Could God and Satan be the same in power?

by LyinEyes 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Dearest LyinEyes... may you have peace... and may I respond? Thank you!

    You ask:

    Is it possible that Satan , (if there is a Satan) is more powerful than what the Bible tells us?

    No, for the words of my Lord... as welll as other events... are recorded in the Bible to tell us exactly how powerful Satan is... and isn't.

    Right now I am doubting the Bible as being truly inspired of God.

    The Bible is NOT 'inspired of God', nor does it say that it is. It DOES say, however, that 'all SCRIPTURE' is inspired of God. The Bible, dear one, is NOT scripture. It is a compilation of writings that INCLUDES scripture, as well as histories, chronologies and records. "Scripture" is that which is inspired by God, so that the write is 'in the spirit' when penning it and thus is TOLD BY GOD to write such down. This would include "Moses, the Prophets, the Psalms"... and the Revelation. As proof that not ALL of what is contained in the Bible is "scripture", we have the accounts written by Luke, who himself SAID that he wrote them at the behest NOT of God, but of Theophilus, a Roman/Greek ruler (who apparently wanted to know what was going on between the Jews and the 'christians'). HE (Luke) said he got his information NOT from God, but from those who were 'eyewitnesses' of what took place. Thus, he got his information from earthling man.

    So I am wondering if , the Bible writers have the whole universal controversary issue completely wrong.

    No, the Bible writers have matters set correctly. It is the Society's misinterpretation and misleading teachings and doctrines that are incorrect. There is no 'universal' controversy, at least not as the Society explains it. What is the issue? That my Father, the Holy One of Israel, purposed to make an extraordinary 'race' of beings. These beings originated with the 'seed' of His wife, the spirit realm, Jerusalem Above. Such 'seed', however, had enemies in the spirit realm and thus were hidden in the PHYSICAL realm... 'treasure hidden in earthen vessels'... until such time as they could be 'fertilized'... or 'beget'... by holy spirit. And ENEMY of that seed, Death, and his 'high priest', Satan (the one who chose a different 'father', as did Adam), has at their vocation to destroy such seed BEFORE it could be fertilized and thus BEFORE it could be 'born'. Why? Because it is for the sake of that seed... the 'head' of which is Christ and the 'body' of which is made up of the seed of Abraham (144,000 from among the sons of Israel) AND the nations (a great of which no man is able to number)... that Satan... and HIS 'god', Death... the 'LAST enemy"... are 'brought to nothing'.

    It is to be a "Paradise" (not only a "garden", for Eden was only a part of that City, but "place" of peace, with NO mourning, outcry, pain, death), on earth, but not in the way the Society teaches it. THEY say that some will go to heaven and from there rule over others who are on the earth; that the ones in heaven are spirits but the ones on earth are flesh. THIS IS A LIE... and originated from the 'father of the lie' in order to compel people to 'keep their minds upon the things upon the earth.' In TRUTH, what will occur is that a 'nation of kings and priests'... taken out of EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people (Rev. 5:9, 10), will rule UPON the earth... over the 'sheep'... who 'inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the founding of the world [or from the 'throwing down of the seed']. This rulership privilege was INITIALLY supposed to go ONLY to the seed of Abraham who are Israel by means of flesh. However, due to their REPEATED lack of faith, hard heartedness and stiff necks... to the point of killing my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, they lost such privilege... though not entirely. By means of my Lord's merciful heart, 144,000 slots were reserved for Abraham's seed. However, since ALL of his seed will not gain such privilege, the REMAINDER of the kingship will be given to people 'of the nations'... who ALSO 'stand before the throne' and 'render sacred service IN THE TEMPLE (which is only what priests are permitted to do)... day and night.

