Hi, I'm a newbie

by creamypink 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
    OOOOHH!!! I'm having a mini religious experience using the new posting box! Nice, nice work Simon!!!!!

    lol SYN

    Nice to meet you creamypink - hope you enjoy the forum

  • outnfree

    Ooooooooh, Simon! I think SYN's right! Nice job!

    Welcome to the Board, CreamyPink!

    I am DA'd, shunned, and feel as you do: I can take it! Of course, it helps that I have no family in (I was the weirdo JW adult convert in my clan! lol)

    I have made some GREAT new friends here. I'm sure it won't be long until you find some, too.

  • Disengaged

    Welcome CP

  • buffy

    Hi creamypink. I'm a newbie also. Just wanted to say welcome and hope to talk to you more. I was disfellowshipped and now being shunned by my family. But, life goes on and you have the support of everyone here.


  • dmouse

    Hiya Creamypink and Buffy.

    I'm not DA or DF and strangely enough I'm not shunned either. (Perhaps it's because I live in the UK).

    So many newbies these days, I can't keep up! Perhaps this increase is a sign of God's blessing!

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