Did you use drugs and go...INSANE!?

by refiners fire 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShaunaC

    I think there are two possibilities for this reaction to pot...it was either laced with something or you are just one of those people who get ultra paranoid on pot.

    My first real experience w/ pot was pretty funny, but not at the time. My boyfriend, Nick, had blown some smoke from his mouth to mine but I never felt anything from it. Then about a month later we went to some of his friends house, people I was just meeing for the first time. I took 5 hits of some chronic stuff. I sat on the couch and was tripping out. Going in and out of waves of really being there. After a while I knew I wasn't right so Nick told me to get up and get some water. But when I stood up the headrush really sent me.

    Being that this was the first real drug experience I had after coming out of the Borg, I thoroughly thought I was dying. I began yelling at Nick to take me to the hospital because I was overdosing on pot. Nick chuckled because no one ever OD's on pot. He walked me around the block so the fresh air could clear my head.

    I was crying hysterically and so embarrassed to have done this in front of his friends I demanded he take me home. I cryed the whole way home and vowed to never do pot again.

    Of course, then I got home and had the most amazing sex of my entire life. And it all made sense. We laugh now that it was both the worst and best night of my life...all due to the same thing.

    Pot has never had that affect on me since. In the early stages I felt the waves more but never much anymore. I do know many people who simply cannot do pot. They stay highly paranoid everytime they smoke it. I guess it depends on your makeup.

    I personally am scared of hullucinating drugs. I've talked to freinds about acid and find it wierd that they think it's great to sit in front of a mirror and see yourself as 100 years old or with some gross stuff coming out of your head. I just don't think I could handle it. I do very occasionally drop E, did it this weekend home alone with Nick. It was super mild, to me anyway, Nick's a lightweight. It definitely not something I would do much. It had been 1 1/2 years since I had done some good E. But the 4 hours of intimacy w/ Nick was so well worth it.

    But it is not to some people. Again, some people either have a different reaction than most or simply do not like the feeling.

  • Valis

    You should have expected me to post on this thread sooner or later. I had a different experience w/drugs I think. I rew up in a pretty rough neighborhood where the miscreant smkoed pot at my bus stop every day. Well, you either smoked with them or they kicked your ass for fear you would tell....By this time I was 14 and had pretty much lost my fear of the big Jehovah1 space ship so I joined in ,not wanting a daily drubbing from the home boys. That went on till I hit high school and rode city bus to and fro...when that happened I didn't use drugs again till I was married. I smoked pot secretly with one of my friends as we rode bikes around the lake. The wife would have killed me, ehhh..another reason I left her...*L* That's when my experimental stage kicked in. The only thing I never did was heroin, and refuse to do so to this day, although the demons in my foot really would like some morphine right now...so I thought I would do the Overbeer's List of Do's Don't and Road Map to Getting high.

    Pot, Reefer, Mary Jane, Marijuana- I give it a yes for recreational use, nausea deterrent, great for brownies and hopefully soon, used medicinally all over US.. "excuse me brother,...I have to step outside and spark a J, my foot is killing me...be back in for the song....promise...." I like Humboldt County pot the best...I miss Eureka and Arcata something fierce. I smoke like a smokestack BTW...

    Cocaine/Nose Candy-Party drug of choice for many current and former rock stars (smal joke) gets a No from me.Can be turned into crack (ick) which I wouldn't wish on anyone. Too expensive and it makes you feel like shit the next day.

    Speed/Methamphetamines: Sure go ahead...take all the fluid from an electric transformer you want and stuff it right into your body, Don't forget that some white trash mother made it in his bathtub....Ruins your teeth and your entire body.

    LSD/Acid-Gets a sometimes maybe, but use w/discretion..right place, right times, people etc as the hallucinations require more control over one's faculties than most people can exercise. Audio/Visual stimulus over the top...makes for a good time to reflect/talk to yourself Most Iever did was about 40 hits. I flopped around in the woods for about a day and a half...it was great.

    X only if its not the heroin speedball w/ a minute amount of MDMA.....mescaline is far better.

    Peyote ---very mellow, causes lucid dreams asleep and awake, tastes not too bad really...no eating before hand if one can help it...save that for the next day when you wake up clear headed and in suprisingly good mood

    Mushrooms...YES..well I'm working on my PHD in mycology as some of you know....waiting for more samples to continue scientific study. good hallucinations up to 5 or 6 peak hours..then mellowness, sleepiness...happiness...

    Hash....few and far between, but yes, if its real....

    Opium...few and far between, but yes, if its real....and I don't have to share....you can smell the poppies when smoking...yummy!

    PCP...one time by mistake. very bad...

    GHB...Sure go ahead....ingest the same stuff they use to clean of circuit boards...be my guest.

    Pills of any kind: I don't like taking pills period, even when I do need them. Not toys...not recreational drugs...bad for your liver.


    District Overbeer

  • plmkrzy

    the glass blowing lab at Tech, filled it with lab grade ethanol and smoked dope through it. I did have an out of body experience doing that, but it was very laid back.

    Thats how they use to smoke it years ago back when they still called it "spirits" or they used woodgrain alchol or some kind of tree sap from certain trees found in canada south/western parts. You must be naturally hyper if you became relaxed.

    I've known 2 or 3 people total who have had bad reactions from smoking pot. Nothing quite like what refiners discribed but strange enough. I've never heard of anyone being addicted to pot. Ciggs are probably far worse but ciggs are legal.

