I was wondering if anyone wanted to come to my defense on this JW Discussion Board at http://www.beliefnet.org This JW that post as "RoseMaybud" is driving me crazy and I am tired of trying to get her off my back. She never post about anything much, except to make hateful remarks to me or about me. I post as "loveofwaterlilies". I would appreciate some defense for anyone interested. It is just a little site without a lot of action, and since it is multi-faith forum it is not monitored by JWs. Anyway, check it out if you are interested~I would appreciate any defense if anyone is up for it.
Help get this JW off my back!
by mpatrick 24 Replies latest jw friends
loveofwaterlilies, why not give it up? Obviously, the individuals who are appealing their judicial case are appealing because they KNOW we have they truth and they don't want to be kicked out of this organization--GET IT? Now please do everyone a favor and go away. Your constant posting on these boards is relentless and only further strengthens my conviction that we have the truth. Despite you, Jehovah's Witnesses will continue to go door-to-door proclaiming the good news of the kingdom like Jesus told us to do--and interestingly enough, I haven't had ONE individual mention the Dateline trash since it aired. Now get a life.
I could be wrong, but my guess is that you are actually getting to this JW by the comment she made, "Your constant posting on these boards is relentless and only further strengthens my conviction that we have the truth"...
Something tells me you struck a nerve with her, because she made this comment, and just by the overall 'tone' of her writings...
I would write her back, "You constant posting in support of such ludecrous policy is relentless, furthering my conclusion that your organization CANNOT be directed by god"
Why not ask if they've emailed Bill Bowen for example and asked him why he's fighting it and the others why they are appealing instead of just ass-uming it's because they believe it's the TruthTM.
Perhaps AlanF can help, I'm sure he could create a post to send this boring fool back into his/her hole. ;)
And what's he/she doing on a non-jw site anyway. ;)
My suggestion is: Continue posting on that board and ignore her pleas. Just keep continuing posting as to Piss that person Off. Remember: He who angers you, controls you. And what better way of controlling those drones than to anger them?
Edited by - AjaxMan on 9 June 2002 19:4:55
Maybe ask her why the wt, which prides itself on efforts at keeping the cong clean, and shepherds who are supposed to be a source of shelter in a storm, why the wt would df molestation victims and those who stuck up for them. Meanwhile they let the pedos roam the streets, kingdom halls, assemblies in the spiritual paradise. What kind of paradise where rapists are not reported to the superior authorities?
:Perhaps AlanF can help, I'm sure he could create a post to send this boring fool back into his/her hole.
There's pearls and there's swine. Never introduce them to each other. Pigs hate pearls and don't deserve them anyway.
I would tell her she's in the typical cultic denial. Right down to the coded words and hackneyed phrases. Why waste time on this sicko?
I have actually responded and ignored this person. This website doesn't get very many post per day, so when she post something like that it stays on top for a while. I usually post more on their Challenge & Critique Board. It is very different from here. A lot of the posters are individuals from various faiths that are curious about JWs or individuals that are somewhat familiar with JWs and have questions. I have been posting on this forum for some time and I don't really want to respond on this board in a way that I may chase off the few open-minded ones that come there.
I am familiar with Belief Net, what JW forum was this thread on; the pro JW forum or anti?
I know they have a protocol of sorts on this.
Hi Farkel,
There's pearls and there's swine. Never introduce them to each other. Pigs hate pearls and don't deserve them anyway.Farkel.
Too true.
Ignored One. (Iggy).