Looking for ideas.

by Driving Force 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    I love it when the Witnesses, elders included, give you something to view or read because "it explains it far better" than they ever could.

    What does this tell you about their ability to fully comprehend and discuss even basic policy?

  • joe134cd

    Best practice with dubbies is to keep your mouth shut. Speaking from personal experience, I walked out of the Hall with out saying a word after decades of service. Not even an elders visit. I guess you can call me lucky.

    What amazes me about this elder is he would have to be aware of the B part of the funding letter, and possibly even have rubber stamped the change of ownership of the KH to the society, and yet still cannot put it together.

    I honestly believe the issue now is not so much been cashed up with money, but rather long term solvency. In the greater scheme of things,for an organisation of that size a billion dollars isn't that much. For example there is a convention centre been built in one of the major cities in this country, and the building alone is nearly half a billion dollars (that dosnt include land). Ok I realize WTBTS is only paying for materials, but I'm just trying to show how quickly the money can be used.

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    Thank you all for your ideas I read every one of them.
    As some have suggested I should preserve my fade and say as little as possible, that is the advice I shall take, I guess that is the easy way, but this brave 18 year old, "Brie" puts me to shame, but then our circumstances are completely different.

    But Magnum made a very significant comment "That video itself should be the wake-up call. If Lett didn't wake him up, I don't think you stand a chance."

    Also d4g "I would just let it sink in on its own when he is ready. Otherwise, all you will do is raise his CD, and that may close the door to his mind actually opening at all."

    This elder does know my position and I think keeping the door open for him is the best way I can help him to wake up.

    Once again thanks for all the suggestions.

    Driving Force

  • Half banana
    Half banana
    You could say that if Big J was really supporting the org, then the GB wouldn't have to go begging for money...but only if you wanted to make a quick exit by being d/fed!
  • Oubliette

    TTATTElder: The main point I am making with my wife lately is pointing out the absence of a public financial statement that lets people know where their donation is going

    This is huge.


    Why does every congregation give a public accounts report EVERY SINGLE MONTH but the branches and the World-Wide Headquarters NEVER DO?

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Heaven
    I'd be interested in knowing how much Bro. Lett's suit and tie cost in the May video. They were very nice.
  • R. Jerome Harris
    R. Jerome Harris

    There is much fear of men and their organizations. Fear God.

    Why care if one is DFed of not?

    Look at what has so many so fearful. Fear enslaves.

    This is not what Christs disciples are to be. They are to be free.

  • johnamos

    You could ask him if the GT and Gog’s attack is “soon, very soon” then why is the WTS/GB building a new headquarters, etc…? Aren’t all the belongings of the WTS/JW’S going to be shutdown and taken over by the nations? And regards of why they are doing so, why is it that they when building these new buildings, etc… why do they make them so luxurious and the grounds/landscape like little paradises…doesn’t that just add to the cost and demand for more time that it will take to maintain such? Wouldn’t the time that those will have to spend to maintain the buildings and property be better spent out in the ministry and the money that could be saved by not making the buildings and grounds/landscape so luxurious perhaps they would not have to solicit for more money that it is claimed it is needed to meet the current projected cost of these buildings, etc…


    [7-15-15 WT- par 3 Soon, very soon, each of us will face a similar situation. Jesus not only warned Christians about the destruction of Jerusalem but also used those first-century events to parallel what will occur when the “great tribulation” suddenly breaks out. (Matt. 24:3, 21, 29)

    par 10 Under inspiration, the prophet Ezekiel explains what Gog of Magog, a coalition of nations, will do: “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘In that day thoughts will come into your heart, and you will devise an evil plan. You will say: “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.” It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth.’” (Ezek. 38:10-12) Spiritually speaking, God’s people will stand out as unique, “in the center of the earth,” as it were. This will be too much for the nations. Yes, they will be eager to attack Jehovah’s anointed ones as well as their associates.]

    [Quote from Ciro Aulicino speaking about Gog’s attack. “What the Future Holds” talk-

    “What's the point? Brothers, we should expect them to despoil us of our human rights. We should expect them to confiscate all of Jehovah's belongings and close down and take possession of all our branches, factories, depots, kingdom halls, assembly halls, everything. Don't make any mistake about it. We are all in this together. We have a common enemy.”]
  • steve2

    For example there is a convention centre been built in one of the major cities in this country, and the building alone is nearly half a billion dollars (that dosnt include land). Ok I realize WTBTS is only paying for materials, but I'm just trying to show how quickly the money can be used.

    Hey Joe - have I understood you right - that is an astronomical amount of money for a convention centre - are you talking about a JW convention centre??

    $500 million would be exorbitant for any mainstream religious group in this country, let alone the Witnesses who barely number 14,000.

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    So this is what I wrote to him:

    Thank you very much brother ...,

    I could only watch 26 minutes, because I could no longer listed to Brother Letts begging for money.

    I have just one question.

    Every congregation issues a monthly financial statement, which I think is good. Why does the Organization never issue a financial statement?

    I doubt very much that I will receive an answer, but if I do I will let you know.

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