    I can think of 1 or 2 posters it should be manditory they smoke a dubbie prior to posting.oops...doobie

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 17 June 2002 16:12:16

  • beckyboop


    Of course we value our life--so much so that we've found ways of taking it to even higher levels! Not all "drugs" are addictive like alcohol, cigarettes, heroin, coke, muscle relaxers, sleep aids, pain medication etc. Maybe you should research what they do before you assume anything, especially if you got your info from our gov't.

    (((((((((((((((((((((Refiner's Fire))))))))))))))))))))))

    I'm sorry you had such a rotten experience! I too think it was either laced, or just didn't jive with you personally. I've never been around ANYONE who had an experience like that, and wish you could have experienced it for what it truly does.

    I finally tried pot a couple of years ago, and we all laughed and laughed and just had a great time. Yes, I got the munchies, and would even feel tired. Now I'm a lot more experienced with it, and have reached a whole new level of understanding as to why so many are daily users. One of the biggest problems for me upon leaving the borg was not being able to think for myself, let alone out of the "box". Smoking is an aid for me to open my mind and THINK!!! I too at times would get paranoid--but the point is to keep using your brain and reason your way out of it. It is not addictive, and it is far less worse for the body than alcohol and cigarettes. I even did research on it and found that the studies that tried to say it caused cancer used subjects who smoked cigarettes--go figure!

    I also tripped once, and although that freaked me out a little more, I realize now that maybe I wasn't quite ready mentally. You have to have a certain understanding of what the drug does and what your body is capable of doing, and being so new in the "world" at the time, I wasn't quite ready. I saw my boyfriend's face morph into a very old man, and young again, and then turn into creatures from Star Trek etc. I sat there deliberately and made myself watch it, because I knew it was my mind doing it. And that was a major breakthrough for me! My boyfriend kept wanting to get me outside, but I wouldn't go past the porch because I felt like the porch was caving in! The only thing that was missing from the experience is that I didn't get to hear music--our computer was down at the time and we couldn't play anything! By the end I was exhausted though, and ready for it to stop so I could sleep. I would like to try it again, and I would definitely like to try shrooms.

    I tried X one time, and although the experience was interesting (I kept wanting to rub a friend's bald head), I probably won't do that one again. I did a little research on it and didn't like the fact it harms your body, compared to other things that don't, like weed.

    Francois, Invisible, D. Wiltshire, Bono, Harmony, Valis, Plmkrzy (and anybody else who wants to join in!).--me thinks we need to get together sometime and have a smoke! Maybe a smokin' apostafest? ;)


  • plmkrzy

    Beckeyboop...You can count me in! I bet that would be remembered for years to come!

  • Pappusan

    Hey Refiner these are some mates of Johnny Mills who did this. We should meet them. Making cookies with it and giving it to Mormons when they visit is a blast also. A Mormon missionary who unwittingly ate 10 cannabis-laced cookies while on a house call preaching his faith panicked when he became ill, fearing he might be suffering the effects of gas inhalation, a court was told yesterday. Mr Tom Petitt told Dandenong Magistrates Court he and his fellow missionary, Mr Andrew Housley, were offered the cookies while visiting three men to explain their religion. Mr Petitt said about an hour after eating the 10 cookies, which he consumed within 10 minutes, he lost his vision, suffered chest pain, blacked out and had to go to hospital. Two men, Mr Douglas James Lynch, 46, and Mr Alexander Maclean, 46, both of Mount Waverley, have pleaded not guilty to seven charges including introduction of a drug into another and recklessly causing serious injury. Mr Lynch has pleaded guilty to three charges of using, possessing and cultivating cannabis. The court heard the two visiting American missionaries were working for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. Mr Petitt said he had met Mr Lynch one day when he was walking his dog on the street and they had agreed to meet at Mr Lynch's house in a week's time. "We explained to them what we share as missionaries about the meaning of life and he seemed interested," he told the court. When the two missionaries arrived at Mr Lynch's home on 19 May, Mr Lynch was smoking a bong filled with cannabis. While drugs were against their religion, they respected other people's privacy in their own homes, the missionaries said. Mr Petitt said Mr Maclean was making the cookies. "He said, `it's a new recipe I'm trying out called American chocolate cookies'." After the two-hour visit the missionaries rode their bikes home. "When we left the residence we felt that it was a good visit," Mr Housley told the court. Mr Petitt said he consumed the high number of cookies to help "build the relationship" with the men. About an hour later both men suffered poor vision and were nodding off. Mr Petitt called the ambulance and the fire brigade, fearing they were suffering from the effects of a gas leak. "I was scared because I had no idea what was happening to my body," he said. Both men were taken to hospital and stayed overnight. The hearing continues.

  • ISP

    I haven't done drugs,,,.............hey but I went to the casino last Friday.....does that count?


  • beckyboop


    Hmmm, not quite the same! But I haven't done that yet;)! I'm looking forward to gambling--did you have fun?


  • TheOldHippie

    Francois, Invisible, D. Wiltshire, Bono, Harmony, Valis, Plmkrzy (and anybody else who wants to join in!).--me thinks we need to get together sometime and have a smoke!


    Why didn't you invite me? Just because I am inside and not outside?

    Francois, how does one get hold of peyote, when one happens to live on the other side of the Atlantic?

  • beckyboop

    I'm sorry Old Hippie--I certainly didn't mean to leave out any hippies! I scrolled through to get the names I thought would be most likely to appreciate my suggestion, and somehow forgot yours! Please come;)

    Plmkrzy--I'm actually serious too--I would love to get together. It's nice finding other "like-minded" ex-jw's. I'm in Rhode Island, where are you? Are you planning to go to PA's Halloween party? Email me if you're serious!


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