one day in service

by happy man 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    today i was out in service, met sveral nice peopel who like to here about god news from the bibel,i was reding from Luk 21, and showing them what will happend, and that jehova can solve our problems.I think here in matrealistik Sweden we have a bigg los of spirutal sings, evrything here is about money, and young peopel dont like this so much, they want a new order, some have gone to this proclaim the streets movment, it is a anarkistic movment.

    So i must say the messege from bibel is radher the same, a bigg dissaster, and then a new order.

    But i dont think as the gov body that only JW are saved,i am more i touch widh Rutherfords talk,million who now live will never die.

    never forget that the bibel say, we are not judges,it is jesus who have this power,think GB has forgett this thing.

    greatings from the north.

  • Farkel

    : evrything here is about money, and young peopel dont like this so much, they want a new order,

    You're right. Totalitarianism can neatly solve the money problem.

    By the way, the "millions now living" Rutherford was talking about were those who would buy his stupid books and join his pet cult. He wasn't talking about mankind in general. It wasn't a message of "hope" for the masses. It was a fantastic book-promotion scheme.

    Rutherford is dead. All of the books he wrote over 25 years are out-of-print and considered "apostate." The "millions" he preached to are dead. Rutherford's successor is dead. So is his successor's successor. The Watchtower still sells books promising the same shit. Get the message?


  • SYN

    Wow, our first JWD field-service report. I'm impressed. You must be pretty brave to pull something like that here, HappyMan! Well done to you!

    But, remember that the GB controls Witnesses, and they've caused Witnesses to die and be abused through their doctrines! So, why don't you tell people at the doors that instead?

  • joeshmoe

    OK, off subject, but why is it the society still loves to tout the Rutherford "millions now living" talks when it's clear, by the very theme, that he was wrong?

    Maybe more important, how is it that I heard it for years and never questioned it until I finally one day allowed myself to start critically looking at this org that claims to speak for God?

  • Gopher

    Did Luke 21 tell about how Jehovah will solve our problems? I don't see Jehovah OR his name mentioned in Luke 21.

    What I do see though, is great despair coming upon all the earth. Verses 34 and 35 say

    that day be instantly upon you as a snare. For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth.
    AH YES --- there's the solution to our problems, the bloody death of 6 billion or more humans including children and non-educated ones, with just a few [who apparently have been keeping up with their Watchtower magazines and are in agreement with what they say] surviving the brutal massacre.

    Yes this is wonderful news for people of Sweden and all the earth.

  • Gopher

    Joeshmoe, you asked:

    why is it the society still loves to tout the Rutherford "millions now living" talks when it's clear, by the very theme, that he was wrong?

    The reason seems to be that they want to get across the same IDEA (even though the timing was off by at least 80 years, LOL)... You know how the end is always just around the corner? This slogan fits in perfectly with that idea.

  • Tord

    Heja mlarn

    Frst fotboll och sedan drrknack, full dag ser jag, visste du att tjnsten p fltet r ngot av det ineffektivaste arbete som man kan delta i? de f nya JV som tillkommer kommer via slkt, vnner, barn till JV.. etc.

    r du fv sosse, ? det r ju majoriteten av JV i sverige.... med tanke p talet om att ungdomar ej r materialister..Menar att dagens ungdomar r kloka och ratar sekter och fanatism...gillar framgng osv....

    Detta en hlsning frn Stockholm med omtanke om dig.Tord

  • Dawn

    Awwwww Krap!! Where's my Swedish to English dictionary???

  • Kenneson

    OH HAPPY DAY----when I no longer went out trudging from door to door placing that Watchtower literature. Can you imagine if Jesus were here? The Society would require Him to do the same. Would He approve of this drudgery?

  • abbagail

    To everyone who posted below the first Swedish fellow's post at the top:

    Not everyone is so well "enlightened," as you also once were not enlightened. So why pick on the nice guy from Sweden so heartlessly? If you want to "convert" people to the xJW way of life/thinking, why not reply to him more kindly?

    I have nothing against irreverant wit, but sometimes, I swear, it's just toooo much. Did not the fellow say he felt the GB had forgotten? Did he not send GREETINGS. And what does he get in return?

    Shame on all you little brats who have no patience for those who have not already/completely jumped the "mother ship."



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