What is our major life decision?

by Bleep 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bleep

    In modern times, the term "proselytism" has been used to mean forcible conversion of one kind or another. The Bible does not support such a practice. Rather, it teaches that men were created as free moral agents with the privilege and responsibility to choose how they will live their lives. This includes the decision of how to worship God. -Deuteronomy 30:19,20;Joshua 24:15.

    Jesus respected this God-given right by never using his awesome power and authority to force, or coerce, someone into accepting his sayings. (John 6:66-69) He motivated his listeners by using sound reasoning, illustrations, and viewpoint questions, all with a purpose of reaching their hearts. (Mathew 13:34; 22-46; Luke 10:36) Jesus taught his disiples to show this same respect to others.-Mathew 10:14.

    My last thought today is this. When making major life decisions such as what home to buy, where to work, and how to raise children, rational people do not do so on a whim. They may research their options, meditate on their findings and, likely, ask for advice. Only after taking these things into consideration will they make a decision.

    The decision of how we should worship God desrves more of our time and effort than any other decision in life. It will affect how we live our life now, and more important, it will affect our prospect of eternal life in the future. This was clearly understood by the first-century Christians in Beroea. Even though the good news was expounded to them personally by the apostle Paul, they still carefully examined the Scriptures daily to make sure that what they were being taught was true. As a result, "many of them became believers."-Acts 17:11,12.

    Today, Jehovah's Witnesses continue the teaching and disciple-making work arranged by Jesus. (Mathew 24:14) They respect the right of others to have their own religion. But when it comes to sharing their religios beliefs with others, they follow the pattern set out in the Bible. Yes, they use honest reasoning from the Scriptures in what they consider to be a life-saving work.-John 17:3;1 Timothy 4:16

    Ps. I was asked nicely to stick around more to see another side to things. I am not too sure it will happen.

  • ballistic

    "They respect the right of others to have their own religion" but believe God will destroy them for not being a Jehovah's Witness.

  • joannadandy

    Yes, Witnesses tell you they want you to "make the truth your own".

    It was this idea of not being handed a religion that really appealed to me. Always lusting for knowledge and research, and a real love of what the Bible had to say, I was convinced this had to be "the truth" because they were so straight forward and honest, and it was so easy to open your Bible and read it for yourself.

    However, when you start to realize you are only getting one side of the story, and start asking questions, and told that it's your "lack of faith" that keeps you from understanding, you study even harder. When you begin to realize that the lens you have been given to read the Bible with, is only one of many and you still ask questions, then you decided maybe this isn't "the truth--what is truth?"

    You go to the meetings and hear parts from the platforms to new ones that "your family may not understand your choice to become a Witness, they may even threaten to disown you--but clearly the love of Jehovah and everlasting life is more important--plus you will have a whole new family to love and cherish you, the important thing is to be understanding of your families feelings, they obviously had different hopes for you, but eventually if they are reasonable they will come to respect your choice to become a Witness" -- You think to yourself, what a loving organization! They will accept anyone. And surely if they realize how hard it so for children to choose something different from their parents, if I were to choose something different, eventually they too would come to understand.

    When you kindly explain to your family, and friends you have had since birth who really do feel like your brothers and sisters, that you can't make this "your truth". You've tried, you want to--oh you want to so badly! "Everyone else believes it, why can't I?" slowly pounds in your head. You doubt your heart, your faith, your intellect--everything. Well then, that's when the verbal beatings begin. You've made the wrong choice! You've been told all your life the choice is yours to make, but no one ever told you there was a wrong answer, it was always implied, but you put your faith in them, that if you tried your best, and came to your own decision they would except it, well you are in for a serious wake-up call.

    Your family will threaten to disown you. Your friends will no longer speak to you. You will be "dead" in everyones eyes. A failure. A lost soul who die in Armegedon because you lacked faith and commitment.

    This is no longer searching for "the truth", this is not "making the truth your own"--this is conforming, and being handed your religion which is something you thought you were trying to avoid.

  • Bleep

    Stating that you have doubt in your heart is ok. Some things take time. I will only say this. It will take time to find out if it was a good decision.

  • larc


    I will take some time posting here to develope doubts in your heart. If you read many threads here, those doubts will develope in due time, by brother, in due time. We offer you meat in due season, so eat it slowly and thoroughly digest it.

  • Bleep

    I like my meat well done. No blood plz.

  • Dawn

    Very nice post Bleep - I agree with you that our decision on how to worship God should be taken very seriously - with a lot of research, prayer, and meditation. Too many people just go somewhere for the fun activities, companionship, or whatever reason.

    I spent over a year studying before I finally made a decision about my spiritual life. Some people I knew do not agree with the decision I made - but they can't ignore that it was made with a lot of study, research, and prayer.

  • Bang

    Hi Bleep, I wanted to refute some things you have written.

    Today, Jehovah's Witnesses continue the teaching and disciple-making work arranged by Jesus.

    No they don't. Jesus explicitly taught people to give what they had to the poor, and also to 'do the same' as the Samaritan (Jesus) by helping the injured (including knowing how to), whom you have no worldly arranged duty to help, and additionally pay for their continued health and well-being. Dubs don't do that, or, if rarely they do, it is generally far less thatn most other religions. Oh, and they'll proclaim it for publicity too. As for what they teach, they apply the spiritual teachings to fleshly uses. At best they consider spirituality to be morality ( not to mention how the world is continually going to be destroyed anyday now).

    They respect the right of others to have their own religion.

    I personally know of dubs, those nearest to our home, who treat a certain catholic horribly, such as they would not their own, bad as they are - makes the other dubs in the area smile too. I suppose I should also mention how their every second sermon includes the bad evil other religions. Respect, NO - tolerate perhaps. (PS I really don't appreciate reading any stinking type jovy use / lying style English).

    Yes, they use honest reasoning from the Scriptures.

    They're not even close - after the respect thing I won't be going there for now until you can reason the truth about some single words for starters.

    The 'truth' as they call it is simply a trough.


    Was I a little scathing? That's about as easy as i could go after reading what you wrote - maybe I'll be nicer another time.

  • D8TA

    They respect the right of others to have their own religion.

    Nothing like showing RESPECT as to showing a church burning down eh?

    Or lightning bolts? Screaming priests? I LOVE this kind of RESPECT!

    Jesus respected this God-given right by never using his awesome power and authority to force, or coerce, someone into accepting his sayings.

    Jesus yes. The WATCHTOWER? Eeeeh....I doubt it. Gather the kids around, these images surely could NEVER coerce them in to accepting WATCHTOWER doctrine:


    For the Lord said, "he that is without sin cast the first stone...and damn it, the Jehovah Witnesses have been throwing rocks at everyone's house. And they are a pain in the glass."


  • ballistic

    Bleep, your original post shown in this true light appears not only as a distortion of the truth but a pack of lies. I didn't realise just how disgusting the witness beliefs were until after I had recovered.

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