    The City of my Lord, NEW Jerusalem, which currently exists in the spirit realm, will return to where it once was in the time of Adam: on the earth. At THAT time, the things 'in the heavens' and the things 'on earth' were 'together'. But, due to Adam's folly, a divide occurred that separated the physical from the spiritual so that he who 'walks by flesh' cannot discern that place. It is only those who 'walk by FAITH', such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Rahab, Samson, etc., who can. And suchlike folks exist today. Just like them, WE are 'awaiting a city having REAL foundations', not one made with hands, but made by God... one 'belonging to heaven'. That City, then... 'comes down OUT of heaven'... BACK to the earth... so that once again, 'the tent of GOD... is with MANKIND.' And thus, the things in the heavens and the things on earth are brought back together so that no division exists.

    Thus, the meek WILL "inherit the earth and reside forever UPON it", for New Jerusalem will BE on the earth, having once again come down out of heaven and been ESTABLISHED here! ("Let your kingdom be ESTABLISHED and your will done ON EARTH... as it is... IN THE HEAVENS!") Thus, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one hope, one God... ONE kingdom! And that which is physical... or CORRUPTIBLE... will be replaced by that which is SPIRITUAL... or INcorruptible... so that just as Adam was told... the earth WILL be subdued... and filled with righteousness. But such righteousness will NOT be fleshly... for the flesh... 'is of NO use at all'. In fact, it simply returns to the dust from which it came. The spirit, however, exists forever... unless it is destroyed. (Matthew 10:28)

    Maybe there is more to it than the Bible tells us.

    Indeed, there is. It is contained in 'scripture', not all of which is contained in the Bible. For example, how many letters did Paul write to the Corinthian congregation? Three. Yet, only two are included, and neither of them are 'scripture'. What of the Book of Basher? The Book of Enoch? I will tell you a 'sacred secret' just as my Lord spoke it to me: He said, "Everything I tell you is written, though not in the Bible; however, not all that is written is what I will tell you." What did he mean? He meant that he only spoke truth, and truth IS recorded... somewhere. However, not all that is recorded IS truth. Indeed, the 'false stylus' of the secretaries and scribes have 'added and taken away' based on their own limited knowledge... as well as their whim. THAT is why my Lord is recorded to have said:

    "You search the scriptures because you THINK that by means of THEM... you will have everlasting life. And these (the scriptures) are the very ones that bear witness... about ME. And yet... YOU DO NOT WANT TO COME TO ME... that you may have life."

    Do you get the point here, LE? The "sense" of it? My dear one, the "church fathers" would NOT have you having access to all that is written, particularly "scripture"! Why? Because it would EXPOSE them for the false scribes, false prophets, false 'christs' and hypocrites that they ARE!. Yes, I, too, then, used to rely on what was written to try and understand God, as well as earthling man's interpretation, transliterations, etc.. But I have learned... because I have been TAUGHT... by HOLY SPIRIT... that if I want to know God... I must know the TRUTH. For if I know the Truth... the Truth... will set me free. And what is that Truth that I must know? It is not a what, nor is it ABOUT a what. It is a WHOM... and it is he that I must know. I must KNOW... personally... intimately... the Son of God... the One who IS the Truth. (John 14:6). And so I have. I have come to know Christ... and by means of HIM... I have come to know God. And... I have come to be known BY them. How? By means of seeking, asking, knocking... and when he responded, I OPENED THE DOOR... and let him in. He spoke... and I heard... and obeyed. (John 10:1-6, 27; Hebrews 12:25; Proverbs 8:4-11; Revelation 3:17-20)

    I mean it might explain why Satan has been allowed to continue on inhis missions. I know the Bible says he was thrown out of heaven and all, but how can you truly beleive that to be 100% true.

    But isn't this Satan's "mission"? Did he not... once hurled down from heaven... go off to 'wage war with the remaining ones of the seed'? And that is EXACTLY what he is doing! Problem is, he doesn't know who IS a 'seed'... unless and until such one exposes oneself! So, his 'war'... is against ALL of mankind... and his tactic... is to use mankind against one another. And it is WE who allow it? How so? Well, we are SUPPOSED to have tender affection and brotherly love for one another, no matter what are race, religion, sex, status, etc. The account of the Good Samaritan taught us that. But, my Father, the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob KNEW that we would submit to Satan's way... and 'dominate' one another to our own injury. He tried to warn us.

