Weekend with ISP and Family

by safe4kids 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • notperfectyet

    Ahhhh..I wanted to meet the ISP'S...

    But Mr. ISP him self e-mailed me to see if I could meet them in Orlando for a day.

    I live in California.

    I told the British Dude to get a map of the USA..LOL..we are alot more spread out than European Countries.

    I'm glad you got to meet them think41self and family.

    ooops..is that English or British dude??..I always get them confused..Simon..Help..before I offend the ISP"S and start a fued...

    Edited by - notperfectyet on 10 June 2002 0:20:10

  • notperfectyet

    ...and safe4kids, he he...

  • Marilyn

    ..is there something about the British climate that is good for your skin or something? Let me in on the secret please!

    Lack of sun of course!!! Worth the trade off? Definitely!!!


  • ISP

    Hey Dana, thanks for the kind words. We enjoyed meeting you and your family as well as Tracey and Doug. It was cool! You are invited to the UK when it suits you. You would get to meet Simon and Ang....who are about 15 mins away! You will need a passport...! (So you need to get one!)



  • outnfree


    I AM paying attention!!!! lol

    How wonderful that you, and tracey and doug all met the ISPs and had a splendiferous time together!

    (I see that Marilyn already clued you in on the British Rose complexion secret, t41: no sun, lots of moisture! I am sorry that I missed meeting you when I was in FL, but I'll be back.)

    Do the ISPs know that you will have to be heavily sedated in order to get "across the pond", Dana? Start saving xanax NOW!!!! All the change out of your pockets, too! When you have saved enough of both I will put on my travel agent hat to find you a great deal to London.

    Ohhhh, Mr. and Mrs. ISP???????? I, myself, already HAVE a passport. If safe vouches for me, can I come, too?

  • ISP

    Outnfree, sure you can come! I think we will be coming again to Florida soon....so we could meet up anyway!


  • Simon

    It's the constant rain ... it acts as a natural moisturiser.

    Are you sure it was ISP and not an imposter? Old guy ... pot belly ... bald head ...

  • safe4kids

    Outnfree I WILL get a passport; I've only been meaning to since January (never mind what year!)...so I'm a bit of a procrastinator. Hey, nobody's perfect! But don't go talking about going with me to England when you don't really mean it...get me all excited for nuffin

    ISP and Mrs. ISP, thanks again for the invitation, and I really do hope that y'all can come back over sometime soon! This time maybe the beach hey?

    Simon, potbellied, balding guy?? Huh, I don't think we're talking about the same ISP then The whole family was gorgeous!


  • VeniceIT

    hhahahhaha ohhh Safe your killing me with that last passport line hahahhah!!!

    I soo wish I'd been able to come, but I was home trying not to get sick which I am happy to say I was sucesful at

    I'm so glad you had a 'smashing' time and hope to meet them on their next go about. Where's the pictures????


  • Salud

    Hi Floridians, and Europeans too!!

    (it's the wife, as I'm still incognito!!)

    Salud is sick in bed for 4 days now, high fever, aches, pains, not even able to go to work...But I am reading him all the fun you guys had..and he is sorry we weren't there....maybe next time. Glad you had a wonderful time, as we did when we got to meet you all.

    Ven, glad you didn't get sick....whatever it is...it's no fun!!!

    Hello to Think4oneself and FreePeace too!!!

    ISP and family, hope to meet you next time!!!

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