by Naomimara 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naomimara

    You may verify my authenticity through Silentlambs. My civil suit was 1 st filed in 1996; withdrawn and re-filed in 1998. The present pleadings standing are the Nov. 2000 "Second Substitute Complaint".

    The history of this case is extensive. The thrust of the claim revolves around the cover-up of domestic abuse issues. This suit is now in Appellate Court and is being fought against aggressively by WT. I have worked to keep publicity minimal so as not to cause prejudice within the Judicial System, as well as attempting to avoid harm to innocent victims. Also, I believe this to be the best way to carry on with the case with minimal resistance from misunderstanding friends and acquaintances. Affecting judicial law is ultimately the best way to accomplish changes of "policy" regarding abuse issues including child molestation. I think most would agree. Notwithstanding, because of the local congregational prejudice toward my case, I am left without financial help and other support. I have no family to help and limited outside acquaintances.

    In an attempt to raise money to meet material needs, I am requesting financial assistance. I am willing to send a copy of the present standing complaint (41 pages) to anyone for a $35.00 donation along with a self-addressed, at least 10"x 13", envelope (weight is 10oz.). Any assistance is greatly needed and appreciated; my living conditions are reduced presently to a one room living area. Other difficulties include meeting minimal transportation and basic debts. I have carried the weight of the above case pretty much alone and it is time to ask for help.

    The standing complaint is signed as Pro Se (self). I had taken up legal studies at a local community college in order to be better equipped for and to assist in this case in order to be not only successful, but to save on costs. The attorney of record recommended that I revise the original complaint (over 60 pages) that WT successfully motioned to strike on all 4 counts. (His firm did the work up until this point) My revised and subsequent substitute complaint successfully maintained counts 1 and 2 and therefore is signed as Pro Se. All trial preparation was made to have begun last fall, but WT was successful in motioning again for summary judgment. My attorney had affirmed that he would be taking over again on appeal and is now in process of doing the briefs. The present "Second Substitute Complaint" is the active pleading at this time and date and is what I will send to who ever is willing to financially assist. Thank you.

    Mailing Address:

    The Alternative

    PO Box 11441

    Waterbury, CT 06703

    (send check or money order written to The Alternative (this is a business name I use Im trying air purifying unit sales and do massage therapy although business is extremely slow)

  • scootergirl

    I am not questioning your "authenticity" but I have my reservations.......especially since your email is blocked and there is no link to SilentLambs provided by you regarding your case.

  • Cassiline

    I do not know this poster, but I have VERIFIED that what she states about a lawsuits and pending actions are true.

    I did not question her financial state as I felt it was not my place. But one can only imagine as we all know the WTBTS will drain you of every penny you may have.

    This information comes directly from the administrator of Silentlambs, who stated that I may post above information.

    I am also aware that most of you may not know me. I believe anyone who has questions about the authenticity of someone asking for financial assistance should verify information for themselves.

    Edited by - cassiline on 16 June 2002 21:22:26

  • invisible

    If you are genuine, then I hope you get the help you think you deserve. I too was puzzled though in Chat earlier, that you announced this, but when prompted to talk about it, you left abruptly without giving out any detail, not even a greeting to anyone in the room at that time.

    Many here are as poor as you. I've been close to homeless not a few times and have on occassion had to spend a few nights sleeping in the hedge somewhere, right now, I've got equivalent to $10 to last me 10 days.

    As I said, if you are a genuine case, I wish you well here.

    Celtic Mark

  • invisible

    Cheers Cassi - Thankyou!!

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Please have Bill Bowen verify here if it's authentic. The other person saying they verified with Bill may be for real or they also may simply be the same person, who may or may not be for real, using a different screen name. That someone spoke with Bill and said they had a money need may or may not be true, and they may or may not have fully convinced him. Don't shell out any donations money yet anyone.

    People do want to be helpful but as said our own funds are limited, and there is already a definitely verified person in need called "Shunned Father" who is in Canada owing $72,000 in lawyer bills due to fighting against the Watchtower Society to keep his daughter alive via emergency blood transfusions.

    As a suggestion, those who are well-off might put it into your wills that such persons be helped. Maybe Randy Watters, Bill Bowen or a group of folks could set up a grants foundation for such emergency situations.

  • Cassiline

    I am also aware that most of you may not know me. I believe anyone who has questions about the authenticity of someone asking for financial assistance should verify information for themselves.



    Please reread my post for I state to do just as you said. I am not the same person nor do I know her.

    I spoke to Bill not over an hour ago. I have know him since last July. As I stated in my first post verify the information for yourself.

    Shunned father is a great cause. I did not say to make donations to this person. One has to decide for themselves what they wish to do.

    Edited by - cassiline on 16 June 2002 21:50:3

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Let me repeat. I recommend not giving them a penny until Bill Bowen or Randy Watters confirms it right here, and then I wish the person the best even as I do Shunned Father.

    You can keep saying you already verified it with Bill and putting that in BIG letters highlighted in overpowering YELLOW, (so can I) and we still won't believe you for sure until it's done.

    If and when it is verified, again, fine. But scam attempts crop up all too often. I don't know you any more than the other person. Also, the other posters have raised valid question marks.

    Shunned Father's ad/plea for help runs across the top left side of this discussion board's screen every few minutes or so, and we know that what it says is 100% true.

    The Watchtower Society would love for us to divide our donations; so would a scam artist.

    If the person is legitimate then Bill Bowen or Randy Watter or some other fully reliable source can confirm it right here.

  • alamb

    I cannot offer any financial assistance at this time as I myself am in debt around $27,000 fighting them also.

    I can offer my story in an affidavit as I have a Protective Order against my ex (had 6 now) and he has been protected by the "good ol' boys" for years.

  • Wendy

    Well Nancee,

    I can verify Cassi for ya how is that? lol Sometimes you don't get the big boys to play in the pond since they are busy with so many other things. Cassi has verified this woman via Silentlambs, so that is good enough for me, now.


    How are ya sis? I was thinking of you today and of all the hand me downs I have for ya. I hope all is well in your world, I will email more later


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