ummmm....may I say something here?

    I spend a considerable amount of my free time here, and never once have I come across any of the posts where Larc/Wendy fought. I have *NO IDEA* where all the animosity comes from.

    I am *clueless* as to the basis for the argument. It seems Wendy questioned Carl's credintials, and he provided them.

    So, perhaps an apology is in order.

    Either I'm dumber than I thought (possible) or these threads were blown WAY out of proportion.

    Now if *I* don't get it, the newbies must be crapping their pants.


    Let it DIE Class

  • Simon

    I think larc has every right to insist on things being straightened out. I too have had lies told about me in an obvious attempt to try and discredit me and perhaps ruin my reputation which, while not as professional or accedemic as Larcs, is important to me non-the-less.

  • hillary_step

    Simon & Larc,

    In which case a simple experiment might be made to assess what damage has been done to Larcs reputation - take a poll.

    If I were to start a thread entitled 'Who Believes Larc Is A 'Fraud'?', how many will reply 'I do" in this public forum? I suspect that at the very most two people will affirm this, and these would be those who have personal issues with Larc. So Larcs' reputation is intact.

    Now, if you were to then ask as an additional question, 'Has Larcs Reputation Been Damaged', then you might strangely enough get a number of affirmative answers. The point being that though Larcs' reputation is intact with all but a couple of people on this Board, many may feel that he has been unfairly slighted., which he undoubtedly has.

    It is unlikely Simon that the persons who have done the slighting will change their positions, in fact perhaps they are even as we speak checking the credentials that Larc posted earlier rather than purely accepting them as stated as everybody else has done. What I am saying is that this is a personal issue and not a Board issue. Who is Larc defending his reputation against? I venture, nobody but two or at most three persons, and these may have their own agenda.

    Lest you feel that I do not understand what Larc is going through, I do. In one congregation in which I served, a fellow elder, due to malice alone, engaged in an obsessive campaign to destroy my reputation not just in the congregation, but in the community, this over a decade. My initial reactions were defense, but as the years past I realized that I actually did not care what any person on this planet ( apart from Mrs Step ) believed or did not believe about myself or my reputation. It was a strangely liberating moment.

    I remember Alpine climbing many years ago and my guide kept referring to me as Sir , as in "would Sir like some extra crampons. One climber who took a instant dislike to me ( not terribly difficult...lol ) , said loudly and sarcastically "I would not call him Sir'. A fellow climber who knew me well quickly replied. "Better men than you have". Well Larc, those that count know your worth.

    I affirm my own point of view, that this issue is going nowhere and is best buried in the back yard under the mulberry bush.

    Kindest regards - HS

    Edited by - hillary_step on 11 June 2002 6:59:35

    Edited by - hillary_step on 11 June 2002 7:0:29

  • Pathofthorns

    I would have to agree with Hillary that probably next to no one considers Larc a fraud with respect to his credentials. Only an idiot would post a fake detailed list of credentials.

    I am glad Wendy is back to posting here and I think she is a good person. But if she has caused some trouble by questioning these credentials and they are indeed true credentials, I think an apology would be good, and even if only part of the story is being told here and she has some justification, I think it would be very big of her to do this.

    On the other hand Larc, you also have not exactly been treating people here with a satisfactory measure of courtesy and respect and have also assaulted certain people's character with profane and derrogatory terms. Maybe a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black?

    I'm not exactly sure what all of your education and life experience has taught you by the way you behave here sometimes. It would seem you take alot of this online stuff wayy too seriously and it is getting to you. As a professional in the field, I'm sure you understand that this can't be good.


  • Wendy

    Alright, I am throwing my hands in the air here. I DID not want this. As I stated before in this thread, I meant everything I said before, and refuse to apologize. My fault is perhaps stating my opinions in public. I wanted to come back here and visit with my friends and have enlightneing conversation...NOT be harrassed by people I do not get along with.

    If Larc wants to discuss what I said of him on another forum, and Simon is advocating that...I concede. I will discuss it in public, but only if Simon assures me I will not get deactivated for it. As he already posted in this thread personal info is not allowed and risks deactivation. SInce Larc has posted personal info since that point...I can only assume that was meant for me.

    I also do not want to be barraged with others jumping on me either. I already stated, I do not care for some...and with good reason as well. What good does it do to constantly bring this out in the open for others to read? Who could possible care about all of this, except those involved...and we have been down this road, nobody won. SO if Larc wants to make a Note to Wendy in the adult forum...I will find some time today to answer him. I WILL not be returning to that thread after I make my view of him public.

    If this is what Larc wants, and Simon agrees then I will do it. I have to say...this is insane and very childish though. I don't see where it gets ANY of us. It is much easier to walk away then to stay in the mudpit, trust me my heart is settled on what transpired, and have no need to rehash OLD business.


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