i understand the pain . My son wants to do the same. He's df's . this is over motor vehicle tickets. The elders are now civil elders. be careful . watch you say around them . i was an elder.
by Sabine 129 Replies latest social current
Joel, your post made me think of how, when I was df'd years back, how truly repentant I felt about my wrongdoing (I had sex with my df'd ex-husband, who I remarried the next day. We both were reinstated within a year.). When they df'd me, I cried for days. I, too, have been extremely suicidal for most of my life. I am clinically depressed and take medication for it, but the feelings of wanting to die stay with me. The three men at my committee meeting didn't take any of that into account. They were cold, uncaring, arrogant bastards in suits. As they drove me home that night (I was sobbing), they talked about what they were gonna do the next day, like I wasn't even there in the car with them. If my husband hadn't been there for me (he was so surprised that they had df'd me) and I didn't have my son to care for, I know I would have killed myself that night. I believe that our Creator knows all too well the wrongdoings that occur here on earth. If I didn't believe that he loves us and cares about us, there would be little for me to live for.
You Know
Suicides happen to be more common in the Northwest than other parts of the country. Some think it's due to the long periods of gloomy weather that makes some people more suceptible to depression and suicide. Of course, it's easy to blame it on the evil cult, and that's what we would expect apostates to do. The sad fact is though that thousands of young people kill themselves every year for a variety of reasons and only a handful of them ever had any connection to Jehovah's Witnesses. / You Know
I wanted to add, that the reason that they gave me for df'ing me was that I had had sex with my husband the night before we remarried. Lesson learned: don't tell them anything. They are only men. God knew what I had done and I still felt he loved me.
You Know, isn't it a shame, though, when even one person dies because they believe so strongly in their faith and their faith chews them up and spits them out?
Of course, it's easy to blame it on the evil cult, and that's what we would expect apostates to do. The sad fact is though that thousands of young people kill themselves every year for a variety of reasons and only a handful of them ever had any connection to Jehovah's Witnesses.
I have personally known of three suicides of JW's that were all related to WTS issues. All of them had been raised as JW's, been disfellowshipped and killed themselves while disfellowshipped. One actually wrote in a letter that he was unable to bear the shunning that was being meted out to him by his own family. Having been born a JW he had no other life.
Just one suicide that is related to disfellowshipping is one to many, but there are many more than one Robert. I have had many, many conversations with persons much better placed than you to know these things within the WTS. Though loyal to the WTS they admit that these cases have run into the hundreds over the years.
How you can dismiss these lives in such an arbitary way is very sad indeed. You have a heart of steel and seek to protect those who have blood on their hands. Can you now understand why growing numbers of people prefer the label 'apostate' to the label 'Jehovah's Witness'. If you represent the views of JW's by your dismissive comments, you have driven even more to the boundaries of their faith.
Edited by - hillary_step on 15 June 2002 17:4:8
You Know
I have personally known of three suicides of JW's that were all related to WTS issues. All of them had been raised as JW's, been disfellowshipped and killed themselves while disfellowshipped.
There are tens of thousands of people disfellowshipped every year. Most of them are young people. A large percentage of them eventually get their lives together and are reinstated and those that don't don't kill themselves. A motive for suicide, whether JW's or not, is an infantile way of getting back at parents and others, in this case the Watchtower Society, a sort of "you'll feel bad when I'm gone" rational. Some young people go the other way and go mow down teachers and fellow students or parents with a machine gun. But, blaming the institutions is not the answer. Murder is never justified, whether it's self-murder or otherwise, and the murderer ultimately has to bear the responsibility.
How you can dismiss these lives in such an arbitary way is very sad indeed.
I think suicide is a tragedy, and as everyone knows, it's a big problem these days among young people. Thousands of young people stupidly throw their lives away every year. Because a few happen to have been disfellowshipped JWs is simply another issue that apostates sieze upon to accuse the Watchtower.
If you represent the views of JW's by your dismissive comments, you have driven even more to the boundaries of their faith.
And if you really want to be perverse you could blame Judas' suicide on Jesus and the other apostles.
/ You Know
Just a reply to You Know.... you dont know! My mother was a faithful witness for many years. The elders, my dad (elder) included ,knew of her addicition and depression the whole time. They were not there for her. Arent elders supposed to be " shelters from the rainstorms"? She was alone, afraid and sick, she had no one to turn to. I blamed myself for years, I thought if I could have been a better friend to her , and not been such a self righteous JW myself I could have helped her. I was only 18 but I did try to help her, even thou she was d/f , thank God , i can live with myself on that . I was a good witness for many years and left the borg a year ago, it wasnt until then that I really started to see the role the the JW had in my moms death. They are supposed to be the most loving org. on the earth. Didnt Jesus tell us a story about going to great effort to help someone down and out, at what ever cost? The JW do not do this. They are more concerned with trying to uphold a false identity of a loving brotherhood. If they keep saying it to themselves maybe they will start to beleive this to be true.... I never will.
Windchaser and Joel,,, hang in there, I know what depression is like myself,, I guess I get it from my mom, but I think I am seeing that you just have to hold out and wait for the good times. I have had to have medication from time to time and it helped. It really is a chemical problem and being in a cult just intensifies the feelings of doom and despair. I havent been seriously depressed since I left the borg... what does that mean??? I truly think being a JW was driving me crazy. I am so much happier now, I finally know what happiness is. I still get down , but for the most part it is not like before. Life can be beautiful, please if you ever need to talk ,, please email me and I willl give you my cell #..... I never want to worry that I didnt help someone when they needed a friend. I may need to turn to ya'll one day too, living my life with depression problems , i am so afraid the ugly beast will return. So far so good, but it's good to know you have friends to turn to... it can make all the difference ... All my love and friendship,,,, LyinEyes (Dede)
hey "you know"................. are you a member of the gov body?.....you sound like it!!!
i love your excuse!!!!!!!........"that's what we would expect "apostates" to do"!!!!!!?????...... in other words, anyone who is concerned about the problems in your organization must be an "apostate" ?.......hey, i'll bet they disfellowship a few more in that cong.......till they get everyone silenced!!!!!!..........you gotta keep those damn apostates who actually "care", silenced, right?????
thank you for confirming what we predicted the attitude of the organization would be......once again, thank you!
ps.... i just knew you would bring "judas" into it.....hahahahaha!!!
Edited by - crawdad2 on 15 June 2002 17:47:25
There are tens of thousands of people disfellowshipped every year. Most of them are young people. A large percentage of them eventually get their lives together and are reinstated and those that don't don't kill themselves
You do then acknowledge that some do not 'get their lives together' and do kill themselves because they could not live with shunning This is already a distinct shifting of territory from your first post.
You feel they are motivated by selfishness and immaturity. You even go so far as to draw parallels between these victims and Judas. Robert, listen to yourself - what kind of a man are you that you discuss such a tragic subject in such a cold-hearted way. Do you not appreciate that there are those who post to this Board who have wept over the bodies of the children they bought into the world, nurtured and loved, due to the WTS flawed theological policies.
These people, for whatever motive, were unable to handle what had happened to them. Please bear in mind that the whole judicial procedures as instituted by the WTS has vacillated over the years. Even they are unsure of its exact Biblical meaning, yet they still impose it in a way that it drives some people to kill themselves. This is not forgivable Robert. I feel quite sure that deep in the recesses of your heart you know this.
I ask that in the interests of decency and compassion Robert, you stay out of this thread. You will bring much sorrow to some peoples hearts if you remain.
Best regards - HS
Edited by - hillary_step on 15 June 2002 17:44:51
Edited by - hillary_step on 15 June 2002 17:48:23