Last Saturday, a former ministerial servant and pioneer committed suicide in the Woodinville Washington Kingdom Hall parking lot. He was disfellowshipped several years ago, and according to the old sister that related the story to me today, he was depressed because no one would talk to him. I don't know how I kept calm when she explained to me that "we couldn't talk to him...he was disfellowshipped."
He wrapped a rope around his neck, then around two of the light posts in the parking lot, got in his car and accelerated. His body was yanked out of the car, and he laid strangled to death in the parking lot where he was found.
As some of you may know, this is the same kingdom hall we attended before our daughter committed suicide four years ago. The only reason I knew to ask this sister about what happened is because my son goes to school with a young boy that lives next door to the Kingdom hall and he told my son a dead man was found in the parking lot. Otherwise, I am sure no one would have called us to tell us that yet another young person was driven to suicide by the cruel practice of disfellowshipping and shunning.
I wasn't a close friend of this young man, but I remember that when we first moved to this area, he made an impression on me because he was a very kind, humble type person, and that really stood out in a congregation full of arrogant, cocky elders and servants.
I am writing this to pay homage to a quiet, kind young man, who like my daughter internalized the negative messages that he was a "sinner" and not worthy of associating with god's "clean" organization. I have never before publicly stated what congregation I attended, but I felt the need to speak out about whats happening in this local area. What can I say, my heart is broken that another young life is sacrificed to this destructive cult...