I'm an English man in my early 40s, was brought up as a JW, got baptized when I was in my teens, and married in my early 20s. I have two sons and two daughters ranging from 6 years of age to 18.
Although my wife associates with one of the local congregations of JWs, I no longer attend or participate in JW activities. The reason for this is that the enquiring mind coupled with the courage to be different for the sake of truth which the organisation encouraged led me to finally realise that things are not always what they seem.
On the one hand, it is regarded as brave and noble if say a Catholic questions his/her religion and takes the brunt of clerical disapproval, yet on the other hand it is seen as arrogant and disloyal if a JW does the same with his/her religion! To me loyalty and humility are an essential part of peaceful and happy living, yet experience has taught me that there are those who take advantage of people who have positive qualities. There comes a point at which we have to ask ourselves, 'Does this person/people deserve my loyalty?' and 'Is my humility being used as a device to control me?'
It is not without good reason that Jeremiah said, 'I know, Yahweh, no one's course is in his control, nor is it in anyone's power, as he goes his way, to guide his own steps.' (Jeremiah 10:23 - NJB) If each individual has difficulty guiding his/her own steps then how much more so the steps of other human beings? The tendency for imperfect humans to try to control others should authority come their way was pointed out by Jesus Christ himself:
'Among the gentiles it is the kings who lord it over them, and those who have authority over them are given the title Benefactor. With you this must not happen. No; the greatest among you must behave as if he were the youngest, the leader as if he were the one who serves. For who is the greater: the one at table or the one who serves? The one at table surely? Yet here am I among you as one who serves!' (Luke 22:25-27 - NJB)
Many times have I over the years made excuses for the organisation based on wanting to be 'loyal', but eventually I ran out of ways in which I could justify the way the organisation operates and its self-evident conflicts with the teachings and manner of Christ. It is most interesting to contrast the way in which the organisation defines spirituality and worship, with what James wrote:
'Nobody who fails to keep a tight reign on the tongue can claim to be religious; this is mere self-deception; that person's religion is worthless. Pure, unspoilt religion, in the eyes of God our Father, is this; coming to the help of orphans and widows in their hardships, and keeping oneself uncontaminated by the world.' (James 1:26 & 27)
The poor and needy were so important to Jesus that he used monies out of the common purse to care for the physical needs of such people (cp John 12:4-8, 13:29). In the book of Acts (4:34) we are told that among the believers 'none of their members was ever in want' because money was available from the sale of land and other property. No mention is made of clubbing together to buy land and build places of worship, this is because Jesus never told them to do so - it was unnecessary to the early Christians who were content to meet in each others homes for spiritual fellowship.
I sincerely believe that Charles Russell started out with very good intentions, and in the process of careful Bible study came across spiritual gems that would challenge the religious status quo. That is why I still agree with many beliefs held by JWs in common. To me, these beliefs have convincing arguments and have been further backed up by my own private research using non-JW literature. However, I have come to the conclusion that something very bad happened towards the end of Russell's life akin to the parable of the 'darnel' (Matthew 13:36-43). I believe Russell's good work (errors not withstanding) was highjacked and came into the possession and control of a burdensome authority structure under which it became very difficult to live and worship.
It has taken an extremely long time, but the seams of the organisation are started to split. Since the organisation is confident in applying the term 'Bethel' (Hebrew: house of God) to its many centres of control, it should not feel it unfair if it is first in line for accountability since judgement is 'to begin at the household of God' (1 Peter 4:17). JWs would be wise to see that the troubles coming upon the organisation are not attacks by the Devil, but could well be judgements from God himself, for eventually He catches up with those who by their deeds mock or make Him look like a fool (Galatians 5:7). Remember Edom? (Jeremiah 49:10).
Judgement Starts At The House Of God
by NewWay 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mister Biggs
Thank you for the post and welcome to the Board!
Thanks Mr B!
Welcome NewWay!
Great to have you here.
...the seams of the organisation are started to split. Since the organisation is confident in applying the term 'Bethel' (Hebrew: house of God) to its many centres of control, it should not feel it unfair if it is first in line for accountability since judgement is 'to begin at the household of God' (1 Peter 4:17). JWs would be wise to see that the troubles coming upon the organisation are not attacks by the Devil, but could well be judgements from God himself, for eventually He catches up with those who by their deeds mock or make Him look like a fool (Galatians 5:7). Remember Edom? (Jeremiah 49:10).
Ohh, how very true your words are.
Check out the following comments made recently in "Bible Research" with regards to the JW Organization facing impending "judgment as the House of God". Here is a partial quote:
"...These words of Jesus have proven quite true for us today. This is because, Jehovah's Witnesses, with all of her unrighteousness, continues to "fit the bill" of the prophetic description given of her centuries ago, as modern day "Israel" of Bible prophecy. We have the "convincing evidence" of her guilt right before us, just as the "God of the inspired utterances of the prophets" said centuries ago. (Revelation 22:6)"
Here is the link:
Your comments above are well-chosen and very insightful. Looking forward to more of the same.
