Now this question about Satan and his longevity, is a Farkel type question. Farkel, if you have covered this before, then I hope I did not plagerize. Well, anyway, we have this spirit creature who turns against God. Not only that, but he gets a third of the angels to turn against God and become demons. Now, what is with that? Why didn't God smash him like a bug before he turned other angels against God. That would have kept the angels in their place. Fear is a great motivator. Now, to compound the problem, God along with his son, create Adam and Eve, and while God is not paying attention, Satan gets them to committ an unforgivable sin. They are doomed to death. As a result their prodgeny get to live about 800 years, while Satan and his henchmen keep on living. There again why didn't God just smash Adam and Eve like two little earthly bugs, admit his human critters were not perfect, like he had thought, and give it another try until he got it right. Then God gets upset and after the flood, life gets cut down from about 800 years to about 70 years if you are lucky. All during this time, Satan and his buddies, get to live in heaven until 1914 when he gets kicked out, but at least he ain't dead yet and he gets to have a lot of fun on the earth stirring things up. Soon, he is going to be put in a coma for a thousand years, and then he gets to come back again and raise some more hell. I will tell you what, for a bad guy, Satan has had a pretty good life. Now, for those of you who want to quote scripture, please don't waste my time and yours. It is a MYTH, pure and simple.
Why did Satan get to live so long?
by larc 29 Replies latest jw friends
Yes indeedy-doo, the creator is so loving, that he'd let a million billion people suffer and die because he fucked up to begin with.
Oh well, I love a good murder-mystery.
Hi Larc, I enjoyed your post. I would like to add that if only Satan could read he would realize his fate. Its all there in black and white.
I have a related question.
Why did God live the destiny of humanity up to one man when he allowed every angel to choose their own destiny?
I don't know if I can answer your question, but think about this. Suppose you were an angel floating around wherever they float around. Now, they can see God in all his glory and they can see this acursed Satan. Now, if I was an angel, the choice would be a no brainer. I would go for the big guy with all the glory who is going to let me live forever. They did not have to live on faith. They saw it all in their heavenly living room.
I recently read a book by Joseph Campbell call "Thou are thou" (a compilation of lectures he gave) wherein he talks about the inappropriateness of taking the Bible stories as literal fact and the ease with which one can ridicule those who do. You just proved him right.
Terrific post but it calls for actual intelligent reasoning, not gullible accepting of mystical writings. I used to ask the elder who studied with me a similar question. I said, "Since the Organization has taught me to be rational and to reason out certain false doctrines such as Hellfire, i.e. why would a God of Love allow us to be tortured forever?...then why would a God of Love allow his children (many generations of) to suffer unspeakable desease, crimes, horrible deaths, etc for thousands of years just to prove a point to angels??"
If one of our "children" did a naughty, would we punish them & their progeny forever? No we are taught to give them the proper punishment asap. Some how come our heavenly father allows his children to be tortured? The only answers I ever got were alot of hem-hawing, harumphing and being told that he allowed his only son to die so we could get a 2nd chance, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense either when you have the means to set matters straight in the beginning and avoid all this misery.
PS. Yadrif, with your Brooklyn-based intellectualism, maybe you can field this one?
"Angels" "Devils" "Spirits"
Did I wander into a Grimm Brothers Fairy Tale Convention by mistake? <DUCKS>
There IS the problem of assuming that time means the same thing in the spirit realm as it does here. Hell, it means that there is even such a thing as time in the spirit realm. Since time is a relational concept based on movement, perhaps there's really no time for god, since he's the center of everything.
Now, if I was an angel, the choice would be a no brainer. I would go for the big guy with all the glory who is going to let me live forever.
You obviously were not a "middle" child. The middle child always goes the rebellious route!