what has most influence on JW's?

by sleepy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    What or who , do you believe has the most influence on how Jw's lead their lives?

    Is it the watchtower mags, meetings, circuit overseers , governing body,peers,or something else?

    I was trying to think about what most influenced me and I think it is the group pressure we recieve in the org that pushes us most to do things.

  • openminded

    Mental illness

  • teenyuck

    The borg

  • Gopher


    I agree with you that PEER PRESSURE seems to be the motivating factor in the lives of JW's. Since nobody can perfectly live up to what it describes in the WT magazine and literature anyway, what matters most is the prevailing norm in your local area as to "what extent" and "what understanding" of the Society's direction will be actually enforced there.

    There isn't unity among JW's as a whole, but they do tend to have some uniformity at the local level, and that is due to peer pressure.

  • SpiceItUp

    I think its the consequences they think they will get if they dont....aka ... Armageddon.

  • butalbee

    Fear of God

  • MrMoe

    Fear period -- either of thier God, the Elders, thier parents, loved ones and fellow congregation members or the final judgement day. It is all based upon fear engrained into thier brainwashed minds.


  • Xander

    Definately not fear of god - if so, they wouldn't behave out of sorts when they are outside of the view of the congregation.

    Not saying 'fear of god' isn't a factor. It IS, after all, what gets them all like frightened little mice scurrying back to confess their sins.

    It just isn't a day to day factor - their 'fear of god' is so minor it needs to be instilled regularly w/ CO visits, circuit assemblies, etc.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    peer pressure, without a doubt.

    if you don't show up to a meeting. even if you're in traction. that phone will be ringing off the hook, and your concerned brothers or sisters will be calling you to ask why you weren't there, and if you're "alright"... oh brother

  • joeshmoe

    perhaps fear of a distorted god is the best way to put it. Remember, the GB is basically god on earth, and I've seen enough people over the years tremble anytime one of them batted an eyelash. I don't care how genuine any of those men are in feeling they are god-appointed, the amount of power they wield over others is disgusting, they know it, and they continue.

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