Edited by - bjc2012 on 19 June 2002 10:53:29
WELCOME! Love your profile pic.
(It's nice to 'see' you too, BJC. How ya doin, gal?)
This is a well thought out post.
A couple of years ago I would have agreed with you. Now, I can honestly say I in NO WAY believe the JWS to be representative of God on earth.
Hi NewWay! Nice post! You hit the button for sure!
Thanks for your kind words.
bjc2012, I will be looking at the thread you mentioned - the trouble is I am new here and trying to read as many threads as possible!
LDH, the lionface was chosen because it seems to sum up my disposition, weathered with time and experience, relaxed but ever watchful, enjoy solitary moments to meditate, and generally quiet but will roar if necessary! I like your profile too (don't go reading anything into that will you!).
Sorry, forgot to mention that I don't believe JWs are God's appointed spokespersons, although they like to think so. The scriptures actually point out that Christians are led by God's Spirit, and it is on an individual footing that each sheep will interact with the 'Good Shepherd'.
((((((((((((((( NW )))))))))))) and welcome to the board.
To LDH: I'm doing great. Good to hear from you!
To: NewWay
JWs would be wise to see that the troubles coming upon the organisation are not attacks by the Devil, but could well be judgements from God himself, for eventually He catches up with those who by their deeds mock or make Him look like a fool (Galatians 5:7). Remember Edom? (Jeremiah 49:10).
Your viewpoint implies much I feel. By saying the above, you've brought God into the picture stating He will take some particular "action" against JWs as a people. I agree with this viewpoint. But many will not.
You'll find that there are basically two schools of thought on this viewpoint among us:
(1) One that advocates Divine Retribution and Divine accountability for the WTS' (& JWs) actions, policies and practices. Jehovah pays back.
(2) And one that says that God is simply NOT in the picture at all. Thus Jehovah's Witnesses are just another cult among many in this world who cause much harm. Live with it, be happy you found out and make the best of the rest of your life.
You will find, the vast majority here are of the latter viewpoint. A very small number are of the first opinion. And most of these are mostly puzzled by what they see, and mute since they can't explain it. I'm of the first school of thought too. But I've studied the issues for 11 years or more and even before. (I've had a few years to think about this thing, since I've been a JW since the early '50s.) Being a JW for over 50 years, I feel, entitles me to be a little more opinionated than most. LOL!
My opinion: I believe one cannot speak of God's "wrath" upon anyone without their first being a "tie-in" of some kind with God in the first place. This exists usually in the form of a "law" given, or mutual contract or "covenant" between the two, before God begins to "charge" sin against some one. I believe the following Bible verses support such a viewpoint.
Romans 4:15 :: New International Version (NIV) Romans 4
15 because law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression.Romans 5:13 :: New International Version (NIV) Romans 5
13 for before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not taken into account when there is no law.Therefore, based upon the above Bible texts and principles laid out by Paul, when we say God is going to take some specific action against someone, or a particular group of people, whether we realize or not we are automatically implying some previous relationship, some mutual understanding or meeting of the minds between God and the violator. We are saying God has a special "interest" in these people, whoever they are. This would be a "catch 22" for many here, since they simply can't for the life of themselves believe such a thing is possible. Especially with all of the hoodwicking, trickery, treachery and butchery going on, in the Name of God. (Of course the prophets of old saw this constantly among fellow believers. People in a "covenant" relationship with God.) This is hard to stomach.
But at the same time, many here just don't like the idea of the WTS getting away with all the "dirt" that they have done either. They would love to believe God is going to completely destroy the JW organization totally and obliterate them from the earth for all time. But to say this, means JWs must have first had some "covenant" arrangement with God, for Him to take such a personal interest in these affairs. He must personally be offended by their actions. Most feel that the WTS/JWs just couldn't qualify for such a distinction. Its just too great an honor, for these scoundrels.
I personally believe Jehovah's Witnesses achieved this status with God, in 1931 when they voluntarily took His Name upon themselves by sworn oath, and agreed to uphold the "sanctity" of that Name. Thus establishing a covenant arrangement with God. Now from that day forward, their conduct be it good or bad, would reflect either favorably or unfavorably upon that Name, and upon that particular "covenant" agreement made with God back in 1931. And naturally, if they should continue on a course of sin, they would eventually have to come "face-to-face" with God for their actions in "judgment" for any reproach heaped upon His Name, forcing God to hold them accountable. Why? Its all because of the "Name". -- Please see Ezekiel 20:9, 14, 22, 35-38, 44; Ezekiel 36:20-23; Ezekiel 39:27 (see footnote NWT large print); Romans 2:24; 1 Timothy 6:1
Regardless of which way you see the issues discussed here, we are glad you are here! Welcome, welcome aboard.