    But we CAN fight him! How? Think Cain and Abel. Think who Cain submitted to... who he chose as he 'father'... who he allowed his spirit to be 'beget' by! Are not the children of the Devil EVIDENT by their hatred for their 'brother'? When we hate one another, whose will are we doing? Yet, when we LOVE one another... even our enemies... whose children do we then 'prove' ourselved to be? (Matthew 5:43-48) Can you be 'loving God' while 'hating your brother'?

    Any thoughts on who you may think Satan really is, was and what power you think he may have. I know someone said to me that at one time Satan was just as powerful as Jesus at one time. What do you think?

    Satan was... one of the angels of the Ark... the "cherub that is covering". There were two (2) "ark" angels: Michael and the one that is now called Satan. Their JOB... was to "protect" the contents of the Ark by keeping their FACE... 'toward the cover". That "cover"... or "propitiatory"... was... IS... my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. He is the "cover" for the contents of the Ark. The CONTENS of the Ark... was the "seed" of the Woman... my Father's "wife"... the spirit realm (just as Earth, the physical realm, is also a "wife", who gave him "children" by means of the FLESH). He "covered" and yet covers still... the seed of the woman so that its enemy cannot destroy it forever. Satan went to work for that enemy, delivering over to it the first man, Adam.

    Unlike Michael, who has keep his commission and his place, even to this day, Satan... chose another "father"... another to "beget" his spirit and for whom he now slaves.... Death. DEATH... is the enemy of my Father, my Lord... and my brothers. Death... is the enemy of ALL mankind. Prior to Adam, Death had NO HOLD on mankind. However, in CHOOSING Death... which is what Adam did... he CHOSE to eat (after he had been told that if he did he would die)... he SOLD himself AND HIS OFFSPRING... into slavery TO Death. My Father, out of loving kindness and mercy... sacrificed his SON... my Lord... to REPURCHASE us... buy us BACK... from Death. When he died, my Father allowed Death to have my Lord for just a bit. Death thought he would have him forever; however, my Lord was given the KEYS... to Hades... so that Death could not HOLD him. And by being brought BACK from Hades and thus from the hands of DEATH... my Lord now has the AUTHORITY to bring back ALL from Death. Death's hold, then, is temporary. Satan's job... is to deliver TO Death... all who will allow him to do so.

    Bottom line? Satan is IMPOTENT. He has ONLY the power... that we GIVE him Yes, he can hand us over to Death temporarily, but SOME... like Adam and Eve... and Judas... may have put themselves in a position to be given over to Death PERMANENTLY... by being judged for eternal destruction. Why? Which can only be done... by fire... for fire kills the body AND the spirit! Satan doesn't make us sin... he only exploits what is already there. And because the flesh it weak, sometimes it (the flesh) wins. But when that occurs... there is a HELPER! (1 John 2:1, 2)

    I, myself, am a sinner, dear LE. One of the foremost. However, I have a "COVERING"... in that I have exercised and continue to exercise faith in the One who can... and WILL.... cover over my error... with HIS blood... and thus, save me! Because he has deigned to forgive me readily and willingly, even covering over my error... I have, in return, WILLINGLY made myself his slave. He did not ask me to become his slave; he asked only that I become his friend... and brother.. by treating with loving kindness those he calls 'brother'... and well as my fellowman in general. But as it says, "he that is forgiven much... loves much." He has forgiven me... and does forgive me... greatly. Even to this day. For I was not only born in sin, but due to the flesh I occupy, I continue in it. There are things I cannot, on my own, 'conquer'. But all things are possible with God, so that even the unrighteous can be deemed righteous... NOT by works of Law... but by works... of FAITH.

    Thus, Rahab, a prostitute, found favor with God NOT because she lived a 'clean' life... but because she EXERCISED FAITH... and hid the spies. The apostles were declared righteous NOT because they were 'righteous in their own eyes', like the Pharisees, but because they heard, dropped their nets... and followed. The tax collector, who knew himself to be a sinner so much so that he wouldn't even raise his eyes, but only begged for mercy and KNEW God could... and would... grant it... proved himself to be 'more righteous' than the Pharisee who did 'just so'.

