To Bethel Lurkers: Declare Victory!

by metatron 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    To All Bethel Monitors of this Site:

    Please declare victory on your statistics and move on!

    This year, there will be a huge (2-3%) increase in publishers reported in the

    U.S. and some other places. This will mostly be due to 9/11 and the new

    15 minute publisher rule. I strongly advise you to use this opportunity to "resign

    as champions" and get rid of the requirement of counting time altogether.

    This change is long overdue and needed if the organization is going to improve.


  • Pathofthorns

    I can't see the time counting going away any time soon. Sure, no one likes it, but it remains the single most compelling motivating and judging factor they have.

    Without it, everyone will claim they do "informal witnessing" but you will never see many out door to door again. Losing the time counting is the right thing to do, but it would be like shooting themselves in the foot.


  • 2SYN

    But what about next year's figures?

  • Francois

    I think that even the GB realizes that the raw data being reported by individual JWs is essentially fiction.

    The last year or so I spent as a JW, I'd roll up ten WT's and bind 'em with a rubber band. Then as we passed by a laundromat, we'd slow down to about 90 and I'd toss 'em through the door.

    "Well, that's a ten magazine placement," I'd say. If I missed the door, it would only count as five.

    Or, we'd go out into the rurals. And I mean WAY out into the rurals. We'd start our time by surreptitiously leaving a WT in a Waffle House, drive two hours to the "rurals," do that drive-by, dive-bombing thing at the laundromat one time, and drive two hours back to town. Lessee, that's eleven magazines and four and a half hours.

    And everyone I knew in all the congregations around the Tri-Cities area of upper east Tennessee were doing the very same thing. ANY technique of getting out of going door-to-door.


  • Farkel


    : This will mostly be due to 9/11 and the new

    15 minute publisher rule.

    Not to mention the fact that they are encouraging 10-year-olds to get baptized. I think someone should re-post that Jan 15th (?) 2000 WT which showed a picture a little girl that couldn't be over ten getting dunked.

    Jesus waited until he was 30 and he was allegedly the son of God! But then again, the WT has never used Jesus as any sort of role model when what Jesus said and did interfered with their policies and doctrine.



    I spoke to a DF'd guy I know the other day. He still attends regularly. He told me that they said in one of the meetings that they're reporting an increase of 6,000 per week. Has this been in one of the publications? If so, where is this supposed increase? Nigeria?


  • deddaisy

    "I think someone should repost that Jan 15 (?) 2000 WT which showed a picture of a little girl that couldn't be over ten getting dunked."---Farkel

    Not to get too off the subject........but a ten year old getting baptized as a JW is outrageous.....this is a "minor" taking a oath to die before taking a life-sustaining blood transfusion if the need ever arises..........yea right, a ten year old is competent enough to take this oath......if any other organization allowed minors to take an oath such as this , they'd be held liable........

    out of curiousity, do they "deduct" the "DA'ed, "DFed," and "mentally re-covered" from the total?

    Edited by - deddaisy on 17 June 2002 12:2:25

  • RedhorseWoman

    I'll tell you, I just wish that I had known about all the little "tricks" for increasing the amount of time reported. It certainly would have made my pioneering years easier.

    I did, however, enjoy going out in one particular elder's car group. He loved going out to rural territory where the houses were very far apart so that we never had to actually do much.

  • crawdad2

    it's all about recruiting new members........

    i think of it as a lake, with a steady "stream" of disfellowshipped ones and walk-aways leaving, .............the lake gets lower and lower unless there is a "stream" of "new recruits" replenishing the level of the lake.

    the door to door recruiting work is the main key to the whole organization......... cut off the supply of new members, and the lake(the organization) goes dry......because there is always a steady stream of unhappy members leaving........ dateline did a bunch of damage to their supply of new members by showing the pedophile going door to door................ they are pulling their hair out, trying to keep members motivated to do the recruiting work......... without it, they dry up and blow away....

  • joeshmoe
    Or, we'd go out into the rurals. And I mean WAY out into the rurals. We'd start our time by surreptitiously leaving a WT in a Waffle House, drive two hours to the "rurals," do that drive-by, dive-bombing thing at the laundromat one time, and drive two hours back to town. Lessee, that's eleven magazines and four and a half hours.

    Yes, yes, yes!!! I remember we (my pioneer partner and me) used to play poker in the car while doing rurals!! Now thats how to 'save souls' with style!

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