JWs In Same Mess as First Century Christians

by IslandWoman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To my brothers in Christ, 5Shadows and Kes... and to all those who 'hear' what the Spirit says:

    Amen... and amen.

    May the undeserved kindness and MERCY of my God and your God, the Holy One of Israel, whose name IS JAH... of Armies... and the peace of HIS Christ and Son... our Lord and Master... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... you and your entire households... to time indefinite.

    I am your servant, as I am servant to ALL the House of that ONE... and a fellow slave of Christ... to time indefinite...


  • AGuest

    My dear brother in Christ, Sumit... may you have peace!

    I wanted to make a bit of a clarification to something you state in your post. Therein, you said "Believe in Jah-Eshua", which is a true and correct statement. To make it more discernable, however, I wish to add, if you will permit me, that such 'belief' must be an 'exercising' of faith. In other words, not simply believing, but putting such belief into practice. How so? By hearing the voice of the Master and OBEYING his 'command'. As our Father stated, "This is my Son; listen... to HIM!"

    On many occasions, however, folks do pretty heinous things... 'in the name of God'. How then, are we to know the 'voice' of Christ, know WHO it is that speaks to us, so that our acts do not bring reproach, but glorification of God and the One whom He sent forth? It is easy, really: ALL things that glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, are 'from' God, through Christ. And ALL of such things... are borne out of and based on... LOVE... the 'law' of the NEW Covenant.

    But what if some 'other' voice speaks to us, telling us to harm another... even to judge and/or condemn another, when we ourselves wish to be shown mercy and forgiveness? As our Lord himself said, "MY sheep... KNOW... my voice!" And this is true. For such voice is the voice of LOVE, of MERCY, of FORGIVENESS, of RELEASING... and of glorifying the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One whose name IS... JAH... of Armies. (Psalm 68:4).

    As always, dear one, I bid you peace!

    Your servant, sister and fellow slave of Christ, until time indefinite,


  • abbagail

    FiveShadows wrote: "Jah of Armies and Jah-Eshua do not wish for you to 'sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.' For It is written 'I want mercey NOT sacrifice' (Mt 12:7)."

    Greetings... I hear that alot, but (sincerely) what about Romans 12:11, "... Slave for Jehovah...." - ??

    FiveShadows, Kes152 & AGuest... I like what you people write.


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