WHY do you associate with apostates, Comf?
COMFORTER: Allow me to be direct
by HomebutHiding 21 Replies latest jw friends
COMF!!! Say it aint so.. :(
One of the surest ways to give a dipfuck ammo is to give a dipfuck attention.
I know. I've done it and I do it. I'm still learning.
LOL Naeblis! For those who don't know, COMF is a long-time and well-respected poster. By shortening "Comforter's" name to "comf" it becomes a major insult to our own COMF (Captain of my Fate) and gives "Comforter" an honor it doesn't deserve, nor has it earned.
Edited by - Farkel on 18 June 2002 5:34:40
Since I asked the original question a few minutes ago, I have been wondering if comforter is really an exJW posing as one to foment argument, or issues, or otherwise bring out truths. Or, maybe he really is a JW who doesn't care any longer that he is violating the most sacred prohibition by speaking with the rebellious followers of Satan...uhh..that would be us.
P.S. My apologies to Captain of My Fate...no disrespect intended; point taken. I won't make the mistake again.
you are very mean, you are asking a question that you KNOW he can't answer with a Straight face.
I love it. I recall when I was asked the same question almost 6yrs ago, and man did I do the Two Step Shuffle, much like what almost every single regular "JW" has done since I have been posting.
I have yet to see One just One JW just say, "Yes I know that the FDS has explained from the Bible that Jehovah doesn't approve of me being here and I realize that I am going asking the direct instructions that Jah has provided thru the FDS, but I think that Jehovah and the FDS are wrong"
will we ever see that day when a JW can JUST BE HONEST
Not in my life time or Yours.
I know that when I was "IN," I would have run for my life from a forum like this, praying to the "Tower of Strength" the whole way. In fact, I have been out for a few years, and only recently have had the courage to take a peek. He is dfinately on his way out. I am curious to see if he performs some fancy footwork in order to side-step my simple, straightforward question. He avoided a similar request for explanation by me last night. BTW, we know it is a "he?" Does he have rank, i.e., elder, pioneer?
A note...Although I have been a nonJW for some time, I have not replaced friends...has been very lonely, allowed much introspection...too much to be healthy, probably. I am enjoying reading the posts of real people who do identify with my feelings and experiences. Didn't think it was possible.
Will we ever see that day when a JW can JUST BE HONEST
They will only be honest if they stop using Theocratic (More likely TheoCrappic) Warfare on us, non-jws.
Edited by - AjaxMan on 18 June 2002 6:51:20
The chances of Comforter responding properly to your question are about the same chance of you finding a snowflake in Hell.
will we ever see that day when a JW can JUST BE HONEST
Hello, here I am ! :-)