Even though the organization is corrupt and immoral in its opinions, my feelings towards scripture morality is a strong influence still in my life.
Sometimes I Am Ashamed
by Dutchie 205 Replies latest jw friends
South should read more carefully...
District Overbeer
Outlaw, I know I have the freedom of choice. That is what I always say, if you don't like a thread, don't participate in it or just ignore it. Thanks for the advice. I am a big girl, I can take care of myself. I usually stay out of matters like this and I don't want to "control" anyone. I just felt that something had to be said because of new ones who might come here and be put off by the nature of the thread. I know it was all done in fun but that is not the point. Anyway, I was just giving my opinion. I hope you don't mind Outlaw.
Please understand I am not trying to guide your sense of morality to conform with mine. I am just asking if such a flagrant form of "freedom" be played out in public.
Thanks, Prisca.
As far as the thread you might be referring to goes, every now and again things come together in an unplanned way that is almost priceless and brilliant in a funny sort of way. Sort of like a party that breaks out unexpectedly.
But I do think some things should be reserved for private conversations among friends. Talking about some things publicly among people who don't know you can leave an impression that you might not be intending.
I can do without the flame wars, the pointless profanity and the obscenity. But damn, that boob thread from how it started out to where it ended up was sheer unplanned and unexpected brilliance.
As far as what "new ones" might think, I used to be concerned, but I feel that you are either ready to leave or you are not ready to leave. When you are searching you know what you are looking for and you are not paying attention to the side issues. *Those are my thoughts anyway*
Well, Valis, I am sure that neither you or I would want to hurt anyone's feelings. We are good people!
I am not beig judgmental and I am not throwing stones. - - Dutchie
Here's a recent example of "judgmental" communications from you (from this thread):
Because your morality is no longer legislated by a pseudo religious organization does that give you license to engage in all acts of "immorality" and refer to it "as just having fun." Perhaps, if that is your nature. If you believe that the organization has so repressed your sexuality that you that in order to redeem yourselves you must act out in a common and degrading way, then that of course is your choice. - - Dutchie (emphasis added)
Lifestyles you don't approve of are "common and degrading."
Before you preach to others about respecting your freedom of thought, maybe you ought to respect others who exercise similar rights.
Edited to add formatting.
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 15 June 2002 20:39:24
Those damnable forms of flagrant freedom...truly a DFing offense...if not offensive to say the least..
District Overbeer
There is nothing immoral about posting even a half naked picture of yourself. Your hysterics at the mostly innocent nudity of the past thread is amusing.
Noone forced you to scroll through 40 pages of pictures Dutchie, or anyone else that is morally outraged at looking at the filhty body parts god gave us. It's one thing to say Simon said he doesn't want it, which is fine, and quite another to foam at the mouth like a Baptist overdosing on Sudafed screaming about the immorality of an ass. Get over yourselves already. This high road isn't impressing anyone.
Well, Path, I think you are wrong. People coming here looking for answers could certainly be offended by that "thread". Not all people are as emotionally strong as you are. As for the brilliance of the thread, well now everyone has a definite picture of what you consider brillance. Bu then you are a young man. I guess when young women start to show you their "assets" that could be considered briliance on your part. LOL
refiners fire
If Simon doesnt provide the service someone else will.
Keep them all here, keep this growing as the el premier Ex Dub site.
Seperate forum entrance for explicit sex , end of story, your servicing everyone.
Hell youve cteated a molestation entry door, why not explicit sex too? If thats what they want? A lot of big time posters were in those sex threads.You dont want to lose those guys.
Hey Simon, I want to contribute financially to the forum, but cant work out that paypal thing.
got an easier option for computer dummies??