Help get this JW off my back!

by mpatrick 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mpatrick

    Well, I finally posted a reply...


    From post like the one from "RoseMaybud", it is quite evident the attitude that is really behind the faces of JWs. Many of the JWs that post here come off with the same haughty attitude as her...What reason would anyone have to believe that JWs are actually sincere in their quest for saving mankind? Many JWs resort to name calling and hateful remarks when their doctrines are questioned. Obviously, it is much easier to just call someone a "liar" or an "apostate" than it is to defend the JW Organization!

    I will be sure to direct my critiques to the appropriate board in the future and let all the JWs here live in their little Watchtower fantasy world where all JWs feel persecuted and hold out for the final day when all non-JWs are destroyed by the mighty JW God!

    I think Dateline was right on about their description of JWs and believe me, if everlasting life means spending eternity with the likes of such self-righteous JWs, I will take eternal destruction anyday!

    I am not saying there aren't some sincere JWs, because you do seem sincere, but I think issues such as this will show the Organization's true colors and more eyes will be opened to the hypocrisy that reigns within the Watchtower walls!

    Michelle (with two l's)

    P.S. I will be at the JW Challenge & Critique Board with the other free thinkers that are willing to defend their beliefs!

    After "Brainscramble" replied to my comments (along with all you guys) it made it a little easier for me!

    Did I come on a little too strong? ...Or does it sound alright?

  • JamesG

    Trojan Horse virus, that would teach her a lesson.

    Whom God loves he disciplines....And I'm sure he wouldn't want a fine witness sister in that site. Bad association ya know.

    PS. DON'T do it for real, illegal and not very nice. LOL. Just hint at it, she'll be scared off.


  • ItsJustlittleoldme


    Looks like BrainScramble ignored my question, and answered yours with a typical

    "I'm sorry that you judged all of us by the actions of one of us -- We are all in unity, but she is a bad example" excuse

    followed by the

    "I saw the dateline episode, and it's all the mother's fault.. She didn't protect her child.."

    No mention of the perpetrator who actually committed this hainous crime against a child...

    Oh well.. Typical JW stuff I guess...

  • dungbeetle

    I'm sorry, I just can't read over there anymore.

    These pro-Watchtower and, by their behavior, pro-pedophiles, make Jehovah's Witnesses look bad. Then shut up.

    As another poster there pointed out, one Jehovah's Witness family was hurt by the actions of another Jehovah's Witness. Both families are Witnesses, and even Beliz's family are victims/survivors too.

    But how many JW's have expressed synpathy and sadness for all the victims (of both families). For eveyone's information, Mrs. Beliz did not testify on behalf of her husband during the second trial. This whole thing must have been awful for her and their son and daughter.

    And how many Jehovah's Witnesses have fired off letters to the Belizes and the Garza's? They are ALL Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing in their congregations.

    The deafening silence speaks for itself.

    Verily and Truly, the best and brightest are loooooong gone from this publishing company.

  • mpatrick

    This individual posted two more similar comments about me, so I addressed her personally under a new heading "RoseMaybud's claims"

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