How many guys here wash the dishes?

by ashitaka 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Imbue
    tying up and spanking part...anybody can do that

    Valis... no no no .... only someone that I let tie me up.. can spank me... and that isn't just anybody..

    As for your cooking boast. I'll let you prove it someday if I come to Dallas for one of the District Overbeerers apostafests..mmm... up for the challenge???

  • BeautifulGarbage

    My hubby did the dishes today. He always does the laundry when he's home. In fact, he is much neater and more organized than I am. However, he doesn't clean the bathroom. Oh well, can't have it all!

    He thinks along the lines of Angels husband. The less energy I expend on "chores" the more energy I will have for "fun".


  • DakotaRed

    Let's see. I work 8 hours a day, come home and cook the dinner, wash the dishes, do the laundry, vacuum the carpets, make the beds, grocery shop, mow the yard, edge it, weed it and take out the garbage. But then again, I live all alone now.

    Any volunteers???????????????

    Oh, and I also feed the cats and the fish.

    It's no wonder Santa is so jolly. He knows where all the bad girls live.

  • Valis
    Valis long as you wash before and after, I like my dishes clean,,,,


    District Overbeer


    Hey Ashi,sounds like you treat your wife right.Good for you!Good women are hard to come by.When you find the right one she deseves to be treated like a Queen.(No I don`t mean like larsguy)..LOL..Larsguy I`m just teasing you...OUTLAW

  • rekless

    i wash dishes, can cook like Emarel Lasgasse, been known to vacuum, make beds with hospital corners, do the laundry, bring home the meat and make love everynight. I have been told that I would make a hell of a wife.

  • Marilyn

    ::::::::::::::::::::The chain is too long.

    Loved it!

    My husband taught me everything I know. He had no choice if he wanted to survive being married to me. The very first meal I cooked him, on our second nite of marriage, made him throw up!!


  • animal

    My wife knows I will do whatever she asks me to do, if she needs help. We both look at things as guy jobs and gal jobs..... she does laundry and cooking, I do garbage and auto stuff...... but, I did it all when I was single.

    When home on leave from the army, I dumped all my clothes on her apt floor... everything was the same shade of green, even my white tshirts..... I was told that I will NEVER touch laundry. I agreed, and never have. While doing dishes years ago, she said " I will do them, you are too damned slow"... I agreed and didnt do them for years. Life is good.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Most gals day dream about men with big muscles, a big wallet....and a nice big


    I dream about owning a dishwasher - the electric kind, not the manual two hands and a tea towel three of them!!


    ps...I would be willing to perform sexual favours for a dishwasher!

  • dustrabbit

    Dishes: I do it about 95% of the wife: only if she's in the mood.

    Clothes: All of it is me....except for hand-washable items which are part of my wife's wardrobe. Those she takes care of herself, plus her underwear...she won't even let me touch that. (Oh well, I don't mind...)

    Cooking: We handle our breakfasts -- we have different teaching schedules. Lunch: I deal with it. Dinner: 4 times a week it's her. Eat out once a week. Th other two times

    Other chores: 60%(me)/40%(her)...but at Chinese New Year in China, it's a ritual that you do a thorough cleaning of your house. This year (back in Febuary) my wife promised to help me clean the day before we caught the plane to Kunming, but I ended up doing it all while she went shopping...boy, was I ever pissed off.

    I wonder if I should hire a maid? I need a break! Chinese houses don't have carpeting, they love tiling...and their idea of tiling is porous, so you have to catch spills very quickly. And you havesweep daily to keep the dust down...I just don't get it, where does all this dust come from?

    the dustrabbit

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