Passive aggressive circuit overseer talk

by hoser 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    I went and listened to the circuit overseer talk last night.

    He started off by saying how many Jws are in prisons in other countries and how we need to be prepared for when we are persecuted by the governments because it will happen "soon"

    Near the end of the talk he got into how our own minds often imagine the very worst case scenario and that this isn't good. He said it is not good for our spirituality to dwell on the worst case.

    WTF? He started off the talk to get us to imagine the worst case then ended it by saying not to.

    I really should record this stuff it's unbelievable.

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  • minimus
    Classic WT doublespeak
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  • BluesBrother

    As O' Brien said to Winston Smith :

    "You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world."

    Hey! but don't worry "He will not let you be tested beyond what you can bear" - So if you fail it will be your fault....

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  • Finkelstein

    Just another example of fear mongering thats supposedly to hold adherents in place and show that since JWS are and have been restrained (persecution) from preaching or practicing as it may be that they truly are working under Jesus's guidance .

    Same old talk that was presented 50 60 years ago, something just never change and the fear inducing propagating still exists in the JW religion to in effect allure and entrap people into exploitation for the WTS. publishing house.

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  • hoser

    Hey! but don't worry "He will not let you be tested beyond what you can bear" - So if you fail it will be your fault....

    i never thought of it this way before. The abuser blames the victim

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  • OneEyedJoe
    Whatever you do, absolutely never, ever imagine that you're going to be put in jail for being a JW! Just don't do it! Definitely don't picture being tossed in, and having the bars clank shut behind you while you turn around to look at the bare cot and your unscrupulous cell mate. You absolutely should not imagine anything of the sort!
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  • Oubliette

    Hoser: The abuser blames the victim

    Always, it's part of the way it works.

  • leaving_quietly

    WT is very good at starting off with the worst situation. Think about talks and articles that tell you how "some" feel they are not worthy, perhaps because of a past sin, then tells you that "God is greater than our hearts". I don't know about you, but the only ones who have EVER hinted at me not being worthy is WT. They create worry, fear and anxiety, then offer the solution. Pay attention next time you hear a public talk. They generally follow the same formula: say how bad things are, offer the most extreme proofs, say how God will fix it, then tell people that only JWs are the ones who do God's will, so preach more, study more and attend all the meetings.

    Common extreme examples used:

    • Volcano blows up on some island in the early 1900s and local clergy tells people to say: 30,000 dead
    • Tens of millions dead from spanish influenza or black plague in early 1900s
    • 9/11
    • Mount St. Helen - warning signs
    • Hurricane Katrina

    So, you start out talking about the worst of the worst things that can happen, so it gets your mind into a bad place. There's got to be some term for this: one who creates a bad situation, then offers to "fix" it. I don't know what it is, but WT is very good at it.

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  • dropoffyourkeylee
    Can you give any indication where this may be? Just generally, without compromising yourself. Region of country, etc
  • hoser

    There's got to be some term for this: one who creates a bad situation, then offers to "fix" it. I don't know what it is, but WT is very good at it.

    it s called muchasen by proxy


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