    My Father would rather have just ONE servant... who believes He exists... who exercises faith in Him... by LISTENING and HEARING Him when He speaks... by means of my Lord... than a million people who live 'just so'... but don't even believe He exists or that He speaks to mankind at all. Thus, the righteous live... not by works of law... but by means of faith! History, as recorded in the Bible and other writings... show this. NONE of those 'chosen' were perfect in the flesh... including my Lord. He was made in the likeness of "sinful" flesh and was tested like us, in ALL respects. Unlike the rest of us, he did not give in to his flesh, so that he could present it a PERFECT sacrifice... for those of us who do. And we give in in many ways, including not always saying what we should or doing what we should, etc. His sacrifice, then, 'covers' over the errors of those who exercise FAITH in that sacrifice... and its ability to 'cleanse'. For unless blood is poured out, no forgiveness takes place.

    That does not mean we can wilfully sin - just simply chalk it up to weakness and do what we will. We must TRY. However, when we know we're gonna fall short, there is a 'high priest' whom we can approach and beg to offer atonement for us, with his own blood. And he WILL! Why? Because... as he always did when ones came to him... he WANTS to!

    Satan, however, is impotent. He has NO authority... to give life... or take it. He can only do what we LET him do... and his prime goal is to get us to deny not only God... but who we are. If we deny who we are, the seed of the woman, the children of God, then by default we identify ourselves as the seed of Satan... and therefore, the ENEMIES of the seed of God. And THAT is what Satan wishes, just as he said regarding Job... "and see if he will not curse you to your very face." Yet, no matter what the adversity, although Job did not like or understand what was happening to him... he NEVER... cursed... or denied... God.

    I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard and received it from my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    Again, I bid you peace, and I am...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


    Edited by - AGuest on 18 June 2002 17:20:55

    Edited by - AGuest on 18 June 2002 17:32:35

  • Grout


    Are you what a layman would call a "Yahweh"? I met one in field work one day and it was quite distracting to constantly have every reference to "Jesus" or "Jehovah" 'corrected' to "Yeshua" or "Yahweh". I remember it vividly, at least ten years later.

  • TheStar


    Thanks for the headache! Just kidding, thanks for all the great info.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Grout... may you have peace!

    No, I am not a "Yahweh", which, incidentally, is correctly spelled "JahVeh" (the Hebrew letter "yodh" which is pronounced like a "y" is actually a "j"; and which is pronounced "Yah-Veh" (think "Manischewitz") and which means "JAH (the name of the Holy One of Israel - Psalm 63:4 - think "praise Jah!" or "hallelujah")... 'causes armies to become' or 'brings armies into existence', etc. Sorry, I know you didn't ask for all of that, but... well, folks here 'know' me...

    I am a 'christian'... or a 'christ-person'... or a 'chosen person'... or an 'anointed person'... by means of a choosing by God through Christ, and an anointing with holy spirit by God, through Christ.

    I am a 'member'... of the 'body' of Christ. Together with others, we make up the 'seed' of the woman'... the 'christ'... of which my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA (Jah Saves - Joshua, in English) MISCHAJAH (anointed/chosen of JAH - messiah, in English)... is the 'head'.

    I do belong to a 'church', per se; that is to say, I belong to the 'congregation'... of the Firstborn. But not a church that convenes in a building or a 'hall', for God does not dwell in handmade temples, but rather, dwells in ME... and in others. WE... are the 'temple' of that One... the place that He is building by means of His Son, Christ, to occupy by spirit. His spirit, then, abandoned the temple at Jerusalem in 30 CE, and entered the PEOPLE... as evidenced by the flames over their heads. To this day, that spirit is STILL occupying 'earthen vessels'... and I am but one 'living stone'... as I have been 'called' to be... in its construction.

    And that 'temple' is STILL be constructed today, for even today the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying,

    "Come! Take life's water... free!"

    That 'water' is holy spirit, which was poured out and continues to be poured out... upon all those asking... in love... and faith. Luke 11:13

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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