Ask him about Lett's comments that the sale of "significant property" in Brooklyn only supplied the organization with "2 weeks of operating expenses".
As we have pointed out before, organizations rarely use capital gains for operating expenses. I doubt seriously that the Dark Lords used any $ from these sales for any operating expenses. He likely didn't complete the sentence, which likely would have been . "2 weeks of operating expenses if we had actually used these funds for operating expenses and considering that what I mean is the $ left over after we used the capital for new capital programs."
That, IMHO, is more likely the situation. If they made a more or less direct transfer of capital gains to capital projects, the total left MIGHT be equal to 2 weeks of operating expenses. He appears to have completely misled the rank and file by withholding important considerations. These appear to be weasel words that hide the truth without actually lying. But what else would you expect from weasels.
If they are using capital gains for operating expenses they would be in a death spiral if they were a business. I'm not buying it. Wishing, hoping maybe, but I'm not buying it. He's lying.