Hi, I'm a newbie

by creamypink 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • creamypink

    Just wanted to say hello and sort of introduce myself. I am usually on another JW posting board. I found wonderful friends there and I was hoping to find more here.
    I've not been DF nor have I DA'd myself. I have made it clear that I do not want anything to do with the borg since about last summer. I was harrassed for awhile but it's quieted down. That won't last as the congregations are shrinking around here. They go out the back faster than they come in the front. I think all they can do is try to go after the ones that "drifted" away. I've been harrassed to write a DA letter but I refuse to do anything for them. I've done enough. :)
    I am currently being shunned but I can take it. Unfortunately there are many who struggle with this because their circumstances are far worse than mine.
    Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and post around if I can. Thankyou all.

  • ChiChiMama

    Hello & Welcome!

    I hope you enjoy our little cyber world.

    I walked away.I am not Df'd or Da'd but I am shunned.


  • Hmmm

    Welcome aboard Cream.... er, Pin.... um, CP!


  • DakotaRed

    Hello and welcome, Creamy. I DA'd a little over two years ago myself, mainly to stop and prevent the harrassment from the BOE. I can relate to the shunning too. Actually, it all started long before I DA'd. Forunately for me, I have two grown daughters that never got sucked into the Borg. So, who the hell needs the dubs anyway? Not me!

  • Mackin

    Welcome Creamypink, I'm a newbie myself, from a different time zone.

    To the world you may be one person,
    But to one person you may be the world.

  • ring

    welcome to JWD
    hope to catch you in chat sometime

  • dustrabbit

    Yep, it's PINK! Let's "Get the Party Started"!
    welcome, pink...

    To do list:
    1.Still waiting to goose the Organization.

  • LDH

    Welcome to the board! I'm looking forward to your story, if you want to tell it..


  • SYN

    OOOOHH!!! I'm having a mini religious experience using the new posting box! Nice, nice work Simon!!!!!

    Welcome to the board Pink!

  • Angharad

    Welcome to the forum Pink

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