Online love

by StinkyPantz 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe
    even over the Internet, love is a possibility, for true love has no boundaries.
    here; it's great having the jw experience in common

    It is of my opinion that the outside would will never quite undertand us, period. WE are the outcasts, and we understand each other, regardless if we agree upon everything.

    Joanna - agreed



    Edited by - MrMoe on 20 June 2002 10:26:2

  • joannadandy

    Moe, I have ALWAYS thought that...

    Trying to explain to someone how you used to be a Dub is impossible! They never get it, and they never understand what it's really like no matter how sympathetic they may think they are

  • MrMoe 2
    MrMoe 2

    Joanna -- HUGS -- Where do you live in the USA anyhow?

  • joannadandy

    I am in Minnesota

  • MrMoe 2
    MrMoe 2

    Oh... that is far away from Florida which sucks cause I think I would enjoying hanging out with you... If you ever wanna take a trip to Florida, be sure to let me know!



  • SYN
    It is of my opinion that the outside would will never quite undertand us, period. WE are the outcasts, and we understand each other, regardless if we agree upon everything.

    Yeah, love amongst XJWs can be very intense indeed. Sharing that unique background with somebody is so rare that it is precious to me. When you tell people about your past and how you were, they simply don't understand. Unless they're XJW themselves, that is! Then the bond between you can become very strong indeed...

  • Soledad

    I married my online sweetheart on October 5, 2000. Still happily married

  • MissyMoesGhost
  • joannadandy

    Actually Moe, my sis lives in Florida, I get down there at least once a year, sometimes more...:D Maybe we'll have to go out sometime...

  • Solace

    I believe it is possible.

    A very shy friend of mine met her husband online. They now have three children and are very happy. I think you have to be careful because people could be dishonest. On the other hand, some people may be able to open up more since they arent face to face with someone. It may help take the edge off if you chat before actually meeting.

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