PROOF from the WT

by Scorpion 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Friend


    I am aghast at your assertion that my two questions asked have "nothing to do with what the WT teaches about Salvation being found in the WT organization."

    Let’s take a look at those two questions. As follows,

    1. Do JWs a) believe that Jehovah will ultimately judge each of us or b) do JWs believe they will do that?

    2. Has Jehovah provided Jehovah’s Witnesses a preview of his judgments for each individual?

    SC, if you think that answers to those two questions have "nothing to do with what the WT teaches about Salvation being found in the WT organization" then you have reading comprehension problems and any discussion between us henceforth may therefore be useless. Please note that each question relates to WHAT Jehovah’s Witnesses believe on the subject of salvation. Your reply is appalling. I also see that you could not muster a simple "Yes" or "No," or "A" or "B" answer to either question.

    Considering your experience and present circumstances it is understandable that you have some pent up frustration regarding the Society. Perhaps this is not the time for you and I to be considering objectively the issue at hand of what the Society teaches regarding salvation.

    If you choose to continue then please provide concise answers to the two questions asked. Afterward I will be glad to expand this discussion by considering your reasoning.


    I am glad to see that you and I are on better footing now. I would ask that you not make too much of my work. All of us have valuable things to share with one another.


    Edited by - Friend on 10 June 2000 23:18:52

  • Carmel

    To my clever Friend,

    Comparing the FDS to St. John is hardly an acceptable justification for the formers blinking light. Then maybe you know of a Paul in the ranks of the FDS that is correcting, recorrecting, re-recorrecting the rest of the gang.

    got it?


  • Friend


    I am not trying to justify anything. [url=]Here.[/url]


    Edited by - Friend on 11 June 2000 0:9:7

  • Scorpion


    I am sorry you are aghast. Maybe you ought to cut down on eating at Taco Bell.

    You still did not answer my questions. I see you avoided them again. Let me make this easier for you by asking one question.

    Do we as individuals have to belong to the Jehovah's Witness faith to gain salvation?

    Yes or No

  • Roamingfeline

    Good post, SC!!! You put into words the EXACT reason why I became inactive and resentful of the WTBTS.

  • Friend


    Do we as individuals have to belong to the Jehovah's Witness faith to gain salvation?

    The Society teaches that, ultimately we cannot say which individuals will gain salvation because Jehovah has entrusted the judgment into someone else’s hands, namely Jesus. For various reasons, including the one I mentioned—which is the relevant reason—explicitly the Society teaches the following about salvation:

    Do [Jehovah’s Witnesses] believe that they are the only ones who will be saved? No.

    Are you going to answer my two (2) questions now? If not then the discussion is over between us.


  • Scorpion


    The question I posed was: Do we as individuals have to belong to the Jehovah's Witness faith to gain salvation?

    You re-worded my question to say something different. You said: Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they are the only ones who will be saved?

    You also qouted JWs in the 20th century again. This is the only qoute in WT literature that says no. What about all of the qoutes presented at the begenning of this topic that specifically say that there is nowhere else to go other than the WT organization for true joy and salvation.

    Please just answer the question I posed yes or no

    In answer to your questions.

    1. Please reword the question. To me it has two meanings.

    2. Jehovah has provided his word for us to examine and upon examination of his word and prayer Jehovah reveals to his followers the truth. As far as judgement being revealed to us as individuals, that is something we will have to wait and see. Unless of course you are a prophet.

  • Scorpion


    Thank you for understanding what I am saying. I am not trying to disrupt ones faith, I am only trying to think beyond what I have been taught to believe in the last few years. I believe Jehovah gave us a brain to use, not for someone else to abuse.

  • Roamingfeline


    May I answer these questions as an inactive JW and what I was always taught to believe about this subject?


    In your response to Frenchy you qouted Jws in the 20th century.

    It says many millions that were not JWs will be resurrected and have the opportunity for life.

    Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and rightousness before the great tribulation, " and they will gain salvation.

    I ask, how do those who will be resurrected according to the WT and the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses gain the opportunity for life?

    Answer by Rcat: I was always taught that they will be "taught" Jehovah's ways, and grow to perfection like all the armageddon survivors, and be tested after Satan is let back out of the abyss.

    Also, how will those that chose to take a stand for truth gain salvation before the great tribulation?

    Answer by Rcat: By listening and learning the "truth" and becoming Baptized Jehovah's Witnesses, as only BAPTIZED Jehovah's Witnesses and those too young to make that stand who are CHILDREN of Baptized Jehovah's Witnesses will be fortunate enough to be "SAVED" in the Great Trib and Armageddon.

    Do we have to belong to the Jehovah's Witness belief system to gain that salvation? Please answer this question with a yes or no.

    YES. Simple as THAT.

    THAT is how I was always taught in the meetings and through the publications and my memory ISN"T FAULTY.


  • Scorpion


    You passed the test for sincerity and accuracy. You may now go to the head of the class. I am not sure how to act with your response. There were no double meanings and hypothetical answers given.

    I think I can go to bed now.

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