Passive aggressive circuit overseer talk

by hoser 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • OneEyedJoe
    There's got to be some term for this: one who creates a bad situation, then offers to "fix" it. I don't know what it is, but WT is very good at it

    When the mob does it, it's called racketeering.

  • blondie

    The lingo about Satan luring more away from the org by material things. I remember how they said that jws would be faithful when in prison and then when they got out fell away to material things.

    Both sides of the mouth

  • OneEyedJoe

    The lingo about Satan luring more away from the org by material things. I remember how they said that jws would be faithful when in prison and then when they got out fell away to material things.

    Both sides of the mouth

    Which if you think about it - it fits perfectly into the CD model of how cults control people. When they're currently sacrificing everything for the cult (i.e. being in prison for it) they can't possibly come to terms with the idea that it's false. When they're out and free and comfortable, it's an easier thought to deal with and they're more likely to explore it.

  • Protarded

    I remember being conditioned to "take a stand for the truth". What BS. If I'm being threatened with a gun or prison I'll believe whatever you tell me to. If god had my back I wouldn't be in that position.

  • millie210
    Only in JW world does double speak = "balance"

    He started off by saying how many Jws are in prisons in other countries and how we need to be prepared for when we are persecuted by the governments because it will happen "soon"

    Then JW`s take that WBT$ Crap home and Mentally Abuse their Children with it..

    My parents did..


    ..............Image result for Watchtower logo

    .................Image result for Professional assholes

  • blondie

    WHY do some Christians who remain faithful for years despite imprisonment or persecution later succumb to materialism? The answer has to do with our figurative heart—what we really are inside. The 86th Psalm connects loyalty to a unified heart; that is, a complete heart, one that is not divided...

  • Maintain Loyalty With a Unified Heart
  • w08 8/15 pp. 7-11
  • The Watchtower (2008)
  • Vidiot

    OneEyedJoe - "When the mob does it, it's called racketeering."

    I think a pretty strong argument could be made that it's racketeering when the WTS does it, too.:smirk:

  • _Morpheus
    Good thing the gb arnt obssed with material rhings *cough* warwick *cough*
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