News from Calgary

by larc 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • belbab

    Some info on Chris Christiansen,

    He is a Canadian, outspoken, and goes after the Watchtower like a dog with a bone. I believe he is now in Manitoba. He has been involved in court cases with the WT. One case on the records is C. Christiansen vs John Bodner, 1975-77, in Winnipeg where John Bodner was city servant. He was also involved with the Zebrowski case, where Zebrowski was suing the Society for breach of contract in not producing the paradise as promised.(?) He also drew attention of politicians to the fact that the WT is getting a free ride, by not paying property taxes in Brooklyn and elsewhere. He has been instrumental in getting many to leave the Borg. over the years. In the eyes of the Society, he has been an all-round shit disturber.

    I am informed that he is also or has been a union representive, with something like boilermakers or electricians etc.

    I have met him in the past, and a friend that knows him better than I, has provided me with the above information, which may not be too detailed, but it gives a picture of what he is like.

    Hope this helps a little, maybe someone who knows more of him can fill us in a little more.


  • dungbeetle

    If this is who I think it is, I met him in Ritzville. Still on my tabletop are copies of some of his work, I am still looking at them from time to time in my quiet moments.

    If this is he, he is very well spoken, can tend to dominate a conversation, needs to be right a lot, and REALLY knows his Bible. I remember well the discussion of the 'back-room secret trial' of Jesus and just how much that resembles the 3-man JC's of today.

    Something else he talked about: about how the men who did the 'judging among yourselves' in the first century doesn't come close to the men who do the 'judging' among us today. They had 'gifts in men'; prophecy, tongues, and other gifts. Today these individuals have nothing like that, who are they to judge. It was a very moving portrayal and a good look back into a distant past, where events two-thousand years ago are still unfolding today.

    Ahh Ritzville..the trial that changed my life...

    Chris, wherever you are, be warm and well-fed my darling. I hope your car is running okay.

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Dungbeetle - this is the same Chris that you met in Ritzville. He has a different car, the one he had in Ritzville was his work car - gets great gas mileage. Can't believe the one he drove to Ritzville got him there and back to the northland.

    Mrs R

  • dungbeetle
    SHUNNED FATHER NEEDS HELP Mar 26, 2002 18:31

    I received this request for help via email ... I'm sure many will be aware of the recent events in Calgary that have been discussed on the forum:

    It is important that interested persons receive my P.O. Box number and how they can send donations if they wish to help out in paying my huge legal bills. Even words of encouragement would be much appreciated.

    Mail can be sent to:

    P.O. Box 20161
    Calgary Place R.P.O.
    Calgary, Alberta T2P 4J2

    Donations can be sent to a trust fund set up by fellow employees to
    help pay my legal expenses. Cheques can be made payable to:

    Alberta Treasury Branch
    Account number 07109 219 1182412 01

    His name is Lawrence Hughes and I can't remember his email.

    Lawrence Hughes is an intervenor in this case and he is supporting Child Welfare's case that the daughter is not old enough to make her own decisions and that the Province (like State) must decide on the girl's treatment. B.H. is the daughter who is arguing that she is an adult and not a minor and she wants to make her own decisions - such as not receiving a life saving blood transfusion. Of course in the background, telling the young girl and her mother and other sister what to say and paying for her legal fees is the Watchtower (or as I would like to call them the ________).

    Below my name is the update from the Supreme Court of Canada as to what has gone on in the case. You can access this yourself by going to this url -;start=HS_scc_case?lang=0 and typing in the case number "29174". Then in the next window click on the underlined case number that shows up (29174)

    Sadly the Watchtower has started another custody trial against the Alberta Children Services with Lawrence's daughter. This is trial number 2 and will start on June 17, 2002. According to Lawrence, the Director and Lawyer of Children Services do not want to spend money on this second case. Why? Well according to Lawrence, they are involved in another separate lawsuit that the WTS has launched against them over another little baby receiving a blood transfusion. It has scared the Director of Children Services to the point that the Alberta Children Services is only calling 1 Witness in Trial 2 involving Lawrence's daughter.

    Just as sadly, Lawrence had gathered a lot of evidence he wanted called by the Children Services but they refuse to help.

    Further (can it get any sadder?) Lawrence has paid his lawyer, Mr. Robert Calvert $8,000 of his $80,000 dollar bill. Mr. Calvert REFUSES to do any more work for Lawrence until he get paid!!!!! So Lawrence is going to be on his own without legal representation - a dangerous thing to have when we're talking the life of his daughter is in the balance

    ...Mr. Robert Calvert, Lawrence's lawyer, a piece of your mind - please Email him at [email protected] . While you are at it, why not contact the Alberta's Children Services lawyer, Beverly Bauer, doing the second trial at 403-297-3360 and ask why the hell her Director and her are only calling one witness in a case that risks a young girl's life!!!!

    I have a call into Carol Harington at the Canadian Press over this as well.

  • Scully
    I heard that the trial is continuing in ottawa. Can someone verify or deny this? Thanks.


    I'll see what I can find out. I'm presently at work, but I'll check in the morning when I get home.

    Love, Scully

  • Flip

    Thanks again for the info beetle'...I must say, you appear to be one unconditionally accommodating individual!


  • Mimilly

    Geez this pisses me off. This lawyer KNEW when he got involved that it was going to be like this. It's one of the key things the WTS does to 'win' their cases. It's no different than taking on insurance companies or the government. Big business vs. ordinary citizen. I will definitely be writing this lawyer. Is there a phone number where he can be reached? (the lawyer).

    I cannot help financially at this point in time, but I WILL lend my voice in support of the father and to the father involved.


  • Simon

    I'm sorry, but I think what you are asking people to to is totally irresponsible. Annoying someone like Mr Calvert who is on the fathers side and has already done a great deal to help is not the way to help.

    Ring ring child services, ring the press, ring anyone you think can help that isn't but DONT HARRASS THE PEOPLE WHO ARE !

    Edited by - Simon on 19 June 2002 8:6:2

  • Mimilly

    Simon - I would never be disrespectful, either via email or phone. I do not however, think it is fair that he not see the dad to the end of this. I will keep it to an email, as I agree that calling would be pestering.


  • Pathofthorns

    I agree with Simon that it might be too hasty to make assumptions regarding the lawyer representing Mr. Hughes. From what someone had posted earlier on the board it left the impression that he was in fact continuing to assist Mr. Hughes and had done substancial work at no cost. He seemed quite irritated at the implication that he was abandoning his client.

    I find the list of witnesses for the defence absolutely facinating (especially Greg Stafford). It would be nice to see the WT have to pay for Mr. Hughes legal costs and for the WT's blood policy and those who are propping it up to be exposed.


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